user(); $tshirt_sizes = config('tshirt_sizes'); $enable_tshirt_size = config('enable_tshirt_size'); $enable_user_name = config('enable_user_name'); $enable_dect = config('enable_dect'); $enable_planned_arrival = config('enable_planned_arrival'); $min_password_length = config('min_password_length'); $enable_password = config('enable_password'); $enable_pronoun = config('enable_pronoun'); $config = config(); $request = request(); $session = session(); $is_oauth = $session->has('oauth2_connect_provider'); $msg = ''; $nick = ''; $lastName = ''; $preName = ''; $dect = ''; $mobile = ''; $email = ''; $pronoun = ''; $email_shiftinfo = false; $email_by_human_allowed = false; $email_news = false; $email_goody = false; $tshirt_size = ''; $password_hash = ''; $selected_angel_types = []; $planned_arrival_date = null; $angel_types_source = AngelTypes(); $angel_types = []; if (!empty($session->get('oauth2_groups'))) { /** @var OAuth2 $oauth */ $oauth = app()->get(OAuth2::class); $ssoTeams = $oauth->getSsoTeams($session->get('oauth2_connect_provider')); foreach ($ssoTeams as $name => $team) { if (in_array($name, $session->get('oauth2_groups'))) { $selected_angel_types[] = $team['id']; } } } foreach ($angel_types_source as $angel_type) { $angel_types[$angel_type['id']] = $angel_type['name'] . ($angel_type['restricted'] ? ' (' . __('Requires introduction') . ')' : ''); if (!$angel_type['restricted']) { $selected_angel_types[] = $angel_type['id']; } } $oauth_enable_password = $session->get('oauth2_enable_password'); if (!is_null($oauth_enable_password)) { $enable_password = $oauth_enable_password; } if ( !auth()->can('register') // No registration permission // Not authenticated and || (!$authUser && !config('registration_enabled') && !$session->get('oauth2_allow_registration')) // Registration disabled || (!$authUser && !$enable_password && !$is_oauth) // Password disabled and not oauth ) { error(__('Registration is disabled.')); return page_with_title(register_title(), [ msg(), ]); } if ($request->hasPostData('submit')) { $valid = true; if ($request->has('username')) { $nickValidation = User_validate_Nick($request->input('username')); $nick = $nickValidation->getValue(); if (!$nickValidation->isValid()) { $valid = false; $msg .= error(sprintf(__('Please enter a valid nick.') . ' ' . __('Use up to 24 letters, numbers, connecting punctuations or spaces for your nickname.'), $nick), true); } if (User::whereName($nick)->count() > 0) { $valid = false; $msg .= error(sprintf(__('Your nick "%s" already exists.'), $nick), true); } } else { $valid = false; $msg .= error(__('Please enter a nickname.'), true); } if ($request->has('email') && strlen(strip_request_item('email')) > 0) { $email = strip_request_item('email'); if (!check_email($email)) { $valid = false; $msg .= error(__('E-mail address is not correct.'), true); } if (User::whereEmail($email)->first()) { $valid = false; $msg .= error(__('E-mail address is already used by another user.'), true); } } else { $valid = false; $msg .= error(__('Please enter your e-mail.'), true); } if ($request->has('email_shiftinfo')) { $email_shiftinfo = true; } if ($request->has('email_by_human_allowed')) { $email_by_human_allowed = true; } if ($request->has('email_news')) { $email_news = true; } if ($request->has('email_goody')) { $email_goody = true; } if ($enable_tshirt_size) { if ($request->has('tshirt_size') && isset($tshirt_sizes[$request->input('tshirt_size')])) { $tshirt_size = $request->input('tshirt_size'); } else { $valid = false; $msg .= error(__('Please select your shirt size.'), true); } } if ($enable_password && $request->has('password') && strlen($request->postData('password')) >= $min_password_length) { if ($request->postData('password') != $request->postData('password2')) { $valid = false; $msg .= error(__('Your passwords don\'t match.'), true); } } else if ($enable_password) { $valid = false; $msg .= error(sprintf( __('Your password is too short (please use at least %s characters).'), $min_password_length ), true); } if ($request->has('planned_arrival_date') && $enable_planned_arrival) { $tmp = parse_date('Y-m-d H:i', $request->input('planned_arrival_date') . ' 00:00'); $result = User_validate_planned_arrival_date($tmp); $planned_arrival_date = $result->getValue(); if (!$result->isValid()) { $valid = false; error(__('Please enter your planned date of arrival. It should be after the buildup start date and before teardown end date.')); } } elseif ($enable_planned_arrival) { $valid = false; error(__('Please enter your planned date of arrival. It should be after the buildup start date and before teardown end date.')); } $selected_angel_types = []; foreach (array_keys($angel_types) as $angel_type_id) { if ($request->has('angel_types_' . $angel_type_id)) { $selected_angel_types[] = $angel_type_id; } } // Trivia if ($enable_user_name && $request->has('lastname')) { $lastName = strip_request_item('lastname'); } if ($enable_user_name && $request->has('prename')) { $preName = strip_request_item('prename'); } if ($enable_pronoun && $request->has('pronoun')) { $pronoun = strip_request_item('pronoun'); } if ($enable_dect && $request->has('dect')) { if (strlen(strip_request_item('dect')) <= 40) { $dect = strip_request_item('dect'); } else { $valid = false; error(__('For dect numbers are only 40 digits allowed.')); } } if ($request->has('mobile')) { $mobile = strip_request_item('mobile'); } if ($valid) { $user = new User([ 'name' => $nick, 'password' => $password_hash, 'email' => $email, 'api_key' => '', 'last_login_at' => null, ]); $user->save(); $contact = new Contact([ 'dect' => $dect, 'mobile' => $mobile, ]); $contact->user() ->associate($user) ->save(); $personalData = new PersonalData([ 'first_name' => $preName, 'last_name' => $lastName, 'pronoun' => $pronoun, 'shirt_size' => $tshirt_size, 'planned_arrival_date' => $enable_planned_arrival ? Carbon::createFromTimestamp($planned_arrival_date) : null, ]); $personalData->user() ->associate($user) ->save(); $settings = new Settings([ 'language' => $session->get('locale'), 'theme' => config('theme'), 'email_human' => $email_by_human_allowed, 'email_goody' => $email_goody, 'email_shiftinfo' => $email_shiftinfo, 'email_news' => $email_news, ]); $settings->user() ->associate($user) ->save(); $state = new State([]); if (config('autoarrive')) { $state->arrived = true; $state->arrival_date = new Carbon(); } $state->user() ->associate($user) ->save(); if ($session->has('oauth2_connect_provider') && $session->has('oauth2_user_id')) { $oauth = new OAuth([ 'provider' => $session->get('oauth2_connect_provider'), 'identifier' => $session->get('oauth2_user_id'), 'access_token' => $session->get('oauth2_access_token'), 'refresh_token' => $session->get('oauth2_refresh_token'), 'expires_at' => $session->get('oauth2_expires_at'), ]); $oauth->user() ->associate($user) ->save(); $session->remove('oauth2_connect_provider'); $session->remove('oauth2_user_id'); $session->remove('oauth2_access_token'); $session->remove('oauth2_refresh_token'); $session->remove('oauth2_expires_at'); } // Assign user-group and set password DB::insert('INSERT INTO `UserGroups` (`uid`, `group_id`) VALUES (?, -20)', [$user->id]); if ($enable_password) { auth()->setPassword($user, $request->postData('password')); } // Assign angel-types $user_angel_types_info = []; foreach ($selected_angel_types as $selected_angel_type_id) { DB::insert( 'INSERT INTO `UserAngelTypes` (`user_id`, `angeltype_id`, `supporter`) VALUES (?, ?, FALSE)', [$user->id, $selected_angel_type_id] ); $user_angel_types_info[] = $angel_types[$selected_angel_type_id]; } engelsystem_log( 'User ' . User_Nick_render($user, true) . ' signed up as: ' . join(', ', $user_angel_types_info) ); success(__('Angel registration successful!')); // User is already logged in - that means a supporter has registered an angel. Return to register page. if ($authUser) { throw_redirect(page_link_to('register')); } // If a welcome message is present, display it on the next page if ($message = $config->get('welcome_msg')) { info((new Parsedown())->text($message)); } // Login the user if ($user->oauth->count()) { /** @var OAuth $provider */ $provider = $user->oauth->first(); throw_redirect(url('/oauth/' . $provider->provider)); } throw_redirect(page_link_to('/')); } } $buildup_start_date = time(); $teardown_end_date = null; if ($buildup = $config->get('buildup_start')) { /** @var Carbon $buildup */ $buildup_start_date = $buildup->getTimestamp(); } if ($teardown = $config->get('teardown_end')) { /** @var Carbon $teardown */ $teardown_end_date = $teardown->getTimestamp(); } $form_data = $session->get('form_data'); $session->remove('form_data'); if (!$nick && !empty($form_data['name'])) { $nick = $form_data['name']; } if (!$email && !empty($form_data['email'])) { $email = $form_data['email']; } if (!$preName && !empty($form_data['first_name'])) { $preName = $form_data['first_name']; } if (!$lastName && !empty($form_data['last_name'])) { $lastName = $form_data['last_name']; } return page_with_title(register_title(), [ __('By completing this form you\'re registering as a Chaos-Angel. This script will create you an account in the angel task scheduler.'), form_info(entry_required() . ' = ' . __('Entry required!')), $msg, msg(), form([ div('row', [ div('col', [ form_text( 'username', __('Nick') . ' ' . entry_required(), $nick, false, 24, 'nickname' ), form_info('', __('Use up to 24 letters, numbers, connecting punctuations or spaces for your nickname.')) ]), $enable_pronoun ? div('col', [ form_text('pronoun', __('Pronoun'), $pronoun, false, 15) ]) : '', ]), $enable_user_name ? div('row', [ div('col', [ form_text('prename', __('First name'), $preName, false, 64, 'given-name') ]), div('col', [ form_text('lastname', __('Last name'), $lastName, false, 64, 'family-name') ]) ]) : '', div('row', [ div('col', [ form_email( 'email', __('E-Mail') . ' ' . entry_required(), $email, false, 'email', 254 ), form_checkbox( 'email_shiftinfo', __( 'The %s is allowed to send me an email (e.g. when my shifts change)', [config('app_name')] ), $email_shiftinfo ), form_checkbox( 'email_news', __('Notify me of new news'), $email_news ), form_checkbox( 'email_by_human_allowed', __('Allow heaven angels to contact you by e-mail.'), $email_by_human_allowed ), config('enable_goody') ? form_checkbox( 'email_goody', __('To receive vouchers, give consent that nick, email address, worked hours and shirt size will be stored until the next similar event.') . (config('privacy_email') ? ' ' . __('To withdraw your approval, send an email to %1$s.', [config('privacy_email')]) : ''), $email_goody ) : '', ]), $enable_dect ? div('col', [ form_text('dect', __('DECT'), $dect, false, 40, 'tel-local') ]) : '', div('col', [ form_text('mobile', __('Mobile'), $mobile, false, 40, 'tel-national') ]) ]), div('row', [ $enable_password ? div('col', [ form_password('password', __('Password') . ' ' . entry_required()) ]) : '', $enable_planned_arrival ? div('col', [ form_date( 'planned_arrival_date', __('Planned date of arrival') . ' ' . entry_required(), $planned_arrival_date, $buildup_start_date, $teardown_end_date ) ]) : '', ]), div('row', [ $enable_password ? div('col', [ form_password('password2', __('Confirm password') . ' ' . entry_required()) ]) : '', div('col', [ $enable_tshirt_size ? form_select('tshirt_size', __('Shirt size') . ' ' . entry_required(), $tshirt_sizes, $tshirt_size, __('Please select...')) : '' ]), ]), div('row', [ div('col', [ form_checkboxes( 'angel_types', __('What do you want to do?') . sprintf( ' (%s)', page_link_to('angeltypes', ['action' => 'about']), __('Description of job types') ), $angel_types, $selected_angel_types ), form_info( '', __('Some angel types have to be confirmed later by a supporter at an introduction meeting. You can change your selection in the options section.') ) ]) ]), form_submit('submit', __('Register')) ]) ]); } /** * @return string */ function entry_required() { return icon('exclamation-triangle', 'text-info'); }