<?php use Engelsystem\Models\Shifts\ShiftEntry; use Engelsystem\Models\User\User; /** * @return string */ function myshifts_title() { return __('profile.my-shifts'); } /** * Zeigt die Schichten an, die ein Benutzer belegt * * @return string */ function user_myshifts() { $user = auth()->user(); $request = request(); if ( $request->has('id') && auth()->can('user_shifts_admin') && preg_match('/^\d+$/', $request->input('id')) && User::find($request->input('id')) ) { $shift_entry_id = $request->input('id'); } else { $shift_entry_id = $user->id; } $shifts_user = User::find($shift_entry_id); if ($request->has('reset')) { if ($request->input('reset') == 'ack') { auth()->resetApiKey($user); engelsystem_log(sprintf('API key resetted (%s).', User_Nick_render($user, true))); success(__('Key changed.')); throw_redirect(url('/users', ['action' => 'view', 'user_id' => $shifts_user->id])); } return page_with_title(__('Reset API key'), [ error( __('If you reset the key, the url to your iCal- and JSON-export and your atom/rss feed changes! You have to update it in every application using one of these exports.'), true ), button(url('/user-myshifts', ['reset' => 'ack']), __('Continue'), 'btn-danger'), ]); } elseif ($request->has('edit') && preg_match('/^\d+$/', $request->input('edit'))) { $shift_entry_id = $request->input('edit'); /** @var ShiftEntry $shiftEntry */ $shiftEntry = ShiftEntry::where('id', $shift_entry_id) ->where('user_id', $shifts_user->id) ->with(['shift', 'shift.shiftType', 'shift.location', 'user']) ->first(); if (!empty($shiftEntry)) { $shift = $shiftEntry->shift; $freeloaded = $shiftEntry->freeloaded; $freeloaded_comment = $shiftEntry->freeloaded_comment; if ($request->hasPostData('submit')) { $valid = true; if (auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) { $freeloaded = $request->has('freeloaded'); $freeloaded_comment = strip_request_item_nl('freeloaded_comment'); if ($freeloaded && $freeloaded_comment == '') { $valid = false; error(__('Please enter a freeload comment!')); } } $comment = $shiftEntry->user_comment; $user_source = $shiftEntry->user; if (auth()->user()->id == $user_source->id) { $comment = strip_request_item_nl('comment'); } if ($valid) { $shiftEntry->user_comment = $comment; $shiftEntry->freeloaded = $freeloaded; $shiftEntry->freeloaded_comment = $freeloaded_comment; $shiftEntry->save(); engelsystem_log( 'Updated ' . User_Nick_render($user_source, true) . '\'s shift ' . $shift->title . ' / ' . $shift->shiftType->name . ' from ' . $shift->start->format('Y-m-d H:i') . ' to ' . $shift->end->format('Y-m-d H:i') . ' with comment ' . $comment . '. Freeloaded: ' . ($freeloaded ? 'YES Comment: ' . $freeloaded_comment : 'NO') ); success(__('Shift saved.')); throw_redirect(url('/users', ['action' => 'view', 'user_id' => $shifts_user->id])); } } return ShiftEntry_edit_view( $shifts_user, $shift->start->format(__('general.datetime')) . ', ' . shift_length($shift), $shift->location->name, $shift->shiftType->name, $shiftEntry->angelType->name, $shiftEntry->user_comment, $shiftEntry->freeloaded, $shiftEntry->freeloaded_comment, auth()->can('user_shifts_admin') ); } else { throw_redirect(url('/user-myshifts')); } } throw_redirect(url('/users', ['action' => 'view', 'user_id' => $shifts_user->id])); return ''; }