import { ready } from './ready'; /** * Initialises all countdown fields on the page. */ ready(() => { const lang = document.documentElement.getAttribute('lang'); const rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(lang ?? [], { numeric: 'auto' }); const timeFrames = [ [60 * 60 * 24 * 365, 'year'], [60 * 60 * 24 * 30, 'month'], [60 * 60 * 24 * 7, 'week'], [60 * 60 * 24, 'day'], [60 * 60, 'hour'], [60, 'minute'], [1, 'second'], ]; /** * @param {number} timestamp * @returns {string} */ function formatFromNow(timestamp) { const now = / 1000; const diff = Math.round(timestamp - now); const absValue = Math.abs(diff); for (const [duration, unit] of timeFrames) { if (absValue >= duration) { return rtf.format(Math.round(diff / duration), unit); } } return rtf.format(0, 'second'); } document.querySelectorAll('[data-countdown-ts]').forEach((element) => { const timestamp = Number(element.dataset.countdownTs); const template = element.textContent; element.textContent = template.replace('%c', formatFromNow(timestamp)); setInterval(() => { element.textContent = template.replace('%c', formatFromNow(timestamp)); }, 1000); }); });