_("Please select..."),
'S' => "S",
'M' => "M",
'L' => "L",
'XL' => "XL",
'2XL' => "2XL",
'3XL' => "3XL",
'4XL' => "4XL",
'5XL' => "5XL",
'S-G' => "S Girl",
'M-G' => "M Girl",
'L-G' => "L Girl",
'XL-G' => "XL Girl"
* Displays the welcome message to the user and shows a login form.
function User_registration_success_view($event_welcome_message) {
$parsedown = new Parsedown();
$event_welcome_message = $parsedown->text($event_welcome_message);
return page_with_title(_("Welcome to the engelsystem!"), [
* Gui for deleting user with password field.
function User_delete_view($user) {
return page_with_title(sprintf(_("Delete %s"), User_Nick_render($user)), [
button(user_edit_link($user), glyph('chevron-left') . _("back"))
error(_("Do you really want to delete the user including all his shifts and every other piece of his data?"), true),
form_password('password', _("Your password")),
form_submit('submit', _("Delete"))
* View for editing the number of given vouchers
function User_edit_vouchers_view($user) {
return page_with_title(sprintf(_("%s's vouchers"), User_Nick_render($user)), [
button(user_link($user), glyph('chevron-left') . _("back"))
info(sprintf(_("Angel should receive at least %d vouchers."), User_get_eligable_voucher_count($user)), true),
form_spinner('vouchers', _("Number of vouchers given out"), $user['got_voucher']),
form_submit('submit', _("Save"))
], page_link_to('users') . '&action=edit_vouchers&user_id=' . $user['UID'])
function Users_view($users, $order_by, $arrived_count, $active_count, $force_active_count, $freeloads_count, $tshirts_count, $voucher_count) {
foreach ($users as &$user) {
$user['Nick'] = User_Nick_render($user);
$user['Gekommen'] = glyph_bool($user['Gekommen']);
$user['got_voucher'] = $user['got_voucher'];
$user['Aktiv'] = glyph_bool($user['Aktiv']);
$user['force_active'] = glyph_bool($user['force_active']);
$user['Tshirt'] = glyph_bool($user['Tshirt']);
$user['lastLogIn'] = date(_('m/d/Y h:i a'), $user['lastLogIn']);
$user['actions'] = table_buttons(array(
button_glyph(page_link_to('admin_user') . '&id=' . $user['UID'], 'edit', 'btn-xs')
$users[] = array(
'Nick' => '' . _('Sum') . '',
'Gekommen' => $arrived_count,
'got_voucher' => $voucher_count,
'Aktiv' => $active_count,
'force_active' => $force_active_count,
'freeloads' => $freeloads_count,
'Tshirt' => $tshirts_count,
'actions' => '' . count($users) . ''
return page_with_title(_('All users'), array(
button(page_link_to('register'), glyph('plus') . _('New user'))
'Nick' => Users_table_header_link('Nick', _('Nick'), $order_by),
'Vorname' => Users_table_header_link('Vorname', _('Prename'), $order_by),
'Name' => Users_table_header_link('Name', _('Name'), $order_by),
'DECT' => Users_table_header_link('DECT', _('DECT'), $order_by),
'Gekommen' => Users_table_header_link('Gekommen', _('Arrived'), $order_by),
'got_voucher' => Users_table_header_link('got_voucher', _('Voucher'), $order_by),
'freeloads' => _('Freeloads'),
'Aktiv' => Users_table_header_link('Aktiv', _('Active'), $order_by),
'force_active' => Users_table_header_link('force_active', _('Forced'), $order_by),
'Tshirt' => Users_table_header_link('Tshirt', _('T-Shirt'), $order_by),
'Size' => Users_table_header_link('Size', _('Size'), $order_by),
'lastLogIn' => Users_table_header_link('lastLogIn', _('Last login'), $order_by),
'actions' => ''
), $users)
function Users_table_header_link($column, $label, $order_by) {
return '' . $label . ($order_by == $column ? ' ' : '') . '';
function User_shift_state_render($user) {
$upcoming_shifts = ShiftEntries_upcoming_for_user($user);
if ($upcoming_shifts === false)
return false;
if (count($upcoming_shifts) == 0)
return '' . _("Free") . '';
if ($upcoming_shifts[0]['start'] > time())
if ($upcoming_shifts[0]['start'] - time() > 3600)
return '' . _("Next shift %c") . '';
return '' . _("Next shift %c") . '';
$halfway = ($upcoming_shifts[0]['start'] + $upcoming_shifts[0]['end']) / 2;
if (time() < $halfway)
return '' . _("Shift starts %c") . '';
return '' . _("Shift ends %c") . '';
function User_view($user_source, $admin_user_privilege, $freeloader, $user_angeltypes, $user_groups, $shifts, $its_me) {
global $LETZTES_AUSTRAGEN, $privileges;
$user_name = htmlspecialchars($user_source['Vorname']) . " " . htmlspecialchars($user_source['Name']);
$myshifts_table = array();
$timesum = 0;
foreach ($shifts as $shift) {
$shift_info = '' . $shift['name'] . '';
if ($shift['title'])
$shift_info .= '
' . $shift['title'] . '';
foreach ($shift['needed_angeltypes'] as $needed_angel_type) {
$shift_info .= '
' . $needed_angel_type['name'] . ': ';
$shift_entries = array();
foreach ($needed_angel_type['users'] as $user_shift) {
$member = User_Nick_render($user_shift);
if ($user_shift['freeloaded'])
$member = '' . $member . '';
$shift_entries[] = $member;
$shift_info .= join(", ", $shift_entries);
$myshift = array(
'date' => date("Y-m-d", $shift['start']),
'time' => date("H:i", $shift['start']) . ' - ' . date("H:i", $shift['end']),
'room' => $shift['Name'],
'shift_info' => $shift_info,
'comment' => $shift['Comment']
if ($shift['freeloaded']) {
if (in_array("user_shifts_admin", $privileges))
$myshift['comment'] .= '
' . _("Freeloaded") . ': ' . $shift['freeload_comment'] . '
'; else $myshift['comment'] .= '' . _("Freeloaded") . '
'; } $myshift['actions'] = [ button(shift_link($shift), glyph('eye-open') . _('view'), 'btn-xs') ]; if ($its_me || in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) $myshift['actions'][] = button(page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '&edit=' . $shift['id'] . '&id=' . $user_source['UID'], glyph('edit') . _('edit'), 'btn-xs'); if (($shift['start'] > time() + $LETZTES_AUSTRAGEN * 3600) || in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) $myshift['actions'][] = button(page_link_to('user_myshifts') . ((! $its_me) ? '&id=' . $user_source['UID'] : '') . '&cancel=' . $shift['id'], glyph('trash') . _('sign off'), 'btn-xs'); $myshift['actions'] = table_buttons($myshift['actions']); if ($shift['freeloaded']) $timesum += (- 2 * ($shift['end'] - $shift['start'])); else $timesum += ($shift['end'] - $shift['start']); $myshifts_table[] = $myshift; } if (count($myshifts_table) > 0) $myshifts_table[] = array( 'date' => '' . _("Sum:") . '', 'time' => "" . round($timesum / 3600, 1) . " h", 'room' => "", 'shift_info' => "", 'comment' => "", 'actions' => "" ); return page_with_title(' ' . htmlspecialchars($user_source['Nick']) . ' ' . $user_name . '', array( msg(), div('row', array( div('col-md-3', array( '