
277 lines
10 KiB

namespace Engelsystem;
use Engelsystem\Models\AngelType;
use Engelsystem\Models\Shifts\Shift;
use Engelsystem\Models\Shifts\ShiftEntry;
use Engelsystem\Models\Shifts\ShiftSignupStatus;
use Engelsystem\Models\User\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use function theme_type;
* Renders a single shift for the shift calendar
class ShiftCalendarShiftRenderer
* Renders a shift
* @param Shift $shift The shift to render
* @param array[] $needed_angeltypes
* @param ShiftEntry[]|Collection $shift_entries
* @param User $user The user who is viewing the shift calendar
* @return array
public function render(Shift $shift, $needed_angeltypes, $shift_entries, $user)
$info_text = '';
if ($shift->title != '') {
$info_text = icon('info-circle') . htmlspecialchars($shift->title) . '<br>';
list($shift_signup_state, $shifts_row) = $this->renderShiftNeededAngeltypes(
$class = $this->classForSignupState($shift_signup_state);
$blocks = ceil(($shift->end->timestamp - $shift->start->timestamp) / ShiftCalendarRenderer::SECONDS_PER_ROW);
$blocks = max(1, $blocks);
$room = $shift->room;
return [
'shift-card" style="height: '
. ($blocks * ShiftCalendarRenderer::BLOCK_HEIGHT - ShiftCalendarRenderer::MARGIN)
. 'px;',
'shift card bg-' . $class,
$this->renderShiftHead($shift, $class, $shift_signup_state->getFreeEntries()),
div('card-body ' . $this->classBg(), [
* @param ShiftSignupState $shiftSignupState
* @return string
private function classForSignupState(ShiftSignupState $shiftSignupState)
return match ($shiftSignupState->getState()) {
ShiftSignupStatus::ADMIN, ShiftSignupStatus::OCCUPIED => 'success',
ShiftSignupStatus::SIGNED_UP => 'primary',
ShiftSignupStatus::NOT_ARRIVED, ShiftSignupStatus::NOT_YET, ShiftSignupStatus::SHIFT_ENDED => 'secondary',
ShiftSignupStatus::ANGELTYPE, ShiftSignupStatus::COLLIDES => 'warning',
ShiftSignupStatus::FREE => 'danger',
default => 'light',
* @param Shift $shift
* @param array[] $needed_angeltypes
* @param ShiftEntry[]|Collection $shift_entries
* @param User $user
* @return array
private function renderShiftNeededAngeltypes(Shift $shift, $needed_angeltypes, $shift_entries, $user)
$shift_entries_filtered = [];
foreach ($needed_angeltypes as $needed_angeltype) {
$shift_entries_filtered[$needed_angeltype['id']] = [];
foreach ($shift_entries as $shift_entry) {
$shift_entries_filtered[$shift_entry->angel_type_id][] = $shift_entry;
$html = '';
/** @var ShiftSignupState $shift_signup_state */
$shift_signup_state = null;
foreach ($needed_angeltypes as $angeltype) {
if ($angeltype['count'] > 0 || count($shift_entries_filtered[$angeltype['id']]) > 0) {
list($angeltype_signup_state, $angeltype_html) = $this->renderShiftNeededAngeltype(
if (is_null($shift_signup_state)) {
$shift_signup_state = $angeltype_signup_state;
} else {
$html .= $angeltype_html;
if (is_null($shift_signup_state)) {
$shift_signup_state = new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::SHIFT_ENDED, 0);
if (auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) {
$html .= '<li class="list-group-item d-flex align-items-center ' . $this->classBg() . '">';
$html .= button(
icon('plus-lg') . __('Add more angels'),
$html .= '</li>';
if ($html != '') {
return [
'<ul class="list-group list-group-flush">' . $html . '</ul>',
return [
* Renders a list entry containing the needed angels for an angeltype
* @param Shift $shift The shift which is rendered
* @param ShiftEntry[]|Collection $shift_entries
* @param array $angeltype The angeltype, containing information about needed angeltypes
* and already signed up angels
* @param User $user The user who is viewing the shift calendar
* @return array
private function renderShiftNeededAngeltype(Shift $shift, $shift_entries, $angeltype, $user)
$angeltype = (new AngelType())->forceFill($angeltype);
$entry_list = [];
foreach ($shift_entries as $entry) {
$class = $entry->freeloaded ? 'text-decoration-line-through' : '';
$entry_list[] = '<span class="text-nowrap ' . $class . '">' . User_Nick_render($entry->user) . '</span>';
$shift_signup_state = Shift_signup_allowed(
$freeEntriesCount = $shift_signup_state->getFreeEntries();
$inner_text = _e('%d helper needed', '%d helpers needed', $freeEntriesCount, [$freeEntriesCount]);
$entry = match ($shift_signup_state->getState()) {
// When admin or free display a link + button for sign up
ShiftSignupStatus::ADMIN, ShiftSignupStatus::FREE =>
'<a class="me-1 text-nowrap" href="'
. shift_entry_create_link($shift, $angeltype)
. '">'
. $inner_text
. '</a> '
. button(
shift_entry_create_link($shift, $angeltype),
__('Sign up'),
'btn-sm btn-primary text-nowrap d-print-none'
// No link and add a text hint, when the shift ended
ShiftSignupStatus::SHIFT_ENDED => $inner_text . ' (' . __('ended') . ')',
// No link and add a text hint, when the shift ended
ShiftSignupStatus::NOT_ARRIVED => $inner_text . ' (' . __('please arrive for signup') . ')',
ShiftSignupStatus::NOT_YET => $inner_text . ' (' . __('not yet') . ')',
ShiftSignupStatus::ANGELTYPE => $angeltype->restricted
// User has to be confirmed on the angeltype first
? $inner_text . icon('mortarboard-fill')
// Add link to join the angeltype first
: $inner_text . '<br />'
. button(
page_link_to('user_angeltypes', ['action' => 'add', 'angeltype_id' => $angeltype->id]),
sprintf(__('Become %s'), htmlspecialchars($angeltype->name)),
// Shift collides or user is already signed up: No signup allowed
ShiftSignupStatus::COLLIDES, ShiftSignupStatus::SIGNED_UP => $inner_text,
// Shift is full
ShiftSignupStatus::OCCUPIED => null,
default => null,
if (!is_null($entry)) {
$entry_list[] = $entry;
$shifts_row = '<li class="list-group-item d-flex flex-wrap align-items-center ' . $this->classBg() . '">';
$shifts_row .= '<strong class="me-1">' . AngelType_name_render($angeltype) . ':</strong> ';
$shifts_row .= join(', ', $entry_list);
$shifts_row .= '</li>';
return [
* Return the corresponding bg class
* @return string
private function classBg(): string
if (theme_type() === 'light') {
return 'bg-white';
return 'bg-dark';
* Renders the shift header
* @param Shift $shift The shift
* @param string $class The shift state class
* @return string
private function renderShiftHead(Shift $shift, $class, $needed_angeltypes_count)
$header_buttons = '';
if (auth()->can('admin_shifts')) {
$header_buttons = '<div class="ms-auto d-print-none">' . table_buttons([
page_link_to('user_shifts', ['edit_shift' => $shift->id]),
'btn-' . $class . ' btn-sm border-light text-white'
page_link_to('user_shifts', ['delete_shift' => $shift->id]),
'btn-' . $class . ' btn-sm border-light text-white'
]) . '</div>';
$shift_heading = $shift->start->format('H:i') . ' &dash; '
. $shift->end->format('H:i') . ' &mdash; '
. htmlspecialchars($shift->shiftType->name);
if ($needed_angeltypes_count > 0) {
$shift_heading = '<span class="badge bg-light text-danger me-1">' . $needed_angeltypes_count . '</span> ' . $shift_heading;
return div('card-header d-flex align-items-center', [
'<a class="d-flex align-items-center text-white" href="' . shift_link($shift) . '">' . $shift_heading . '</a>',