
use Engelsystem\Helpers\DayOfEvent;
use Engelsystem\Models\News;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

 * Public dashboard (formerly known as angel news hub)
 * @param array             $stats
 * @param array[]           $free_shifts
 * @param News[]|Collection $highlighted_news
 * @return string
function public_dashboard_view($stats, $free_shifts, $highlighted_news)
    $needed_angels = '';
    $news = '';
    if ($highlighted_news->isNotEmpty()) {
        $first_news = $highlighted_news->first();
        $news = div('alert alert-warning text-center', [
            '<a href="' . url('/news/' . $first_news->id) . '">'
            . '<strong>' . htmlspecialchars($first_news->title) . '</strong>'
            . '</a>',

    if (count($free_shifts) > 0) {
        $shift_panels = [
            '<div class="row">',
        foreach ($free_shifts as $i => $shift) {
            $shift_panels[] = public_dashboard_shift_render($shift);
            if ($i % 4 == 3) {
                $shift_panels[] = '</div><div class="row">';
        $shift_panels[] = '</div>';
        $needed_angels = div('first', [
            div('col-md-12', [
                heading(__('Needed angels:')),
            div('container-fluid', [

    $stats =  [
        stats(__('Angels needed in the next 3 hrs'), $stats['needed-3-hours']),
        stats(__('Angels needed for nightshifts'), $stats['needed-night']),
        stats(__('Angels currently working'), $stats['angels-working'], 'default'),
        stats(__('Hours to be worked'), $stats['hours-to-work'], 'default'),

    $dayOfEvent = DayOfEvent::get();

    if (config('enable_show_day_of_event') && $dayOfEvent !== null) {
        $stats[] = stats(__('dashboard.day'), $dayOfEvent, 'default');

    $isFiltered = request()->get('filtered');
    $filter = collect(session()->get('shifts-filter'))->only(['locations', 'types'])->toArray();
    return page([
        div('wrapper', [
            div('public-dashboard', [
                div('first row', $stats, 'statistics'),
            ], 'public-dashboard'),
        div('first col-md-12 text-center', [buttons([
                icon('fullscreen') . __('Fullscreen'),
            auth()->user() ? button(
                public_dashboard_link($isFiltered ? [] : ['filtered' => 1] + $filter),
                icon('filter') . ($isFiltered ? __('All') : __('Filtered'))
            ) : '',
        ])], 'fullscreen-button'),

 * Renders a single shift panel for a dashboard shift with needed angels
 * @param array $shift
 * @return string
function public_dashboard_shift_render($shift)
    $panel_body = icon('clock-history') . $shift['start'] . ' - ' . $shift['end'];
    $panel_body .= ' (' . $shift['duration'] . '&nbsp;h)';

    $panel_body .= '<br>' . icon('list-task') . htmlspecialchars($shift['shifttype_name']);
    if (!empty($shift['title'])) {
        $panel_body .= ' (' . htmlspecialchars($shift['title']) . ')';

    $panel_body .= '<br>' . icon('pin-map-fill') . htmlspecialchars($shift['location_name']);

    foreach ($shift['needed_angels'] as $needed_angels) {
        $panel_body .= '<br>' . icon('person')
            . '<span class="text-' . $shift['style'] . '">'
            . $needed_angels['need'] . ' &times; ' . htmlspecialchars($needed_angels['angeltype_name'])
            . '</span>';

    $type = 'bg-dark';
    if (theme_type() == 'light') {
        $type = 'bg-light';

    return div('col-md-3 mb-3', [
        div('dashboard-card card border-' . $shift['style'] . ' ' . $type, [
            div('card-body', [
                '<a class="card-link" href="' . shift_link($shift) . '"></a>',