<?php namespace Engelsystem\Test\Unit\Controllers\Metrics; use Carbon\Carbon; use Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats; use Engelsystem\Models\LogEntry; use Engelsystem\Models\Message; use Engelsystem\Models\News; use Engelsystem\Models\Question; use Engelsystem\Models\User\PasswordReset; use Engelsystem\Models\User\PersonalData; use Engelsystem\Models\User\State; use Engelsystem\Models\User\User; use Engelsystem\Test\Unit\HasDatabase; use Engelsystem\Test\Unit\TestCase; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; class StatsTest extends TestCase { use HasDatabase; /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::__construct * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::newUsers */ public function testNewUsers() { $this->addUsers(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(2, $stats->newUsers()); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::vouchers */ public function testVouchers() { $this->addUsers(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(14, $stats->vouchers()); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::tshirts */ public function testTshirts() { $this->addUsers(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(2, $stats->tshirts()); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::tshirtSizes * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::raw * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::getQuery */ public function testTshirtSizes() { $this->addUsers(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $sizes = $stats->tshirtSizes(); $this->assertCount(2, $sizes); $this->assertEquals([ (object)['shirt_size' => 'L', 'count' => 2], (object)['shirt_size' => 'XXL', 'count' => 1], ], $sizes->toArray()); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::announcements */ public function testAnnouncements() { $this->addUsers(); $newsData = ['title' => 'Test', 'text' => 'Foo Bar', 'user_id' => 1]; (new News($newsData))->save(); (new News($newsData))->save(); (new News($newsData + ['is_meeting' => true]))->save(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(3, $stats->announcements()); $this->assertEquals(2, $stats->announcements(false)); $this->assertEquals(1, $stats->announcements(true)); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::questions */ public function testQuestions() { $this->addUsers(); $questionsData = ['text' => 'Lorem Ipsum', 'user_id' => 1]; (new Question($questionsData))->save(); (new Question($questionsData))->save(); (new Question($questionsData + ['answerer_id' => 2, 'answer' => 'Dolor sit!']))->save(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(3, $stats->questions()); $this->assertEquals(2, $stats->questions(false)); $this->assertEquals(1, $stats->questions(true)); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::arrivedUsers */ public function testArrivedUsers() { $this->addUsers(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(6, $stats->arrivedUsers()); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::forceActiveUsers */ public function testForceActiveUsers() { $this->addUsers(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(2, $stats->forceActiveUsers()); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::messages */ public function testMessages() { $this->addUsers(); (new Message(['user_id' => 1, 'receiver_id' => 2, 'text' => 'Ohi?']))->save(); (new Message(['user_id' => 4, 'receiver_id' => 1, 'text' => 'Testing stuff?']))->save(); (new Message(['user_id' => 2, 'receiver_id' => 3, 'text' => 'Nope!', 'read' => true]))->save(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(3, $stats->messages()); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::sessions */ public function testSessions() { $this->database ->getConnection() ->table('sessions') ->insert([ ['id' => 'asd', 'payload' => 'data', 'last_activity' => new Carbon('1 month ago')], ['id' => 'efg', 'payload' => 'lorem', 'last_activity' => new Carbon('55 minutes ago')], ['id' => 'hij', 'payload' => 'ipsum', 'last_activity' => new Carbon('3 seconds ago')], ['id' => 'klm', 'payload' => 'dolor', 'last_activity' => new Carbon()], ]); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(4, $stats->sessions()); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::databaseRead * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::databaseWrite */ public function testDatabase() { $stats = new Stats($this->database); $read = $stats->databaseRead(); $write = $stats->databaseWrite(); $this->assertIsFloat($read); $this->assertNotEmpty($read); $this->assertIsFloat($write); $this->assertNotEmpty($write); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::logEntries */ public function testLogEntries() { (new LogEntry(['level' => LogLevel::INFO, 'message' => 'Some info']))->save(); (new LogEntry(['level' => LogLevel::INFO, 'message' => 'Another info']))->save(); (new LogEntry(['level' => LogLevel::CRITICAL, 'message' => 'A critical error!']))->save(); (new LogEntry(['level' => LogLevel::DEBUG, 'message' => 'Verbose output!']))->save(); (new LogEntry(['level' => LogLevel::INFO, 'message' => 'Shutdown initiated']))->save(); (new LogEntry(['level' => LogLevel::WARNING, 'message' => 'Please be cautious']))->save(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(6, $stats->logEntries()); $this->assertEquals(3, $stats->logEntries(LogLevel::INFO)); $this->assertEquals(1, $stats->logEntries(LogLevel::DEBUG)); } /** * @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\Metrics\Stats::passwordResets */ public function testPasswordResets() { $this->addUsers(); (new PasswordReset(['user_id' => 1, 'token' => 'loremIpsum123']))->save(); (new PasswordReset(['user_id' => 3, 'token' => '5omeR4nd0mTok3N']))->save(); $stats = new Stats($this->database); $this->assertEquals(2, $stats->passwordResets()); } /** * Add some example users */ protected function addUsers() { $this->addUser(); $this->addUser([], ['shirt_size' => 'L']); $this->addUser(['arrived' => 1]); $this->addUser(['arrived' => 1, 'got_voucher' => 2], ['shirt_size' => 'XXL']); $this->addUser(['arrived' => 1, 'got_voucher' => 9]); $this->addUser(['arrived' => 1, 'got_voucher' => 3, 'force_active' => true]); $this->addUser(['arrived' => 1, 'active' => 1, 'got_shirt' => true, 'force_active' => true]); $this->addUser(['arrived' => 1, 'active' => 1, 'got_shirt' => true], ['shirt_size' => 'L']); } /** * @param array $state * @param array $personalData */ protected function addUser(array $state = [], $personalData = []) { $name = 'user_' . Str::random(5); $user = new User([ 'name' => $name, 'password' => '', 'email' => $name . '@engel.example.com', 'api_key' => '', ]); $user->save(); $state = new State($state); $state->user() ->associate($user) ->save(); $personalData = new PersonalData($personalData); $personalData->user() ->associate($user) ->save(); } /** * Set up the environment */ protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->initDatabase(); } }