414 lines
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414 lines
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namespace Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Engelsystem\Database\Database;
use Engelsystem\Models\EventConfig;
use Engelsystem\Models\Faq;
use Engelsystem\Models\LogEntry;
use Engelsystem\Models\Message;
use Engelsystem\Models\News;
use Engelsystem\Models\NewsComment;
use Engelsystem\Models\OAuth;
use Engelsystem\Models\Question;
use Engelsystem\Models\Room;
use Engelsystem\Models\Shifts\Shift;
use Engelsystem\Models\User\License;
use Engelsystem\Models\User\PasswordReset;
use Engelsystem\Models\User\PersonalData;
use Engelsystem\Models\User\Settings;
use Engelsystem\Models\User\State;
use Engelsystem\Models\User\User;
use Engelsystem\Models\Worklog;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Query\Builder as BuilderContract;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder as QueryBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression as QueryExpression;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
class Stats
public function __construct(protected Database $db)
* The number of not arrived users
* @param bool|null $working
public function arrivedUsers(bool $working = null): int
$query = State::whereArrived(true);
if (!is_null($working)) {
->leftJoin('worklogs', 'worklogs.user_id', '=', 'users_state.user_id')
->leftJoin('shift_entries', 'shift_entries.user_id', '=', 'users_state.user_id')
$query->where(function ($query) use ($working): void {
/** @var QueryBuilder $query */
if ($working) {
return $query->count('users_state.user_id');
* The number of not arrived users
public function newUsers(): int
return State::whereArrived(false)->count();
public function forceActiveUsers(): int
return State::whereForceActive(true)->count();
public function usersPronouns(): int
return PersonalData::where('pronoun', '!=', '')->count();
public function email(string $type): int
return match ($type) {
'system' => Settings::whereEmailShiftinfo(true)->count(),
'humans' => Settings::whereEmailHuman(true)->count(),
'goody' => Settings::whereEmailGoody(true)->count(),
'news' => Settings::whereEmailNews(true)->count(),
default => 0,
* The number of currently working users
* @param bool|null $freeloaded
public function currentlyWorkingUsers(bool $freeloaded = null): int
$query = User::query()
->join('shift_entries', 'shift_entries.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->join('shifts', 'shifts.id', '=', 'shift_entries.shift_id')
->where('shifts.start', '<=', Carbon::now())
->where('shifts.end', '>', Carbon::now());
if (!is_null($freeloaded)) {
$query->where('shift_entries.freeloaded', '=', $freeloaded);
return $query->count();
protected function vouchersQuery(): Builder
return State::query();
public function vouchers(): int
return (int) $this->vouchersQuery()->sum('got_voucher');
public function vouchersBuckets(array $buckets): array
$return = [];
foreach ($buckets as $bucket) {
$query = $this->vouchersQuery();
if ($bucket !== '+Inf') {
$query->where('got_voucher', '<=', $bucket);
$return[$bucket] = $query->count('got_voucher');
return $return;
public function tshirts(): int
return State::whereGotShirt(true)->count();
public function tshirtSizes(): Collection
return PersonalData::query()
->select(['shirt_size', $this->raw('COUNT(shirt_size) AS count')])
public function languages(): Collection
return Settings::query()
->select(['language', $this->raw('COUNT(language) AS count')])
public function themes(): Collection
return Settings::query()
->select(['theme', $this->raw('COUNT(theme) AS count')])
* @param string|null $vehicle
public function licenses(string $vehicle): int
$mapping = [
'has_car' => 'has_car',
'forklift' => 'drive_forklift',
'car' => 'drive_car',
'3.5t' => 'drive_3_5t',
'7.5t' => 'drive_7_5t',
'12t' => 'drive_12t',
$query = (new License())
->where($mapping[$vehicle], true);
return $query->count();
* @param bool|null $done
* @param bool|null $freeloaded
* @codeCoverageIgnore because it is only used in functions that use TIMESTAMPDIFF
protected function workSecondsQuery(bool $done = null, bool $freeloaded = null): QueryBuilder
$query = $this
->join('shifts', 'shifts.id', '=', 'shift_entries.shift_id');
if (!is_null($freeloaded)) {
$query->where('freeloaded', '=', $freeloaded);
if (!is_null($done)) {
$query->where('end', ($done ? '<' : '>='), Carbon::now());
return $query;
* The amount of worked seconds
* @param bool|null $done
* @param bool|null $freeloaded
* @codeCoverageIgnore as TIMESTAMPDIFF is not implemented in SQLite
public function workSeconds(bool $done = null, bool $freeloaded = null): int
$query = $this->workSecondsQuery($done, $freeloaded);
return (int) $query->sum($this->raw('TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, start, end) * 60'));
* The number of worked shifts
* @param bool|null $done
* @param bool|null $freeloaded
* @codeCoverageIgnore as TIMESTAMPDIFF is not implemented in SQLite
public function workBuckets(array $buckets, bool $done = null, bool $freeloaded = null): array
return $this->getBuckets(
$this->workSecondsQuery($done, $freeloaded),
'SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, start, end) * 60)',
'SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, start, end) * 60)'
protected function getBuckets(
array $buckets,
BuilderContract $basicQuery,
string $groupBy,
string $having,
string $count
): array {
$return = [];
foreach ($buckets as $bucket) {
$query = clone $basicQuery;
if ($bucket !== '+Inf') {
$query->having($this->raw($having), '<=', $bucket);
$return[$bucket] = count($query->get($this->raw($count)));
return $return;
public function worklogSeconds(): int
return (int) Worklog::query()
->sum($this->raw('hours * 60 * 60'));
public function worklogBuckets(array $buckets): array
return $this->getBuckets(
'SUM(hours * 60 * 60)',
'SUM(hours * 60 * 60)'
public function rooms(): int
return Room::query()
public function shifts(): int
return Shift::count();
* @param bool|null $meeting
public function announcements(bool $meeting = null): int
$query = is_null($meeting) ? News::query() : News::whereIsMeeting($meeting);
return $query->count();
public function comments(): int
return NewsComment::query()
* @param bool|null $answered
public function questions(bool $answered = null): int
$query = Question::query();
if (!is_null($answered)) {
if ($answered) {
} else {
return $query->count();
public function faq(): int
return Faq::query()->count();
public function messages(): int
return Message::query()->count();
public function sessions(): int
return $this
public function oauth(): Collection
return OAuth::query()
->select(['provider', $this->raw('COUNT(provider) AS count')])
public function databaseRead(): float
$start = microtime(true);
(new EventConfig())->findOrNew('last_metrics');
return microtime(true) - $start;
public function databaseWrite(): float
$config = (new EventConfig())->findOrNew('last_metrics');
->setAttribute('name', 'last_metrics')
->setAttribute('value', new Carbon());
$start = microtime(true);
return microtime(true) - $start;
* @param string|null $level
public function logEntries(string $level = null): int
$query = is_null($level) ? LogEntry::query() : LogEntry::whereLevel($level);
return $query->count();
public function passwordResets(): int
return PasswordReset::query()->count();
protected function getQuery(string $table): QueryBuilder
return $this->db
protected function raw(mixed $value): QueryExpression
return $this->db->getConnection()->raw($value);