user()->isFreeloader()) { throw_redirect(url('/user-myshifts')); } if ($request->has('edit_shift')) { return shift_edit_controller(); } elseif ($request->has('delete_shift')) { return shift_delete_controller(); } return view_user_shifts(); } /** * Helper function that updates the start and end time from request data. * Use update_ShiftsFilter(). * * @param ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter The shiftfilter to update. * @param string[] $days */ function update_ShiftsFilter_timerange(ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter, $days) { $start_time = $shiftsFilter->getStartTime(); if (is_null($start_time)) { $now = (new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d'); $first_day = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d', in_array($now, $days) ? $now : ($days[0] ?? (new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d')) )->getTimestamp(); if (time() < $first_day) { $start_time = $first_day; } else { $start_time = time(); } } $end_time = $shiftsFilter->getEndTime(); if (is_null($end_time)) { $end_time = $start_time + 24 * 60 * 60; $end = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($end_time); if (!in_array($end->format('Y-m-d'), $days)) { $end->startOfDay()->subSecond(); // the day before $end_time = $end->timestamp; } } $shiftsFilter->setStartTime(check_request_datetime( 'start_day', 'start_time', $days, $start_time )); $shiftsFilter->setEndTime(check_request_datetime( 'end_day', 'end_time', $days, $end_time )); if ($shiftsFilter->getStartTime() > $shiftsFilter->getEndTime()) { $shiftsFilter->setEndTime($shiftsFilter->getStartTime() + 24 * 60 * 60); } } /** * Update given ShiftsFilter with filter params from user input * * @param ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter The shifts filter to update from request data * @param boolean $user_shifts_admin Has the user user_shift_admin privilege? * @param string[] $days An array of available filter days */ function update_ShiftsFilter(ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter, $user_shifts_admin, $days) { $shiftsFilter->setUserShiftsAdmin($user_shifts_admin); $shiftsFilter->setFilled(check_request_int_array('filled', $shiftsFilter->getFilled())); $shiftsFilter->setLocations(check_request_int_array('locations', $shiftsFilter->getLocations())); $shiftsFilter->setTypes(check_request_int_array('types', $shiftsFilter->getTypes())); update_ShiftsFilter_timerange($shiftsFilter, $days); } /** * @return Location[]|Collection */ function load_locations(bool $onlyWithActiveShifts = false) { $locations = Location::orderBy('name'); if ($onlyWithActiveShifts) { $locationIdsFromAngelType = NeededAngelType::query() ->whereNotNull('location_id') ->select('location_id'); $locationIdsFromShift = Shift::query() ->leftJoin('needed_angel_types', '', 'needed_angel_types.shift_id') ->whereNotNull('needed_angel_types.shift_id') ->select('shifts.location_id'); $locations->whereIn('id', $locationIdsFromAngelType) ->orWhereIn('id', $locationIdsFromShift); } $locations = $locations->get(); if ($locations->isEmpty()) { error(__('The administration has not configured any locations yet.')); throw_redirect(url('/')); } return $locations; } /** * @return array */ function load_days() { $days = (new Collection(Db::select( ' SELECT DISTINCT DATE(`start`) AS `id`, DATE(`start`) AS `name` FROM `shifts` ORDER BY `id`, `name` ' ))) ->pluck('id') ->toArray(); if (empty($days)) { error(__('The administration has not configured any shifts yet.')); // Do not try to redirect to the current page if (config('home_site') != 'user_shifts') { throw_redirect(url('/')); } } return $days; } /** * @return array[]|false */ function load_types() { $user = auth()->user(); $isShico = auth()->can('admin_shifts'); if (!AngelType::count()) { error(__('The administration has not configured any angeltypes yet - or you are not subscribed to any angeltype.')); throw_redirect(url('/')); } $types = Db::select( ' SELECT `angel_types`.`id`, `angel_types`.`name`, ( `angel_types`.`restricted`=0 OR ( NOT `user_angel_type`.`confirm_user_id` IS NULL OR `user_angel_type`.`id` IS NULL ) ) AS `enabled` FROM `angel_types` LEFT JOIN `user_angel_type` ON ( `user_angel_type`.`angel_type_id`=`angel_types`.`id` AND `user_angel_type`.`user_id`=? )' . ($isShico ? '' : 'WHERE angel_types.hide_on_shift_view = 0 OR user_angel_type.user_id IS NOT NULL ') . 'ORDER BY `angel_types`.`name` ', [ $user->id, ] ); if (empty($types)) { return unrestricted_angeltypes(); } return $types; } /** * @return array[] */ function unrestricted_angeltypes() { return AngelType::whereRestricted(0)->get(['id', 'name'])->toArray(); } /** * @return string */ function view_user_shifts() { $user = auth()->user(); $session = session(); $days = load_days(); $locations = load_locations(true); $types = load_types(); $ownAngelTypes = []; /** @var EloquentCollection|UserAngelType[] $userAngelTypes */ $userAngelTypes = UserAngelType::whereUserId($user->id) ->leftJoin('angel_types', 'user_angel_type.angel_type_id', '') ->where(function (Builder $query) { $query->whereNotNull('user_angel_type.confirm_user_id') ->orWhere('angel_types.restricted', false); }) ->get(); foreach ($userAngelTypes as $type) { $ownAngelTypes[] = $type->angel_type_id; } if (!$session->has('shifts-filter')) { $location_ids = $locations->pluck('id')->toArray(); $shiftsFilter = new ShiftsFilter(auth()->can('user_shifts_admin'), $location_ids, $ownAngelTypes); $session->set('shifts-filter', $shiftsFilter->sessionExport()); } $shiftsFilter = new ShiftsFilter(); $shiftsFilter->sessionImport($session->get('shifts-filter')); update_ShiftsFilter($shiftsFilter, auth()->can('user_shifts_admin'), $days); $session->set('shifts-filter', $shiftsFilter->sessionExport()); $shiftCalendarRenderer = shiftCalendarRendererByShiftFilter($shiftsFilter); if (empty($user->api_key)) { User_reset_api_key($user, false); } $filled = [ [ 'id' => '1', 'name' => __('occupied'), ], [ 'id' => '0', 'name' => __('free'), ], ]; $start_day = $shiftsFilter->getStart()->format('Y-m-d'); $start_time = $shiftsFilter->getStart()->format('H:i'); $end_day = $shiftsFilter->getEnd()->format('Y-m-d'); $end_time = $shiftsFilter->getEnd()->format('H:i'); if (config('signup_requires_arrival') && !$user->state->arrived) { info(render_user_arrived_hint()); } $formattedDays = collect($days)->map(function ($value) { return dateWithEventDay(Carbon::make($value)->format('Y-m-d')); })->toArray(); $link = button(url('/admin-shifts'), icon('plus-lg'), 'add'); return page([ div('col-md-12', [ msg(), view(__DIR__ . '/../../resources/views/pages/user-shifts.html', [ 'title' => shifts_title(), 'add_link' => auth()->can('admin_shifts') ? $link : '', 'location_select' => make_select( $locations, $shiftsFilter->getLocations(), 'locations', icon('pin-map-fill') . __('Locations') ), 'start_select' => html_select_key( 'start_day', 'start_day', array_combine($days, $formattedDays), $start_day ), 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_select' => html_select_key( 'end_day', 'end_day', array_combine($days, $formattedDays), $end_day ), 'end_time' => $end_time, 'type_select' => make_select( $types, $shiftsFilter->getTypes(), 'types', icon('person-lines-fill') . __('angeltypes.angeltypes') . ' ', $ownAngelTypes ), 'filled_select' => make_select( $filled, $shiftsFilter->getFilled(), 'filled', icon('person-fill-slash') . __('Occupancy') ), 'shifts_table' => msg() . $shiftCalendarRenderer->render(), 'ical_text' => div('mt-3', ical_hint()), 'filter' => __('Filter'), 'filter_toggle' => __('shifts.filter.toggle'), 'set_yesterday' => __('Yesterday'), 'set_today' => __('Today'), 'set_tomorrow' => __('Tomorrow'), 'set_last_8h' => __('last 8h'), 'set_last_4h' => __('last 4h'), 'set_next_4h' => __('next 4h'), 'set_next_8h' => __('next 8h'), 'buttons' => button( public_dashboard_link(), icon('speedometer2') . __('Public Dashboard') ), ]), ]), ]); } /** * Returns a hint for the user how the ical feature works. * * @return string */ function ical_hint() { $user = auth()->user(); if (!auth()->can('ical')) { return ''; } return heading(__('iCal export and API') . ' ' . button_help('user/ical'), 2) . '
' . sprintf( __('Export your own shifts. iCal format or JSON format available (please keep secret, otherwise reset the api key).'), url('/ical', ['key' => $user->api_key]), url('/shifts-json-export', ['key' => $user->api_key]), url('/user-myshifts', ['reset' => 1]) ) . ' ' . '
' . '' . $user->api_key . '