id), icon('chevron-left') . __('back')), ]), error( __('Do you really want to delete the user including all his shifts and every other piece of his data?'), true ), form([ form_password('password', __('Your password'), 'current-password'), form_submit('submit', __('Delete')), ]), ]); } /** * View for editing the number of given vouchers * * @param User $user * @return string */ function User_edit_vouchers_view($user) { return page_with_title(sprintf(__('%s\'s vouchers'), User_Nick_render($user)), [ msg(), buttons([ button(user_link($user->id), icon('chevron-left') . __('back')), ]), info(sprintf( $user->state->force_active ? __('Angel can receive another %d vouchers and is FA.') : __('Angel can receive another %d vouchers.'), User_get_eligable_voucher_count($user) ), true), form( [ form_spinner('vouchers', __('Number of vouchers given out'), $user->state->got_voucher), form_submit('submit', __('Save')), ], page_link_to('users', ['action' => 'edit_vouchers', 'user_id' => $user->id]) ), ]); } /** * @param User[] $users * @param string $order_by * @param int $arrived_count * @param int $active_count * @param int $force_active_count * @param int $freeloads_count * @param int $tshirts_count * @param int $voucher_count * @return string */ function Users_view( $users, $order_by, $arrived_count, $active_count, $force_active_count, $freeloads_count, $tshirts_count, $voucher_count ) { $goodie = GoodieType::from(config('goodie_type')); $goodie_enabled = $goodie !== GoodieType::None; $goodie_tshirt = $goodie === GoodieType::Tshirt; $usersList = []; foreach ($users as $user) { $u = []; $u['name'] = User_Nick_render($user) . User_Pronoun_render($user); $u['first_name'] = htmlspecialchars((string) $user->personalData->first_name); $u['last_name'] = htmlspecialchars((string) $user->personalData->last_name); $u['dect'] = sprintf('%1$s', htmlspecialchars((string) $user->contact->dect)); $u['arrived'] = icon_bool($user->state->arrived); if (config('enable_voucher')) { $u['got_voucher'] = $user->state->got_voucher; } $u['freeloads'] = $user->getAttribute('freeloads'); $u['active'] = icon_bool($user->state->active); $u['force_active'] = icon_bool($user->state->force_active); if ($goodie_enabled) { $u['got_shirt'] = icon_bool($user->state->got_shirt); if ($goodie_tshirt) { $u['shirt_size'] = $user->personalData->shirt_size; } } $u['arrival_date'] = $user->personalData->planned_arrival_date ? $user->personalData->planned_arrival_date->format(__('Y-m-d')) : ''; $u['departure_date'] = $user->personalData->planned_departure_date ? $user->personalData->planned_departure_date->format(__('Y-m-d')) : ''; $u['last_login_at'] = $user->last_login_at ? $user->last_login_at->format(__('m/d/Y h:i a')) : ''; $u['actions'] = table_buttons([ button_icon(page_link_to('admin_user', ['id' => $user->id]), 'pencil', 'btn-sm'), ]); $usersList[] = $u; } $usersList[] = [ 'name' => '' . __('Sum') . '', 'arrived' => $arrived_count, 'got_voucher' => $voucher_count, 'active' => $active_count, 'force_active' => $force_active_count, 'freeloads' => $freeloads_count, 'got_shirt' => $tshirts_count, 'actions' => '' . count($usersList) . '', ]; $user_table_headers = []; if (!config('display_full_name')) { $user_table_headers['name'] = Users_table_header_link('name', __('Nick'), $order_by); } if (config('enable_user_name')) { $user_table_headers['first_name'] = Users_table_header_link('first_name', __('Prename'), $order_by); $user_table_headers['last_name'] = Users_table_header_link('last_name', __('Name'), $order_by); } if (config('enable_dect')) { $user_table_headers['dect'] = Users_table_header_link('dect', __('DECT'), $order_by); } $user_table_headers['arrived'] = Users_table_header_link('arrived', __('Arrived'), $order_by); if (config('enable_voucher')) { $user_table_headers['got_voucher'] = Users_table_header_link('got_voucher', __('Voucher'), $order_by); } $user_table_headers['freeloads'] = Users_table_header_link('freeloads', __('Freeloads'), $order_by); $user_table_headers['active'] = Users_table_header_link('active', __('Active'), $order_by); $user_table_headers['force_active'] = Users_table_header_link('force_active', __('Forced'), $order_by); if ($goodie_enabled) { if ($goodie_tshirt) { $user_table_headers['got_shirt'] = Users_table_header_link('got_shirt', __('T-Shirt'), $order_by); $user_table_headers['shirt_size'] = Users_table_header_link('shirt_size', __('Size'), $order_by); } else { $user_table_headers['got_shirt'] = Users_table_header_link('got_shirt', __('Goodie'), $order_by); } } $user_table_headers['arrival_date'] = Users_table_header_link( 'planned_arrival_date', __('Planned arrival'), $order_by ); $user_table_headers['departure_date'] = Users_table_header_link( 'planned_departure_date', __('Planned departure'), $order_by ); $user_table_headers['last_login_at'] = Users_table_header_link('last_login_at', __('Last login'), $order_by); $user_table_headers['actions'] = ''; foreach (config('disabled_user_view_columns') ?? [] as $key) { unset($user_table_headers[$key]); } return page_with_title(__('All users'), [ msg(), buttons([ button(page_link_to('register'), icon('plus-lg') . __('New user')), ]), table($user_table_headers, $usersList), ]); } /** * @param string $column * @param string $label * @param string $order_by * @return string */ function Users_table_header_link($column, $label, $order_by) { return '' . $label . ($order_by == $column ? ' ' : '') . ''; } /** * @param User $user * @return string|false */ function User_shift_state_render($user) { if (!$user->state->arrived) { return ''; } $upcoming_shifts = ShiftEntries_upcoming_for_user($user); if ($upcoming_shifts->isEmpty()) { return '' . __('Free') . ''; } /** @var ShiftEntry $nextShiftEntry */ $nextShiftEntry = $upcoming_shifts->first(); $start = $nextShiftEntry->shift->start; $end = $nextShiftEntry->shift->end; $startFormat = $start->format(__('Y-m-d H:i')); $endFormat = $end->format(__('Y-m-d H:i')); $startTimestamp = $start->timestamp; $endTimestamp = $end->timestamp; if ($startTimestamp > time()) { if ($startTimestamp - time() > 3600) { return '' . __('Next shift %c') . ''; } return '' . __('Next shift %c') . ''; } $halfway = ($startTimestamp + $endTimestamp) / 2; if (time() < $halfway) { return '' . __('Shift started %c') . ''; } return '' . __('Shift ends %c') . ''; } function User_last_shift_render($user) { if (!$user->state->arrived) { return ''; } $last_shifts = ShiftEntries_finished_by_user($user); if ($last_shifts->isEmpty()) { return ''; } /** @var ShiftEntry $lastShiftEntry */ $lastShiftEntry = $last_shifts->first(); $end = $lastShiftEntry->shift->end; return '' . __('Shift ended %c') . ''; } /** * @param array $needed_angel_type * @return string */ function User_view_shiftentries($needed_angel_type) { $shift_info = '
' . htmlspecialchars($needed_angel_type['name']) . ': '; $shift_entries = []; foreach ($needed_angel_type['users'] as $user_shift) { $member = User_Nick_render($user_shift); if ($user_shift['freeloaded']) { $member = '' . $member . ''; } $shift_entries[] = $member; } $shift_info .= join(', ', $shift_entries); return $shift_info; } /** * Helper that renders a shift line for user view * * @param Shift $shift * @param User $user_source * @param bool $its_me * @return array */ function User_view_myshift(Shift $shift, $user_source, $its_me) { $shift_info = '' . htmlspecialchars($shift->shiftType->name) . ''; if ($shift->title) { $shift_info .= '
' . htmlspecialchars($shift->title) . ''; } foreach ($shift->needed_angeltypes as $needed_angel_type) { $shift_info .= User_view_shiftentries($needed_angel_type); } $myshift = [ 'date' => icon('calendar-event') . $shift->start->format(__('Y-m-d')) . '
' . icon('clock-history') . $shift->start->format('H:i') . ' - ' . $shift->end->format(__('H:i')), 'duration' => sprintf('%.2f', ($shift->end->timestamp - $shift->start->timestamp) / 3600) . ' h', 'room' => Room_name_render($shift->room), 'shift_info' => $shift_info, 'comment' => '', ]; if ($its_me) { $myshift['comment'] = htmlspecialchars($shift->user_comment); } if ($shift->freeloaded) { $myshift['duration'] = '

' . sprintf('%.2f', -($shift->end->timestamp - $shift->start->timestamp) / 3600 * 2) . ' h' . '

'; if (auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) { $myshift['comment'] .= '
' . '

' . __('Freeloaded') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($shift->freeloaded_comment) . '

'; } else { $myshift['comment'] .= '

' . __('Freeloaded') . '

'; } } $myshift['actions'] = [ button(shift_link($shift), icon('eye') . __('view'), 'btn-sm'), ]; if ($its_me || auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) { $myshift['actions'][] = button( page_link_to('user_myshifts', ['edit' => $shift->shift_entry_id, 'id' => $user_source->id]), icon('pencil') . __('edit'), 'btn-sm' ); } if (Shift_signout_allowed($shift, (new AngelType())->forceFill(['id' => $shift->angel_type_id]), $user_source->id)) { $myshift['actions'][] = button( shift_entry_delete_link($shift), icon('trash') . __('sign off'), 'btn-sm' ); } $myshift['actions'] = table_buttons($myshift['actions']); return $myshift; } /** * Helper that prepares the shift table for user view * * @param Shift[]|Collection $shifts * @param User $user_source * @param bool $its_me * @param int $tshirt_score * @param bool $tshirt_admin * @param Worklog[]|Collection $user_worklogs * @param bool $admin_user_worklog_privilege * * @return array */ function User_view_myshifts( $shifts, $user_source, $its_me, $tshirt_score, $tshirt_admin, $user_worklogs, $admin_user_worklog_privilege ) { $goodie = GoodieType::from(config('goodie_type')); $goodie_enabled = $goodie !== GoodieType::None; $goodie_tshirt = $goodie === GoodieType::Tshirt; $myshifts_table = []; $timeSum = 0; foreach ($shifts as $shift) { $key = $shift->start->timestamp . '-shift-' . $shift->shift_entry_id . $shift->id; $myshifts_table[$key] = User_view_myshift($shift, $user_source, $its_me); if (!$shift->freeloaded) { $timeSum += ($shift->end->timestamp - $shift->start->timestamp); } } foreach ($user_worklogs as $worklog) { $key = $worklog->worked_at->timestamp . '-worklog-' . $worklog->id; $myshifts_table[$key] = User_view_worklog($worklog, $admin_user_worklog_privilege); $timeSum += $worklog->hours * 3600; } if (count($myshifts_table) > 0) { ksort($myshifts_table); $myshifts_table[] = [ 'date' => '' . __('Sum:') . '', 'duration' => '' . sprintf('%.2f', round($timeSum / 3600, 2)) . ' h', 'room' => '', 'shift_info' => '', 'comment' => '', 'actions' => '', ]; if ($goodie_enabled && ($its_me || $tshirt_admin)) { $myshifts_table[] = [ 'date' => '' . ($goodie_tshirt ? __('Your t-shirt score') : __('Your goodie score')) . '™:', 'duration' => '' . $tshirt_score . '', 'room' => '', 'shift_info' => '', 'comment' => '', 'actions' => '', ]; } } return $myshifts_table; } /** * Renders table entry for user work log * * @param Worklog $worklog * @param bool $admin_user_worklog_privilege * @return array */ function User_view_worklog(Worklog $worklog, $admin_user_worklog_privilege) { $actions = ''; if ($admin_user_worklog_privilege) { $actions = table_buttons([ button( url('/admin/user/' . $worklog->user->id . '/worklog/' . $worklog->id), icon('pencil') . __('edit'), 'btn-sm' ), button( url('/admin/user/' . $worklog->user->id . '/worklog/' . $worklog->id . '/delete'), icon('trash') . __('delete'), 'btn-sm' ), ]); } return [ 'date' => icon('calendar-event') . date(__('Y-m-d'), $worklog->worked_at->timestamp), 'duration' => sprintf('%.2f', $worklog->hours) . ' h', 'room' => '', 'shift_info' => __('Work log entry'), 'comment' => htmlspecialchars($worklog->comment) . '
' . sprintf( __('Added by %s at %s'), User_Nick_render($worklog->creator), $worklog->created_at->format(__('Y-m-d H:i')) ), 'actions' => $actions, ]; } /** * Renders view for a single user * * @param User $user_source * @param bool $admin_user_privilege * @param bool $freeloader * @param AngelType[] $user_angeltypes * @param Group[] $user_groups * @param Shift[]|Collection $shifts * @param bool $its_me * @param int $tshirt_score * @param bool $tshirt_admin * @param bool $admin_user_worklog_privilege * @param Worklog[]|Collection $user_worklogs * * @return string */ function User_view( $user_source, $admin_user_privilege, $freeloader, $user_angeltypes, $user_groups, $shifts, $its_me, $tshirt_score, $tshirt_admin, $admin_user_worklog_privilege, $user_worklogs ) { $goodie = GoodieType::from(config('goodie_type')); $goodie_enabled = $goodie !== GoodieType::None; $goodie_tshirt = $goodie === GoodieType::Tshirt; $auth = auth(); $nightShiftsConfig = config('night_shifts'); $user_name = htmlspecialchars( $user_source->personalData->first_name ) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($user_source->personalData->last_name); $myshifts_table = ''; if ($its_me || $admin_user_privilege || $tshirt_admin) { $my_shifts = User_view_myshifts( $shifts, $user_source, $its_me, $tshirt_score, $tshirt_admin, $user_worklogs, $admin_user_worklog_privilege ); if (count($my_shifts) > 0) { $myshifts_table = div('table-responsive', table([ 'date' => __('Day & time'), 'duration' => __('Duration'), 'room' => __('Location'), 'shift_info' => __('Name & workmates'), 'comment' => __('Comment'), 'actions' => __('Action'), ], $my_shifts)); } elseif ($user_source->state->force_active) { $myshifts_table = success(__('You have done enough.'), true); } } $needs_drivers_license = false; foreach ($user_angeltypes as $angeltype) { $needs_drivers_license = $needs_drivers_license || $angeltype->requires_driver_license; } $needs_ifsg_certificate = false; foreach ($user_angeltypes as $angeltype) { $needs_ifsg_certificate = $needs_ifsg_certificate || $angeltype->requires_ifsg_certificate; } return page_with_title( ' ' . ( (config('enable_pronoun') && $user_source->personalData->pronoun) ? '' . htmlspecialchars($user_source->personalData->pronoun) . ' ' : '' ) . htmlspecialchars($user_source->name) . (config('enable_user_name') ? ' ' . $user_name . '' : ''), [ msg(), div('row', [ div('col-md-12', [ table_buttons([ $auth->can('user.edit.shirt') && $goodie_enabled ? button( url('/admin/user/' . $user_source->id . '/goodie'), icon('person') . ($goodie_tshirt ? __('Shirt') : __('Goodie')) ) : '', $admin_user_privilege ? button( page_link_to('admin_user', ['id' => $user_source->id]), icon('pencil') . __('edit') ) : '', $admin_user_privilege || ($its_me && $needs_drivers_license) ? button( user_driver_license_edit_link($user_source), icon('person-vcard') . __('driving license') ) : '', config('ifsg_enabled') && ($admin_user_privilege || ($its_me && $needs_ifsg_certificate)) ? button( page_link_to('settings/certificates'), icon('card-checklist') . __('ifsg.certificate') ) : '', (($admin_user_privilege || $auth->can('admin_arrive')) && !$user_source->state->arrived) ? form([ form_hidden('action', 'arrived'), form_hidden('user', $user_source->id), form_submit('submit', __('arrived'), '', false), ], page_link_to('admin_arrive'), true) : '', ($admin_user_privilege || $auth->can('voucher.edit')) && config('enable_voucher') ? button( page_link_to( 'users', ['action' => 'edit_vouchers', 'user_id' => $user_source->id] ), icon('valentine') . __('Vouchers') ) : '', $admin_user_worklog_privilege ? button( url('/admin/user/' . $user_source->id . '/worklog'), icon('clock-history') . __('worklog.add') ) : '', ], 'mb-2'), $its_me ? table_buttons([ button( page_link_to('settings/profile'), icon('person-fill-gear') . __('Settings') ), $auth->can('ical') ? button( page_link_to('ical', ['key' => $user_source->api_key]), icon('calendar-week') . __('iCal Export') ) : '', $auth->can('shifts_json_export') ? button( page_link_to('shifts_json_export', ['key' => $user_source->api_key]), icon('braces') . __('JSON Export') ) : '', ( $auth->can('shifts_json_export') || $auth->can('ical') || $auth->can('atom') ) ? button( page_link_to('user_myshifts', ['reset' => 1]), icon('arrow-repeat') . __('Reset API key') ) : '', ], 'mb-2') : '', ]), ]), div('row user-info', [ div('col-md-2', [ config('enable_dect') && $user_source->contact->dect ? heading( icon('phone') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($user_source->contact->dect) . '' ) : '', config('enable_mobile_show') && $user_source->contact->mobile ? $user_source->settings->mobile_show ? heading( icon('phone') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($user_source->contact->mobile) . '' ) : '' : '', $auth->can('user_messages') ? heading( '' . icon('envelope') . '' ) : '', ]), User_view_state($admin_user_privilege, $freeloader, $user_source), User_angeltypes_render($user_angeltypes), User_groups_render($user_groups), $admin_user_privilege ? User_oauth_render($user_source) : '', ]), ($its_me || $admin_user_privilege) ? '

' . __('Shifts') . '

' : '', $myshifts_table, ($its_me && $nightShiftsConfig['enabled'] && $goodie_enabled) ? info( sprintf( icon('info-circle') . __('Your night shifts between %d and %d am count twice.'), $nightShiftsConfig['start'], $nightShiftsConfig['end'] ), true, true ) : '', $its_me && count($shifts) == 0 ? error(sprintf( __('Go to the shifts table to sign yourself up for some shifts.'), page_link_to('user_shifts') ), true, true) : '', $its_me ? ical_hint() : '', ] ); } /** * Render the state section of user view * * @param bool $admin_user_privilege * @param bool $freeloader * @param User $user_source * @return string */ function User_view_state($admin_user_privilege, $freeloader, $user_source) { if ($admin_user_privilege) { $state = User_view_state_admin($freeloader, $user_source); } else { $state = User_view_state_user($user_source); } return div('col-md-2', [ heading(__('User state'), 4), join('
', $state), ]); } /** * Render the state section of user view for users. * * @param User $user_source * @return array */ function User_view_state_user($user_source) { $state = [ User_shift_state_render($user_source), ]; if ($user_source->state->arrived) { $state[] = '' . icon('house') . __('Arrived') . ''; } else { $state[] = '' . __('Not arrived') . ''; } return $state; } /** * Render the state section of user view for admins. * * @param bool $freeloader * @param User $user_source * @return array */ function User_view_state_admin($freeloader, $user_source) { $state = []; $goodie = GoodieType::from(config('goodie_type')); $goodie_enabled = $goodie !== GoodieType::None; $goodie_tshirt = $goodie === GoodieType::Tshirt; if ($freeloader) { $state[] = '' . icon('exclamation-circle') . __('Freeloader') . ''; } $state[] = User_shift_state_render($user_source); if ($user_source->state->arrived) { $state[] = '' . icon('house') . sprintf( __('Arrived at %s'), $user_source->state->arrival_date ? $user_source->state->arrival_date->format(__('Y-m-d')) : '' ) . ''; if ($user_source->state->force_active) { $state[] = '' . __('Active (forced)') . ''; } elseif ($user_source->state->active) { $state[] = '' . __('Active') . ''; } if ($user_source->state->got_shirt && $goodie_enabled) { $state[] = '' . ($goodie_tshirt ? __('T-Shirt') : __('Goodie')) . ''; } } else { $arrivalDate = $user_source->personalData->planned_arrival_date; $state[] = '' . ($arrivalDate ? sprintf( __('Not arrived (Planned: %s)'), $arrivalDate->format(__('Y-m-d')) ) : __('Not arrived')) . ''; } if (config('enable_voucher')) { $voucherCount = $user_source->state->got_voucher; $availableCount = $voucherCount + User_get_eligable_voucher_count($user_source); $availableCount = max($voucherCount, $availableCount); if ($user_source->state->got_voucher > 0) { $state[] = '' . icon('valentine') . __('Got %s of %s vouchers', [$voucherCount, $availableCount]) . ''; } else { $state[] = '' . __('Got no vouchers') . ($availableCount ? ' (' . __('out of %s', [$availableCount]) . ')' : '') . ''; } } return $state; } /** * @param AngelType[] $user_angeltypes * @return string */ function User_angeltypes_render($user_angeltypes) { $output = []; foreach ($user_angeltypes as $angeltype) { $class = 'text-success'; if ($angeltype->restricted && !$angeltype->pivot->confirm_user_id) { $class = 'text-warning'; } $output[] = '' . ($angeltype->pivot->supporter ? icon('patch-check') : '') . htmlspecialchars($angeltype->name) . ''; } return div('col-md-2', [ heading(__('Angeltypes'), 4), join('
', $output), ]); } /** * @param Group[] $user_groups * @return string */ function User_groups_render($user_groups) { $output = []; foreach ($user_groups as $group) { $output[] = __(htmlspecialchars($group->name)); } return div('col-md-2', [ '

' . __('Rights') . '

', join('
', $output), ]); } /** * @param User $user * @return string */ function User_oauth_render(User $user) { $config = config('oauth'); $output = []; foreach ($user->oauth as $oauth) { $output[] = __( htmlspecialchars( isset($config[$oauth->provider]['name']) ? $config[$oauth->provider]['name'] : Str::ucfirst($oauth->provider) ) ); } if (!$output) { return ''; } return div('col-md-2', [ heading(__('OAuth'), 4), join('
', $output), ]); } /** * Render a user nickname. * * @param array|User $user * @param bool $plain * @return string */ function User_Nick_render($user, $plain = false) { if (is_array($user)) { $user = (new User())->forceFill($user); } if ($plain) { return sprintf('%s (%u)', $user->displayName, $user->id); } return render_profile_link( ' ' . htmlspecialchars($user->displayName) . '', $user->id, ($user->state->arrived ? '' : 'text-muted') ); } /** * Format the user pronoun * * @param User $user * @return string */ function User_Pronoun_render(User $user): string { if (!config('enable_pronoun') || !$user->personalData->pronoun) { return ''; } return ' (' . htmlspecialchars($user->personalData->pronoun) . ')'; } /** * @param string $text * @param int $user_id * @param string $class * @return string */ function render_profile_link($text, $user_id = null, $class = '') { $profile_link = page_link_to('settings/profile'); if (!is_null($user_id)) { $profile_link = page_link_to('users', ['action' => 'view', 'user_id' => $user_id]); } return sprintf( '%s', $class, $profile_link, $text ); } /** * @return string|null */ function render_user_departure_date_hint() { if (config('enable_planned_arrival') && !auth()->user()->personalData->planned_departure_date) { $text = __('Please enter your planned date of departure on your settings page to give us a feeling for teardown capacities.'); return render_profile_link($text, null, 'text-danger'); } return null; } /** * @return string|null */ function render_user_freeloader_hint() { if (auth()->user()->isFreeloader()) { return sprintf( __('You freeloaded at least %s shifts. Shift signup is locked. Please go to heavens desk to be unlocked again.'), config('max_freeloadable_shifts') ); } return null; } /** * Hinweis für Engel, die noch nicht angekommen sind * * @return string|null */ function render_user_arrived_hint() { if (config('signup_requires_arrival') && !auth()->user()->state->arrived) { /** @var Carbon $buildup */ $buildup = config('buildup_start'); if (!empty($buildup) && $buildup->lessThan(new Carbon())) { return __('You are not marked as arrived. Please go to heaven\'s desk, get your angel badge and/or tell them that you arrived already.'); } } return null; } /** * @return string|null */ function render_user_tshirt_hint() { $goodie = GoodieType::from(config('goodie_type')); $goodie_tshirt = $goodie === GoodieType::Tshirt; if ($goodie_tshirt && !auth()->user()->personalData->shirt_size) { $text = __('You need to specify a tshirt size in your settings!'); return render_profile_link($text); } return null; } /** * @return string|null */ function render_user_dect_hint() { $user = auth()->user(); if ( $user->state->arrived && config('enable_dect') && !$user->contact->dect ) { $text = __('You need to specify a DECT phone number in your settings! If you don\'t have a DECT phone, just enter \'-\'.'); return render_profile_link($text); } return null; }