
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Engelsystem\Database\Db;
use Engelsystem\Models\User\User;
use Engelsystem\Models\Worklog;
use Engelsystem\ValidationResult;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

 * User model

 * Returns the tshirt score (number of hours counted for tshirt).
 * Accounts only ended shifts.
 * @param int $userId
 * @return int
function User_tshirt_score($userId)
    $shift_sum_formula = User_get_shifts_sum_query();
    $result_shifts = Db::selectOne(sprintf('
        SELECT ROUND((%s) / 3600, 2) AS `tshirt_score`
        FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `ShiftEntry` ON `users`.`id` = `ShiftEntry`.`UID`
        LEFT JOIN `Shifts` ON `ShiftEntry`.`SID` = `Shifts`.`SID`
        WHERE `users`.`id` = ?
        AND `Shifts`.`end` < ?
        GROUP BY `users`.`id`
    ', $shift_sum_formula), [
    if (!isset($result_shifts['tshirt_score'])) {
        $result_shifts = ['tshirt_score' => 0];

    $worklogHours = Worklog::query()
        ->where('user_id', $userId)
        ->where('worked_at', '<=', Carbon::Now())

    return $result_shifts['tshirt_score'] + $worklogHours;

 * Returns true if user is freeloader
 * @param User $user
 * @return bool
function User_is_freeloader($user)
    return count(ShiftEntries_freeloaded_by_user($user->id)) >= config('max_freeloadable_shifts');

 * Returns all users that are not member of given angeltype.
 * @param array $angeltype Angeltype
 * @return User[]|Collection
function Users_by_angeltype_inverted($angeltype)
    return User::query()
        ->leftJoin('UserAngelTypes', function ($query) use ($angeltype) {
            /** @var JoinClause $query */
                ->on('users.id', '=', 'UserAngelTypes.user_id')
                ->where('UserAngelTypes.angeltype_id', '=', $angeltype['id']);

 * Returns all members of given angeltype.
 * @param array $angeltype
 * @return User[]|Collection
function Users_by_angeltype($angeltype)
    return User::query()
            'UserAngelTypes.id AS user_angeltype_id',
        ->join('UserAngelTypes', 'users.id', '=', 'UserAngelTypes.user_id')
        ->leftJoin('users_licenses', 'users.id', '=', 'users_licenses.user_id')
        ->where('UserAngelTypes.angeltype_id', '=', $angeltype['id'])

 * Strip unwanted characters from a users nick. Allowed are letters, numbers, connecting punctuation and simple space.
 * Nick is trimmed.
 * @param string $nick
 * @return ValidationResult
function User_validate_Nick($nick)
    $nick = trim($nick);

    if (strlen($nick) == 0 || strlen($nick) > 24) {
        return new ValidationResult(false, $nick);
    if (preg_match(config('username_regex', '/([^\p{L}\p{N}\-_. ]+)/ui'), $nick)) {
        return new ValidationResult(false, $nick);

    return new ValidationResult(true, $nick);

 * Validate user email address.
 * @param string $mail The email address to validate
 * @return ValidationResult
function User_validate_mail($mail)
    $mail = strip_item($mail);
    return new ValidationResult(check_email($mail), $mail);

 * Validate the planned arrival date
 * @param int $planned_arrival_date Unix timestamp
 * @return ValidationResult
function User_validate_planned_arrival_date($planned_arrival_date)
    if (is_null($planned_arrival_date)) {
        // null is not okay
        return new ValidationResult(false, time());

    $config = config();
    $buildup = $config->get('buildup_start');
    $teardown = $config->get('teardown_end');

    /** @var Carbon $buildup */
    if (!empty($buildup) && Carbon::createFromTimestamp($planned_arrival_date)->lessThan($buildup->setTime(0, 0))) {
        // Planned arrival can not be before buildup start date
        return new ValidationResult(false, $buildup->getTimestamp());

    /** @var Carbon $teardown */
    if (!empty($teardown) && Carbon::createFromTimestamp($planned_arrival_date)->greaterThanOrEqualTo($teardown->addDay()->setTime(0, 0))) {
        // Planned arrival can not be after teardown end date
        return new ValidationResult(false, $teardown->getTimestamp());

    return new ValidationResult(true, $planned_arrival_date);

 * Validate the planned departure date
 * @param int $planned_arrival_date   Unix timestamp
 * @param int $planned_departure_date Unix timestamp
 * @return ValidationResult
function User_validate_planned_departure_date($planned_arrival_date, $planned_departure_date)
    if (is_null($planned_departure_date)) {
        // null is okay
        return new ValidationResult(true, null);

    if ($planned_arrival_date > $planned_departure_date) {
        // departure cannot be before arrival
        return new ValidationResult(false, $planned_arrival_date);

    $config = config();
    $buildup = $config->get('buildup_start');
    $teardown = $config->get('teardown_end');

    /** @var Carbon $buildup */
    if (!empty($buildup) && Carbon::createFromTimestamp($planned_departure_date)->lessThan($buildup->setTime(0, 0))) {
        // Planned departure can not be before buildup start date
        return new ValidationResult(false, $buildup->getTimestamp());

    /** @var Carbon $teardown */
    if (!empty($teardown) && Carbon::createFromTimestamp($planned_departure_date)->greaterThanOrEqualTo($teardown->addDay()->setTime(0, 0))) {
        // Planned departure can not be after teardown end date
        return new ValidationResult(false, $teardown->getTimestamp());

    return new ValidationResult(true, $planned_departure_date);

 * Generates a new api key for given user.
 * @param User $user
 * @param bool $log
function User_reset_api_key($user, $log = true)
    $user->api_key = md5($user->name . time() . rand());

    if ($log) {
        engelsystem_log(sprintf('API key resetted (%s).', User_Nick_render($user, true)));

 * @param User $user
 * @return float
function User_get_eligable_voucher_count($user)
    $voucher_settings = config('voucher_settings');
    $start = $voucher_settings['voucher_start']
        ? Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $voucher_settings['voucher_start'])->setTime(0, 0)
        : null;

    $shifts = ShiftEntries_finished_by_user($user->id, $start);
    $worklog = UserWorkLogsForUser($user->id, $start);
    $shifts_done =
        + $worklog->count();

    $shiftsTime = 0;
    foreach ($shifts as $shift) {
        $shiftsTime += ($shift['end'] - $shift['start']) / 60 / 60;
    foreach ($worklog as $entry) {
        $shiftsTime += $entry->hours;

    $vouchers = $voucher_settings['initial_vouchers'];
    if ($voucher_settings['shifts_per_voucher']) {
        $vouchers +=  $shifts_done / $voucher_settings['shifts_per_voucher'];
    if ($voucher_settings['hours_per_voucher']) {
        $vouchers +=  $shiftsTime / $voucher_settings['hours_per_voucher'];

    $vouchers -= $user->state->got_voucher;
    $vouchers = floor($vouchers);
    if ($vouchers < 0) {
        return 0;

    return $vouchers;

 * Generates the query to sum night shifts
 * @return string
function User_get_shifts_sum_query()
    $nightShifts = config('night_shifts');
    if (!$nightShifts['enabled']) {
        return 'COALESCE(SUM(`end` - `start`), 0)';

    return sprintf(
                (1 + (
                    (HOUR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`Shifts`.`end`)) > %1$d AND HOUR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`Shifts`.`end`)) < %2$d)
                    OR (HOUR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`Shifts`.`start`)) > %1$d AND HOUR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`Shifts`.`start`)) < %2$d)
                    OR (HOUR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`Shifts`.`start`)) <= %1$d AND HOUR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`Shifts`.`end`)) >= %2$d)
                * (`Shifts`.`end` - `Shifts`.`start`)
                * (1 - (%3$d + 1) * `ShiftEntry`.`freeloaded`)
            ), 0)