
12 lines
609 B

# TMP116/7 temperature sensor
### 2x2 panel
Generate using [KiKit](
kikit panelize --layout 'grid; rows: 2; cols: 2; space: 2mm' --tabs 'fixed; hcount: 0' --cuts 'mousebites; drill: 0.5mm; spacing: 1mm; offset: -0.2mm; prolong: 2mm' --framing 'railstb; width: 5mm; space: 3mm' --text 'simple; text: JLCJLCJLCJLC; anchor: mt; voffset: 2.5mm; hjustify: center; vjustify: center' --post 'millradius: 1mm' temperature-sensor.kicad_pcb temperature-sensor-2x2.kicad_pcb
Afterwards, manually remove the pads of 3 of the 4 resistors per single board from the paste layer.