msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Engelsystem 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-29 19:01+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-04 23:41+0200\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;gettext;gettext_noop\n"
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"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: en_US\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ msgstr "Please enter a nickname."
#~ msgid ""
#~ msgstr "Please enter a password."
msgid "auth.password.error"
msgstr "Your password is incorrect. Please try it again."
msgid "form.submit"
msgstr "Submit"
msgid "login.login"
msgstr "Login"
msgid "page.403.login"
msgstr "Please log in."
msgid "page.404.text"
msgstr ""
"This page could not be found or you don't have permission to view it. "
"You probably have to sign in or register in order to gain access!"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"The original engelsystem was written by "
". It was then completely rewritten and enhanced by "
" (maintainer) and "
msgid "credits.contributors"
msgstr ""
"Please have a look at the "
"[contributors list on GitHub]("
" for a complete list."
msgid "form.load_schedule"
msgstr "Load schedule"
msgid "form.import"
msgstr "Import"
msgid ""
msgstr "Save"
msgid "form.edit"
msgstr "Edit"
msgid "form.preview"
msgstr "Preview"
msgid "form.delete"
msgstr "Delete"
msgid "form.updated"
msgstr "Updated"
msgid "schedule.import"
msgstr "Import schedule"
msgid "schedule.edit.title"
msgstr "Edit schedule"
msgid "schedule.import.title"
msgstr "Import schedule"
msgid "schedule.last_update"
msgstr "Last updated: %s"
msgid "schedule.import.text"
msgstr "Imports create rooms and create, update and delete shifts according to a schedule.xml export."
msgid "schedule.import.load.title"
msgstr "Import schedule: Preview"
msgid ""
msgstr "Import \"%s\" (version \"%s\")"
msgid ""
msgstr "Programm name"
msgid "schedule.url"
msgstr "Schedule URL (schedule.xml)"
msgid "schedule.shift-type"
msgstr "Shift type"
msgid "schedule.minutes-before"
msgstr "Add minutes before talk begins"
msgid "schedule.minutes-after"
msgstr "Add minutes after talk ends"
msgid "schedule.import.request_error"
msgstr "Unable to load schedule."
msgid "schedule.import.rooms.add"
msgstr "Rooms to create"
msgid "schedule.import.shifts.add"
msgstr "Shifts to create"
msgid "schedule.import.shifts.update"
msgstr "Shifts to update"
msgid "schedule.import.shifts.delete"
msgstr "Shifts to delete"
msgid ""
msgstr "Name"
msgid "schedule.import.shift.dates"
msgstr "Times"
msgid "schedule.import.shift.type"
msgstr "Type"
msgid "schedule.import.shift.title"
msgstr "Title"
msgid ""
msgstr "Room"
msgid "news.title"
msgstr "News"
msgid "news.title.meetings"
msgstr "Meetings"
msgid "news.add"
msgstr "+"
msgid "news.is_meeting"
msgstr "[Meeting]"
msgid "news.read_more"
msgstr "Continue reading"
msgid "news.updated"
msgstr "Updated"
msgid "news.comments"
msgstr "Comments"
msgid ""
msgstr "New comment"
msgid "news.comments.message"
msgstr "Message"
msgid "news.edit.edit"
msgstr "Edit news"
msgid "news.edit.add"
msgstr "Add news"
msgid "news.edit.subject"
msgstr "Subject"
msgid "news.edit.is_meeting"
msgstr "Meeting"
msgid "news.edit.is_pinned"
msgstr "Pin to top"
msgid "news.edit.message"
msgstr "Message"
msgid "news.edit.hint"
msgstr "You can use Markdown and the [more] tag"
msgid ""
msgstr "Search"
msgid "log.log"
msgstr "Logs"
msgid "log.time"
msgstr "Time"
msgid "log.level"
msgstr "Level"
msgid "log.message"
msgstr "Message"
msgid "settings.settings"
msgstr "Settings"
msgid ""
msgstr "Here you can change your user details."
msgid "settings.profile.entry_required"
msgstr "Entry required!"
msgid "settings.profile.nick"
msgstr "Nick"
msgid "settings.profile.pronoun"
msgstr "Pronoun"
msgid ""
msgstr "Will be shown on your profile page and in angel lists."
msgid "settings.profile.firstname"
msgstr "First name"
msgid "settings.profile.lastname"
msgstr "Last name"
msgid "settings.profile.planned_arrival_date"
msgstr "Planned date of arrival"
msgid "settings.profile.planned_departure_date"
msgstr "Planned date of departure"
msgid "settings.profile.dect"
msgstr "DECT"
msgid ""
msgstr "Mobile"
msgid ""
msgstr "E-Mail"
msgid "settings.profile.email_shiftinfo"
msgstr "The %s is allowed to send me an e-mail (e.g. when my shifts change)."
msgid "settings.profile.email_news"
msgstr "Notify me of new news."
msgid "settings.profile.email_by_human_allowed"
msgstr "Allow heaven angels to contact you by e-mail."
msgid "settings.profile.email_goody"
msgstr "To receive vouchers, give consent that nick, e-mail address, worked hours and shirt size will be stored until "
"the next similar event."
msgid "settings.profile.privacy"
msgstr "To withdraw your approval, send an e-mail to %1$s."
msgid "settings.profile.shirt_size"
msgstr "Shirt size"
msgid ""
msgstr "You can manage your Angeltypes on the Angeltypes page."
msgid "settings.password"
msgstr "Password"
msgid ""
msgstr "Here you can change your password."
msgid "settings.password.password"
msgstr "Old password"
msgid "settings.password.new_password"
msgstr "New passwort"
msgid "settings.password.new_password2"
msgstr "Password confirmation"
msgid "settings.password.success"
msgstr "Password was changed successfully."
msgid "settings.theme"
msgstr "Theme"
msgid ""
msgstr "Here you can change your theme."
msgid "settings.theme.success"
msgstr "Theme was changed successfully."
msgid "settings.language"
msgstr "Language"
msgid ""
msgstr "Here you can change your language."
msgid "settings.language.success"
msgstr "Language was changed successfully."
msgid "settings.oauth"
msgstr "Single Sign-On"
msgid "settings.oauth.identity-provider"
msgstr "Identity provider"
msgid "oauth.login"
msgstr "Login using OAuth"
msgid "oauth.login-using-provider"
msgstr "Login using %s"
msgid "form.connect"
msgstr "Connect"
msgid "form.disconnect"
msgstr "Disconnect"
msgid "faq.faq"
msgstr "FAQ"
msgid "faq.questions_link"
msgstr "If you don't find an answer, you can ask the heaven."
msgid "faq.edit"
msgstr "Edit FAQ entry"
msgid "faq.add"
msgstr "Add FAQ entry"
msgid "faq.question"
msgstr "Question"
msgid "faq.message"
msgstr "Answer"
msgid "question.questions"
msgstr "Questions"
msgid "question.faq_link"
msgstr "For general questions, have a look at our FAQ."
msgid "question.add"
msgstr "Ask a question"
msgid "question.edit"
msgstr "Edit question"
msgid "question.question"
msgstr "Question"
msgid "question.answer"
msgstr "Answer"
msgid "user.edit.shirt"
msgstr "Edit shirt"
msgid "form.shirt"
msgstr "Shirt"
msgid "user.shirt_size"
msgstr "Shirt size"
msgid ""
msgstr "Active"
msgid "user.force_active"
msgstr "Active (forced)"
msgid "user.arrived"
msgstr "Arrived"
msgid "user.got_shirt"
msgstr "Got shirt"
msgid "message.title"
msgstr "Messages"
msgid "message.choose_angel"
msgstr "Choose an Angel"
msgid "message.to_conversation"
msgstr "To Conversation"
msgid "message.message"
msgstr "Message"
msgid "angel"
msgstr "Angel"
msgid "date"
msgstr "Date"