607 lines
28 KiB
607 lines
28 KiB
function user_shifts() {
global $user, $privileges;
// Löschen einzelner Schicht-Einträge (Also Belegung einer Schicht von Engeln) durch Admins
if (isset ($_REQUEST['entry_id']) && in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
if (isset ($_REQUEST['entry_id']) && test_request_int('entry_id'))
$entry_id = $_REQUEST['entry_id'];
$shift_entry_source = sql_select("SELECT `User`.`Nick`, `ShiftEntry`.`Comment`, `ShiftEntry`.`UID`, `Shifts`.*, `Room`.`Name`, `AngelTypes`.`name` as `angel_type` FROM `ShiftEntry` JOIN `User` ON (`User`.`UID`=`ShiftEntry`.`UID`) JOIN `AngelTypes` ON (`ShiftEntry`.`TID` = `AngelTypes`.`id`) JOIN `Shifts` ON (`ShiftEntry`.`SID` = `Shifts`.`SID`) JOIN `Room` ON (`Shifts`.`RID` = `Room`.`RID`) WHERE `ShiftEntry`.`id`=" . sql_escape($entry_id) . " LIMIT 1");
if(count($shift_entry_source) > 0) {
$shift_entry_source = $shift_entry_source[0];
sql_query("DELETE FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `id`=" . sql_escape($entry_id) . " LIMIT 1");
engelsystem_log("Deleted " . $shift_entry_source['Nick'] . "'s shift: " . $shift_entry_source['name'] . " at " . $shift_entry_source['Name'] . " from " . date("y-m-d H:i", $shift_entry_source['start']) . " to " . date("y-m-d H:i", $shift_entry_source['end']) . " as " . $shift_entry_source['angel_type']);
success("Der Schicht-Eintrag wurde gelöscht.");
else error("Entry not found.");
// Schicht bearbeiten
elseif (isset ($_REQUEST['edit_shift']) && in_array('admin_shifts', $privileges)) {
$msg = "";
$ok = true;
if (isset ($_REQUEST['edit_shift']) && test_request_int('edit_shift'))
$shift_id = $_REQUEST['edit_shift'];
if (sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . " LIMIT 1") > 0) {
error("Du kannst nur Schichten bearbeiten, bei denen niemand eingetragen ist.");
$shift = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` JOIN `Room` ON (`Shifts`.`RID` = `Room`.`RID`) WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . " LIMIT 1");
if (count($shift) == 0)
$shift = $shift[0];
// Locations laden
$rooms = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Room` WHERE `show`='Y' ORDER BY `Name`");
$room_array = array ();
foreach ($rooms as $room)
$room_array[$room['RID']] = $room['Name'];
// Engeltypen laden
$types = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `name`");
$angel_types = array();
$needed_angel_types = array ();
foreach ($types as $type) {
$angel_types[$type['id']] = $type;
$needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = 0;
// Benötigte Engeltypen vom Raum
$needed_angel_types_source = sql_select("SELECT `AngelTypes`.*, `NeededAngelTypes`.`count` FROM `AngelTypes` LEFT JOIN `NeededAngelTypes` ON (`NeededAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id` = `AngelTypes`.`id` AND `NeededAngelTypes`.`room_id`=" . sql_escape($shift['RID']) . ") ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`name`");
foreach ($needed_angel_types_source as $type) {
if($type['count'] != "")
$needed_angel_types[$type['id']] =$type['count'];
// Benötigte Engeltypen von der Schicht
$needed_angel_types_source = sql_select("SELECT `AngelTypes`.*, `NeededAngelTypes`.`count` FROM `AngelTypes` LEFT JOIN `NeededAngelTypes` ON (`NeededAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id` = `AngelTypes`.`id` AND `NeededAngelTypes`.`shift_id`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . ") ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`name`");
foreach ($needed_angel_types_source as $type){
if($type['count'] != "")
$needed_angel_types[$type['id']] =$type['count'];
$name = $shift['name'];
$rid = $shift['RID'];
$start = $shift['start'];
$end = $shift['end'];
if (isset ($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
// Name/Bezeichnung der Schicht, darf leer sein
$name = strip_request_item('name');
// Auswahl der sichtbaren Locations für die Schichten
if (isset ($_REQUEST['rid']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_REQUEST['rid']) && isset ($room_array[$_REQUEST['rid']]))
$rid = $_REQUEST['rid'];
else {
$ok = false;
$rid = $rooms[0]['RID'];
$msg .= error("Wähle bitte einen Raum aus.", true);
if (isset ($_REQUEST['start']) && $tmp = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", trim($_REQUEST['start'])))
$start = $tmp->getTimestamp();
else {
$ok = false;
$msg .= error("Bitte gib einen Startzeitpunkt für die Schichten an.", true);
if (isset ($_REQUEST['end']) && $tmp = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", trim($_REQUEST['end'])))
$end = $tmp->getTimestamp();
else {
$ok = false;
$msg .= error("Bitte gib einen Endzeitpunkt für die Schichten an.", true);
if ($start >= $end) {
$ok = false;
$msg .= error("Das Ende muss nach dem Startzeitpunkt liegen!", true);
foreach ($needed_angel_types_source as $type) {
if (isset ($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", trim($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]))) {
$needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = trim($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]);
} else {
$ok = false;
$msg .= error("Bitte überprüfe die Eingaben für die benötigten Engel des Typs " . $type['name'] . ".", true);
if ($ok) {
sql_query("UPDATE `Shifts` SET `start`=" . sql_escape($start) . ", `end`=" . sql_escape($end) . ", `RID`=" . sql_escape($rid) . ", `name`='" . sql_escape($name) . "' WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . " LIMIT 1");
sql_query("DELETE FROM `NeededAngelTypes` WHERE `shift_id`=" . sql_escape($shift_id));
$needed_angel_types_info = array();
foreach ($needed_angel_types as $type_id => $count) {
sql_query("INSERT INTO `NeededAngelTypes` SET `shift_id`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . ", `angel_type_id`=" . sql_escape($type_id) . ", `count`=" . sql_escape($count));
$needed_angel_types_info[] = $angel_types[$type_id];
engelsystem_log("Updated shift " . $name . " from " . date("y-m-d H:i", $start) . " to " . date("y-m-d H:i", $end) . " with angel types " . join(", ", $needed_angel_types_info));
success("Schicht gespeichert.");
$room_select = html_select_key('rid', 'rid', $room_array, $rid);
$angel_types = "";
foreach ($types as $type) {
$angel_types .= template_render('../templates/admin_shifts_angel_types.html', array (
'id' => $type['id'],
'type' => $type['name'],
'value' => $needed_angel_types[$type['id']]
return template_render('../templates/user_shifts_edit.html', array (
'msg' => $msg,
'name' => $name,
'room_select' => $room_select,
'start' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $start),
'end' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $end),
'angel_types' => $angel_types
// Schicht komplett löschen (nur für admins/user mit user_shifts_admin privileg)
elseif (isset ($_REQUEST['delete_shift']) && in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
if (isset ($_REQUEST['delete_shift']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['delete_shift']))
$shift_id = $_REQUEST['delete_shift'];
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
$shift = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` JOIN `Room` ON (`Shifts`.`RID` = `Room`.`RID`) WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . " LIMIT 1");
if (count($shift) == 0)
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
$shift = $shift[0];
// Schicht löschen bestätigt
if (isset ($_REQUEST['delete'])) {
sql_query("DELETE FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id));
sql_query("DELETE FROM `NeededAngelTypes` WHERE `shift_id`=" . sql_escape($shift_id));
sql_query("DELETE FROM `Shifts` WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . " LIMIT 1");
engelsystem_log("Deleted shift " . $shift['name'] . " from " . date("y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']) . " to " . date("y-m-d H:i", $shift['end']));
success("Die Schicht wurde gelöscht.");
return template_render('../templates/user_shifts_admin_delete.html', array (
'name' => $shift['name'],
'start' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']),
'end' => date("H:i", $shift['end']),
'id' => $shift_id
elseif (isset ($_REQUEST['shift_id'])) {
if (isset ($_REQUEST['shift_id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['shift_id']))
$shift_id = $_REQUEST['shift_id'];
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
$shift = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` JOIN `Room` ON (`Shifts`.`RID` = `Room`.`RID`) WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . " LIMIT 1");
if (count($shift) == 0)
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
$shift = $shift[0];
if (isset ($_REQUEST['type_id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['type_id']))
$type_id = $_REQUEST['type_id'];
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
// Schicht läuft schon, Eintragen für Engel nicht mehr möglich
if(!in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges) && time() > $shift['start']) {
error("Diese Schicht läuft gerade oder ist bereits vorbei. Bitte kontaktiere den Schichtkoordinator um Dich eintragen zu lassen.");
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges))
$type = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` WHERE `id`=" . sql_escape($type_id) . " LIMIT 1");
$type = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `UserAngelTypes` JOIN `AngelTypes` ON (`UserAngelTypes`.`angeltype_id` = `AngelTypes`.`id`) WHERE `AngelTypes`.`id` = " . sql_escape($type_id) . " AND `UserAngelTypes`.`user_id` = " . sql_escape($user['UID']) . " AND (`AngelTypes`.`restricted` = 0 OR NOT `UserAngelTypes`.`confirm_user_id` IS NULL) LIMIT 1");
if (count($type) == 0)
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
$type = $type[0];
if (isset ($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
$selected_type_id = $type_id;
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
if (isset ($_REQUEST['user_id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['user_id']))
$user_id = $_REQUEST['user_id'];
$user_id = $user['UID'];
if (sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `UID`=" . sql_escape($user_id) . " LIMIT 1") == 0)
if (isset ($_REQUEST['angeltype_id']) && test_request_int('angeltype_id') && sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` WHERE `id`=" . sql_escape($_REQUEST['angeltype_id']) . " LIMIT 1") > 0)
$selected_type_id = $_REQUEST['angeltype_id'];
} else
$user_id = $user['UID'];
// TODO: Kollisionserkennung, andere Schichten zur gleichen Uhrzeit darf der Engel auch nicht belegt haben...
$entries = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']));
foreach ($entries as $entry)
if ($entry['UID'] == $user_id)
return error("This angel does already have an entry for this shift.", true);
$comment = strip_request_item_nl('comment');
sql_query("INSERT INTO `ShiftEntry` SET `Comment`='" . sql_escape($comment) . "', `UID`=" . sql_escape($user_id) . ", `TID`=" . sql_escape($selected_type_id) . ", `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id));
$user_source = User($user_id);
engelsystem_log("User " . $user_source['Nick'] . " signed up for shift " . $shift['name'] . " from " . date("y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']) . " to " . date("y-m-d H:i", $shift['end']));
success("Du bist eingetragen. Danke!" . ' <a href="' . page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '">Meine Schichten »</a>');
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$users = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `User` ORDER BY `Nick`");
$users_select = array ();
foreach ($users as $usr)
$users_select[$usr['UID']] = $usr['Nick'];
$user_text = html_select_key('user_id', 'user_id', $users_select, $user['UID']);
$angeltypes_source = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `name`");
$angeltypes = array ();
foreach ($angeltypes_source as $angeltype)
$angeltypes[$angeltype['id']] = $angeltype['name'];
$angeltyppe_select = html_select_key('angeltype_id', 'angeltype_id', $angeltypes, $type['id']);
} else {
$user_text = $user['Nick'];
$angeltyppe_select = $type['name'];
return template_render('../templates/user_shifts_add.html', array (
//'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']) . ', ' . date("H:i", $shift['end'] - $shift['start']) . 'h',
'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']) . ', ' . shift_length($shift),
'title' => $shift['name'],
'location' => $shift['Name'],
'angel' => $user_text,
'type' => $angeltyppe_select,
'comment' => ""
} else {
return view_user_shifts();
function view_user_shifts() {
global $user, $privileges;
global $ical_shifts;
$ical_shifts = array ();
$days = sql_select("SELECT DISTINCT DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(`start`)) AS `id`, DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(`start`)) AS `name` FROM `Shifts` ORDER BY `start`");
$rooms = sql_select("SELECT `RID` AS `id`, `Name` AS `name` FROM `Room` WHERE `show`='Y' ORDER BY `Name`");
if (in_array('admin_shifts', $privileges))
$types = sql_select("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`name`");
$types = sql_select("SELECT `AngelTypes`.`id`, `AngelTypes`.`name` FROM `UserAngelTypes` JOIN `AngelTypes` ON (`UserAngelTypes`.`angeltype_id` = `AngelTypes`.`id`) WHERE `UserAngelTypes`.`user_id` = " . sql_escape($user['UID']) . " AND (`AngelTypes`.`restricted` = 0 OR NOT `UserAngelTypes`.`confirm_user_id` IS NULL) ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`name`");
if (empty($types))
$types = sql_select("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `AngelTypes` WHERE `restricted` = 0");
$filled = array (
array (
'id' => '1',
'name' => Get_Text('occupied')
array (
'id' => '0',
'name' => Get_Text('free')
if (!isset ($_SESSION['user_shifts']))
$_SESSION['user_shifts'] = array ();
if (!isset ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled'])) {
$_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled'] = array (
foreach (array (
) as $key) {
if (isset ($_REQUEST[$key])) {
$filtered = array_filter($_REQUEST[$key], 'is_numeric');
if (!empty ($filtered))
$_SESSION['user_shifts'][$key] = $filtered;
unset ($filtered);
if (!isset ($_SESSION['user_shifts'][$key]))
$_SESSION['user_shifts'][$key] = array_map('get_ids_from_array', $$key);
if (isset ($_REQUEST['days'])) {
$filtered = array_filter($_REQUEST['days'], create_function('$a', 'return preg_match("/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\\$/", $a);'));
if (!empty ($filtered))
$_SESSION['user_shifts']['days'] = $filtered;
unset ($filtered);
if (!isset ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['days']))
$_SESSION['user_shifts']['days'] = array (
if (!isset ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['rooms']) || count($_SESSION['user_shifts']['rooms']) == 0)
$_SESSION['user_shifts']['rooms'] = array(0);
$shifts = sql_select("SELECT `Shifts`.*, `Room`.`Name` as `room_name` FROM `Shifts` JOIN `Room` USING (`RID`)
WHERE `Shifts`.`RID` IN (" . implode(',', $_SESSION['user_shifts']['rooms']) . ")
AND DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(`start`)) IN ('" . implode("','", $_SESSION['user_shifts']['days']) . "')
ORDER BY `start`");
$shifts_table = "";
$row_count = 0;
[0] => Array
[SID] => 1
[start] => 1355958000
[end] => 1355961600
[RID] => 1
[name] =>
[URL] =>
[PSID] =>
[room_name] => test1
if(count($_SESSION['user_shifts']['days'])==1) {
foreach($myrooms as $k => $v) {
$first=date("U",strtotime($_SESSION['user_shifts']['days'][0]." 00:00:00"));
$last=date("U",strtotime($_SESSION['user_shifts']['days'][0]." 23:59:59"));
foreach($myrooms as $room) {
foreach($shifts as $shift) {
if($shift["RID"]==$rid) {
for($i=$firstblock;$i<$blocks+$firstblock && $i < $maxshow;$i++) {
foreach($myrooms as $room) {
foreach($block[$rid] as $max) if($max>$colspan) $colspan=$max;
$shifts_table.="<th colspan=\"$colspan\">".$room['name']."</th>\n";
for($i=0;$i<24*4;$i++) {
if($thistime%(60*60)==0) {
} else {
foreach($myrooms as $room) {
foreach($shifts as $shift) {
if($shift["RID"]==$rid) {
if(floor($shift["start"]/(15*60)) == $thistime/(15*60)) {
if($blocks<1) $blocks=1;
// qqqqqq
$is_free = false;
$shifts_row = $shift['name'];
if (in_array('admin_shifts', $privileges))
$shifts_row .= ' <a href="?p=user_shifts&edit_shift=' . $shift['SID'] . '">[edit]</a> <a href="?p=user_shifts&delete_shift=' . $shift['SID'] . '">[x]</a>';
$shifts_row.= '<br />';
$shift_has_special_needs = 0 < sql_num_query("SELECT `id` FROM `NeededAngelTypes` WHERE `shift_id` = " . $shift['SID']);
$query = "SELECT *
FROM `NeededAngelTypes`
JOIN `AngelTypes`
ON (`NeededAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id` = `AngelTypes`.`id`)
if ($shift_has_special_needs)
$query .= "`shift_id` = " . sql_escape($shift['SID']);
$query .= "`room_id` = " . sql_escape($shift['RID']);
$query .= " AND `count` > 0
AND `angel_type_id` IN (" . implode(',', $_SESSION['user_shifts']['types']) . ")
ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`name`";
$angeltypes = sql_select($query);
if (count($angeltypes) > 0) {
$my_shift = sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . " AND `UID`=" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . " LIMIT 1") > 0;
foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype) {
$entries = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` JOIN `User` ON (`ShiftEntry`.`UID` = `User`.`UID`) WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . " AND `TID`=" . sql_escape($angeltype['id']) . " ORDER BY `Nick`");
$entry_list = array ();
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges))
$entry_list[] = "<span style=\"$style\">" . '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '&id=' . $entry['UID'] . '">' . $entry['Nick'] . '</a> <a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&entry_id=' . $entry['id'] . '">[x]</a></span>';
$entry_list[] = "<span style=\"$style\">" . $entry['Nick']."</span>";
if ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries) > 0) {
if ((time() < $shift['end'] && !$my_shift) || in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$entry_list[] = '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['id'] . '">' . ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries)) . ' Helfer' . ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries) != 1 ? '' : '') . ' gebraucht »</a>';
} else {
$entry_list[] = ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries)) . ' Helfer gebraucht';
$is_free = true;
$shifts_row .= '<b>' . $angeltype['name'] . ':</b> ';
$shifts_row .= join(", ", $entry_list);
$shifts_row .= '<br />';
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$shifts_row .= '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['id'] . '">Weitere Helfer eintragen »</a>';
if($is_free) {
$color="style=\"background: #F6CECE\";";
} else {
$color="style=\"background: #BCF5A9\";";
$shifts_table.="<td rowspan=$blocks $color>";
if (($is_free && in_array(0, $_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled'])) || (!$is_free && in_array(1, $_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled']))) {
for($j=0;$j<$blocks;$j++) {
while($todo[$rid][$i]) {
$shifts_table.='<td style="border: 1px"></td>';
// qqq
} else foreach ($shifts as $shift) {
$info = array ();
if (count($_SESSION['user_shifts']['days']) > 1)
$info[] = date("Y-m-d", $shift['start']);
$info[] = date("H:i", $shift['start']) . ' - ' . date("H:i", $shift['end']);
if (count($_SESSION['user_shifts']['rooms']) > 1)
$info[] = $shift['room_name'];
$shift_row = '<tr><td>' . join('<br />', $info) . '</td>';
$shift_row .= '<td>' . $shift['name'];
if (in_array('admin_shifts', $privileges))
$shift_row .= ' <a href="?p=user_shifts&edit_shift=' . $shift['SID'] . '">[edit]</a> <a href="?p=user_shifts&delete_shift=' . $shift['SID'] . '">[x]</a>';
$shift_row .= '<br />';
$is_free = false;
$shift_has_special_needs = 0 < sql_num_query("SELECT `id` FROM `NeededAngelTypes` WHERE `shift_id` = " . $shift['SID']);
$query = "SELECT *
FROM `NeededAngelTypes`
JOIN `AngelTypes`
ON (`NeededAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id` = `AngelTypes`.`id`)
if ($shift_has_special_needs)
$query .= "`shift_id` = " . sql_escape($shift['SID']);
$query .= "`room_id` = " . sql_escape($shift['RID']);
$query .= " AND `count` > 0 ";
if (!empty($_SESSION['user_shifts']['types']))
$query .= "AND `angel_type_id` IN (" . implode(',', $_SESSION['user_shifts']['types']) . ") ";
$query .= "ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`name`";
$angeltypes = sql_select($query);
if (count($angeltypes) > 0) {
$my_shift = sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . " AND `UID`=" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . " LIMIT 1") > 0;
foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype) {
$entries = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` JOIN `User` ON (`ShiftEntry`.`UID` = `User`.`UID`) WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . " AND `TID`=" . sql_escape($angeltype['id']) . " ORDER BY `Nick`");
$entry_list = array ();
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges))
$entry_list[] = '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '&id=' . $entry['UID'] . '">' . $entry['Nick'] . '</a> <a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&entry_id=' . $entry['id'] . '">[x]</a>';
$entry_list[] = $entry['Nick'];
// do we need more angles of this type?
if ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries) > 0) {
$inner_text = ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries)) . ' ' . Get_Text($angeltype['count'] - count($entries) == 1 ? 'helper' : 'helpers') . ' ' . Get_Text('needed');
// is the shift still running or alternatively is the user shift admin?
if ((time() < $shift['end'] && !$my_shift) || in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges))
$entry_list[] = '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['id'] . '">' . $inner_text . ' »</a>';
$entry_list[] = $inner_text;
$is_free = true;
$shift_row .= '<b>' . $angeltype['name'] . ':</b> ';
$shift_row .= join(", ", $entry_list);
$shift_row .= '<br />';
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$shift_row .= '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['id'] . '">Weitere Helfer eintragen »</a>';
if (($is_free && in_array(0, $_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled'])) || (!$is_free && in_array(1, $_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled']))) {
$shifts_table .= $shift_row . '</td></tr>';
$ical_shifts[] = $shift;
if ($user['ical_key'] == "")
return msg() . template_render('../templates/user_shifts.html', array (
'room_select' => make_select($rooms, $_SESSION['user_shifts']['rooms'], "rooms", ucfirst(Get_Text("rooms"))),
'day_select' => make_select($days, $_SESSION['user_shifts']['days'], "days", ucfirst(Get_Text("days"))),
'type_select' => make_select($types, $_SESSION['user_shifts']['types'], "types", ucfirst(Get_Text("tasks")) . '<sup>1</sup>'),
'filled_select' => make_select($filled, $_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled'], "filled", ucfirst(Get_Text("occupancy"))),
'task_notice' => '<sup>1</sup>' . Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_tasks_notice"),
'shifts_table' => $shifts_table,
'ical_text' => sprintf(Get_Text('inc_schicht_ical_text'), make_user_shifts_ical_link($user['ical_key']), page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '&reset'),
'header1' => ucfirst(Get_Text("time")) . "/" . ucfirst(Get_Text("room")),
'header2' => ucfirst(Get_Text("entries")),
'filter' => ucfirst(Get_Text("to_filter")),
function make_user_shifts_ical_link($key) {
$link = "";
foreach ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['rooms'] as $room)
$link .= '&rooms[]=' . $room;
foreach ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['days'] as $day)
$link .= '&days[]=' . $day;
foreach ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['types'] as $type)
$link .= '&types[]=' . $type;
foreach ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled'] as $filled)
$link .= '&filled[]=' . $filled;
return page_link_to_absolute('ical') . $link . '&export=user_shifts&key=' . $key;
function get_ids_from_array($array) {
return $array["id"];
function make_select($items, $selected, $name, $title = null) {
$html_items = array ();
if (isset ($title))
$html_items[] = '<li class="heading">' . $title . '</li>' . "\n";
foreach ($items as $i)
$html_items[] = '<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="' . $name . '[]" value="' . $i['id'] . '"' . (in_array($i['id'], $selected) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> ' . $i['name'] . '</label></li>';
$html = '<div class="selection ' . $name . '">' . "\n";
$html .= '<ul id="selection_' . $name . '">' . "\n";
$html .= implode("\n", $html_items);
$html .= '</ul>' . "\n";
$html .= buttons(array (
button("javascript: check_all('selection_" . $name . "')", Get_Text("all"), ""),
button("javascript: uncheck_all('selection_" . $name . "')", Get_Text("none"), "")
$html .= '</div>' . "\n";
return $html;