<?php use Engelsystem\Models\AngelType; use Engelsystem\Models\Location; use Engelsystem\Models\News; use Engelsystem\Models\Shifts\Shift; use Engelsystem\ShiftsFilter; /** * Loads all data for the public dashboard * * @return array */ function public_dashboard_controller() { $filter = null; if (request()->get('filtered')) { $requestLocations = check_request_int_array('locations'); $requestAngelTypes = check_request_int_array('types'); if (!$requestLocations && !$requestAngelTypes) { $sessionFilter = collect(session()->get('shifts-filter', [])); $requestLocations = $sessionFilter->get('locations', []); $requestAngelTypes = $sessionFilter->get('types', []); } $angelTypes = collect(unrestricted_angeltypes()); $locations = $requestLocations ?: Location::orderBy('name')->get()->pluck('id')->toArray(); $angelTypes = $requestAngelTypes ?: $angelTypes->pluck('id')->toArray(); $filterValues = [ 'userShiftsAdmin' => false, 'filled' => [], 'locations' => $locations, 'types' => $angelTypes, 'startTime' => null, 'endTime' => null, ]; $filter = new ShiftsFilter(); $filter->sessionImport($filterValues); } $stats = [ 'needed-3-hours' => stats_angels_needed_three_hours($filter), 'needed-night' => stats_angels_needed_for_nightshifts($filter), 'angels-working' => stats_currently_working($filter), 'hours-to-work' => stats_hours_to_work($filter), ]; $free_shifts_source = Shifts_free(time(), time() + 12 * 60 * 60, $filter); $free_shifts = []; foreach ($free_shifts_source as $shift) { $shift = Shift($shift); $free_shift = public_dashboard_controller_free_shift($shift, $filter); if (count($free_shift['needed_angels']) > 0) { $free_shifts[] = $free_shift; } } $highlighted_news = News::whereIsHighlighted(true) ->orderBy('updated_at') ->limit(1) ->get(); return [ __('Public Dashboard'), public_dashboard_view($stats, $free_shifts, $highlighted_news), ]; } /** * Gathers information for free shifts to display. * * @param Shift $shift * @param ShiftsFilter|null $filter * * @return array */ function public_dashboard_controller_free_shift(Shift $shift, ShiftsFilter $filter = null) { // ToDo move to model and return one $free_shift = [ 'id' => $shift->id, 'style' => 'default', 'start' => $shift->start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $shift->end->format('H:i'), 'duration' => round(($shift->end->timestamp - $shift->start->timestamp) / 3600), 'shifttype_name' => $shift->shiftType->name, 'title' => $shift->title, 'location_name' => $shift->location->name, 'needed_angels' => public_dashboard_needed_angels($shift->neededAngels, $filter), ]; if (time() + 3 * 60 * 60 > $shift->start->timestamp) { $free_shift['style'] = 'warning'; } if (time() > $shift->start->timestamp) { $free_shift['style'] = 'danger'; } return $free_shift; } /** * Gathers information for needed angels on dashboard * * @param array $needed_angels * @param ShiftsFilter|null $filter * * @return array */ function public_dashboard_needed_angels($needed_angels, ShiftsFilter $filter = null) { $result = []; foreach ($needed_angels as $needed_angel) { $need = $needed_angel['count'] - $needed_angel['taken']; if ($need > 0 && (!$filter || in_array($needed_angel['angel_type_id'], $filter->getTypes()))) { $angeltype = AngelType::find($needed_angel['angel_type_id']); if ($angeltype->show_on_dashboard) { $result[] = [ 'need' => $need, 'angeltype_name' => $angeltype->name, ]; } } } return $result; } /** * Returns url to public dashboard * * @param array $parameters * * @return string */ function public_dashboard_link(array $parameters = []): string { return url('/public-dashboard', $parameters); }