<?php use Engelsystem\Models\Room; use Engelsystem\Models\User\User; use Engelsystem\ShiftSignupState; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection; /** * Route shift entry actions. * * @return array */ function shift_entries_controller(): array { $user = auth()->user(); if (!$user) { throw_redirect(page_link_to('login')); } $action = strip_request_item('action'); if (empty($action)) { throw_redirect(user_link($user->id)); } switch ($action) { case 'create': return shift_entry_create_controller(); case 'delete': return shift_entry_delete_controller(); } return ['', '']; } /** * Sign up for a shift. * * @return array */ function shift_entry_create_controller(): array { $user = auth()->user(); $request = request(); if (User_is_freeloader($user)) { throw_redirect(page_link_to('user_myshifts')); } $shift = Shift($request->input('shift_id')); if (empty($shift)) { throw_redirect(user_link($user->id)); } $angeltype = AngelType($request->input('angeltype_id')); if (auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) { return shift_entry_create_controller_admin($shift, $angeltype); } if (empty($angeltype)) { throw_redirect(user_link($user->id)); } if (User_is_AngelType_supporter($user, $angeltype)) { return shift_entry_create_controller_supporter($shift, $angeltype); } return shift_entry_create_controller_user($shift, $angeltype); } /** * Sign up for a shift. * Case: Admin * * @param array $shift * @param array $angeltype * @return array */ function shift_entry_create_controller_admin($shift, $angeltype): array { $signup_user = auth()->user(); $request = request(); if ($request->has('user_id')) { $signup_user = User::find($request->input('user_id')); } if (!$signup_user) { throw_redirect(shift_link($shift)); } $angeltypes = AngelTypes(); if ($request->hasPostData('angeltype_id')) { $angeltype = AngelType($request->postData('angeltype_id')); } if (empty($angeltype)) { if (count($angeltypes) == 0) { throw_redirect(shift_link($shift)); } $angeltype = $angeltypes[0]; } if ($request->hasPostData('submit')) { ShiftEntry_create([ 'SID' => $shift['SID'], 'TID' => $angeltype['id'], 'UID' => $signup_user->id, 'Comment' => '', 'freeloaded' => false, 'freeload_comment' => '' ]); success(sprintf(__('%s has been subscribed to the shift.'), User_Nick_render($signup_user))); throw_redirect(shift_link($shift)); } /** @var User[]|Collection $users */ $users = User::query()->orderBy('name')->get(); $users_select = []; foreach ($users as $user) { $users_select[$user->id] = $user->name; } $angeltypes_select = []; foreach ($angeltypes as $a) { $angeltypes_select[$a['id']] = $a['name']; } $room = Room::find($shift['RID']); return [ ShiftEntry_create_title(), ShiftEntry_create_view_admin($shift, $room, $angeltype, $angeltypes_select, $signup_user, $users_select) ]; } /** * Sign up for a shift. * Case: Supporter * * @param array $shift * @param array $angeltype * @return array */ function shift_entry_create_controller_supporter($shift, $angeltype): array { $request = request(); $signup_user = auth()->user(); if ($request->has('user_id')) { $signup_user = User::find($request->input('user_id')); } if (!UserAngelType_exists($signup_user->id, $angeltype)) { error(__('User is not in angeltype.')); throw_redirect(shift_link($shift)); } if ($request->hasPostData('submit')) { ShiftEntry_create([ 'SID' => $shift['SID'], 'TID' => $angeltype['id'], 'UID' => $signup_user->id, 'Comment' => '', 'freeloaded' => false, 'freeload_comment' => '' ]); success(sprintf(__('%s has been subscribed to the shift.'), User_Nick_render($signup_user))); throw_redirect(shift_link($shift)); } $users = Users_by_angeltype($angeltype); $users_select = []; foreach ($users as $u) { $users_select[$u->id] = $u->name; } $room = Room::find($shift['RID']); return [ ShiftEntry_create_title(), ShiftEntry_create_view_supporter($shift, $room, $angeltype, $signup_user, $users_select) ]; } /** * Generates an error message for the given shift signup state. * * @param ShiftSignupState $shift_signup_state */ function shift_entry_error_message(ShiftSignupState $shift_signup_state) { if ($shift_signup_state->getState() == ShiftSignupState::ANGELTYPE) { error(__('You need be accepted member of the angeltype.')); } elseif ($shift_signup_state->getState() == ShiftSignupState::COLLIDES) { error(__('This shift collides with one of your shifts.')); } elseif ($shift_signup_state->getState() == ShiftSignupState::OCCUPIED) { error(__('This shift is already occupied.')); } elseif ($shift_signup_state->getState() == ShiftSignupState::SHIFT_ENDED) { error(__('This shift ended already.')); } elseif ($shift_signup_state->getState() == ShiftSignupState::NOT_ARRIVED) { error(__('You are not marked as arrived.')); } elseif ($shift_signup_state->getState() == ShiftSignupState::NOT_YET) { error(__('You are not allowed to sign up yet.')); } elseif ($shift_signup_state->getState() == ShiftSignupState::SIGNED_UP) { error(__('You are signed up for this shift.')); } } /** * Sign up for a shift. * Case: User * * @param array $shift * @param array $angeltype * @return array */ function shift_entry_create_controller_user($shift, $angeltype): array { $request = request(); $signup_user = auth()->user(); $needed_angeltype = NeededAngeltype_by_Shift_and_Angeltype($shift, $angeltype); $shift_entries = ShiftEntries_by_shift_and_angeltype($shift['SID'], $angeltype['id']); $shift_signup_state = Shift_signup_allowed( $signup_user, $shift, $angeltype, null, null, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries ); if (!$shift_signup_state->isSignupAllowed()) { shift_entry_error_message($shift_signup_state); throw_redirect(shift_link($shift)); } $comment = ''; if ($request->hasPostData('submit')) { $comment = strip_request_item_nl('comment'); ShiftEntry_create([ 'SID' => $shift['SID'], 'TID' => $angeltype['id'], 'UID' => $signup_user->id, 'Comment' => $comment, 'freeloaded' => false, 'freeload_comment' => '' ]); if ($angeltype['restricted'] == false && !UserAngelType_exists($signup_user->id, $angeltype)) { UserAngelType_create($signup_user->id, $angeltype); } success(__('You are subscribed. Thank you!')); throw_redirect(shift_link($shift)); } $room = Room::find($shift['RID']); return [ ShiftEntry_create_title(), ShiftEntry_create_view_user($shift, $room, $angeltype, $comment) ]; } /** * Link to create a shift entry. * * @param array $shift * @param array $angeltype * @param array $params * @return string URL */ function shift_entry_create_link($shift, $angeltype, $params = []) { $params = array_merge([ 'action' => 'create', 'shift_id' => $shift['SID'], 'angeltype_id' => $angeltype['id'] ], $params); return page_link_to('shift_entries', $params); } /** * Link to create a shift entry as admin. * * @param array $shift * @param array $params * @return string URL */ function shift_entry_create_link_admin($shift, $params = []) { $params = array_merge([ 'action' => 'create', 'shift_id' => $shift['SID'] ], $params); return page_link_to('shift_entries', $params); } /** * Load a shift entry from get parameter shift_entry_id. * * @return array */ function shift_entry_load() { $request = request(); if (!$request->has('shift_entry_id') || !test_request_int('shift_entry_id')) { throw_redirect(page_link_to('user_shifts')); } $shiftEntry = ShiftEntry($request->input('shift_entry_id')); if (empty($shiftEntry)) { error(__('Shift entry not found.')); throw_redirect(page_link_to('user_shifts')); } return $shiftEntry; } /** * Remove somebody from a shift. * * @return array */ function shift_entry_delete_controller() { $user = auth()->user(); $request = request(); $shiftEntry = shift_entry_load(); $shift = Shift($shiftEntry['SID']); $angeltype = AngelType($shiftEntry['TID']); $signout_user = User::find($shiftEntry['UID']); if (!Shift_signout_allowed($shift, $angeltype, $signout_user->id)) { error(__( 'You are not allowed to remove this shift entry. If necessary, ask your supporter or heaven to do so.' )); throw_redirect(user_link($signout_user->id)); } if ($request->hasPostData('delete')) { ShiftEntry_delete($shiftEntry); success(__('Shift entry removed.')); throw_redirect(shift_link($shift)); } if ($user->id == $signout_user->id) { return [ ShiftEntry_delete_title(), ShiftEntry_delete_view($shift, $angeltype, $signout_user->id) ]; } return [ ShiftEntry_delete_title(), ShiftEntry_delete_view_admin($shift, $angeltype, $signout_user) ]; } /** * Link to delete a shift entry. * * @param array $shiftEntry * @param array $params * @return string URL */ function shift_entry_delete_link($shiftEntry, $params = []) { $params = array_merge([ 'action' => 'delete', 'shift_entry_id' => $shiftEntry['id'] ], $params); return page_link_to('shift_entries', $params); }