msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Engelsystem 2.0\n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language: en_US\n" msgid "auth.not-found" msgstr "No user was found or password is wrong. Please try again. If you are still having problems, ask Heaven." msgid "validation.password.required" msgstr "The password is required." msgid "validation.password.length" msgstr "The password entered is too short." msgid "validation.login.required" msgstr "The login name is required." msgid "validation.pronoun.required" msgstr "Please enter your pronoun." msgid "validation.firstname.required" msgstr "Please enter your first name." msgid "validation.lastname.required" msgstr "Please enter your last name." msgid "" msgstr "Please enter your mobile number." msgid "validation.dect.required" msgstr "Please enter your DECT number." msgid "validation.username.required" msgstr "Please enter your nick." msgid "validation.username.username" msgstr "" "Please enter a valid nick:" "Use up to 24 letters, numbers or connecting punctuations (.-_) for your nickname." msgid "" msgstr "The e-mail address is required." msgid "" msgstr "This e-mail address is not valid." msgid "validation.new_password.length" msgstr "Your new password is too short." msgid "validation.password.confirmed" msgstr "Your passwords are not equal." msgid "validation.password_confirmation.required" msgstr "You have to confirm your password." msgid "validation.tshirt_size.required" msgstr "Please choose your T-shirt size." msgid "validation.tshirt_size.shirtSize" msgstr "Please choose a valid T-shirt size." msgid "validation.planned_arrival_date.required" msgstr "Please enter your planned date of arrival." msgid "validation.planned_arrival_date.min" msgstr "The planned date of arrival must not be before the buil-up start date." msgid "validation.planned_arrival_date.between" msgstr "The planned date of arrival must be between the build-up and tear-down date." msgid "schedule.edit.success" msgstr "The schedule was configured successfully." msgid "schedule.import.request-error" msgstr "The schedule could not be requested." msgid "" msgstr "Unable to parse schedule." msgid "schedule.import.invalid-shift-type" msgstr "The shift type can't not be found." msgid "schedule.import.success" msgstr "Schedule import successful." msgid "schedule.delete.success" msgstr "Schedule deletion successful." msgid "shifts.filter.toggle" msgstr "collapse/show filters" msgid "validation.schedule-url.required" msgstr "The schedule URL is required." msgid "validation.schedule-url.url" msgstr "The schedule URL needs to be of type URL." msgid "validation.shift-type.required" msgstr "The shift type is required." msgid "" msgstr "The shift type has to ba a number." msgid "" msgstr "The minutes before the talk have to be an integer." msgid "" msgstr "The minutes after the talk have to be an integer." msgid "news.comment.success" msgstr "Comment saved." msgid "news.comment-delete.success" msgstr "Comment successfully deleted." msgid "news.edit.duplicate" msgstr "Diese News wurde bereits erstellt." msgid "news.edit.success" msgstr "News successfully updated." msgid "news.delete.success" msgstr "News successfully deleted." msgid "oauth.invalid-state" msgstr "Invalid OAuth state" msgid "oauth.provider-error" msgstr "OAuth provider error" msgid "oauth.already-connected" msgstr "This account is already connected to another account!" msgid "oauth.connected" msgstr "Connected login provider!" msgid "oauth.disconnected" msgstr "Disconnected login provider!" msgid "oauth.not-found" msgstr "Unable to find account" msgid "oauth.provider-not-found" msgstr "Unable to find OAuth provider" msgid "oauth.invalid_request" msgstr "The OAuth-Provider rejected the request due to a missing or invalid parameter." msgid "oauth.unauthorized_client" msgstr "Not authorized as a client with the OAuth-Provider." msgid "oauth.access_denied" msgstr "The resource owner or authorization server denied the request." msgid "oauth.unsupported_response_type" msgstr "The OAuth-Provider does not support obtaining an authorization code using this method." msgid "oauth.invalid_scope" msgstr "The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed." msgid "oauth.server_error" msgstr "The OAuth-Provider encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request." msgid "oauth.temporarily_unavailable" msgstr "The OAuth-Provider is currently unable to handle the request " "due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server." msgid "" msgstr "My shifts" msgid "settings.profile" msgstr "Profile" msgid "settings.profile.planned_arrival_date.invalid" msgstr "Please enter your planned date of arrival. " "It should be after the buildup start date and before teardown end date." msgid "settings.profile.planned_departure_date.invalid" msgstr "Please enter your planned date of departure. " "It should be after your planned arrival date and after buildup start date and before teardown end date." msgid "settings.success" msgstr "Settings saved." msgid "settings.sessions.delete_success" msgstr "Session deleted successfully." msgid "settings.api.key_reset_success" msgstr "API key successfully reset." msgid "faq.delete.success" msgstr "FAQ entry successfully deleted." msgid "faq.edit.success" msgstr "FAQ entry successfully updated." msgid "question.delete.success" msgstr "Question deleted successfully." msgid "question.add.success" msgstr "Question added successfully." msgid "question.edit.success" msgstr "Question updated successfully." msgid "" msgstr "New news: %s" msgid "" msgstr "A new news is available: %1$s" msgid "" msgstr "You can watch it at %3$s" msgid "" msgstr "New private message from %s" msgid "" msgstr "you've got a new private message from %s. You can view it under %s" msgid "notification.angeltype.confirmed" msgstr "You have been confirmed as an %s" msgid "notification.angeltype.confirmed.introduction" msgstr "You have been confirmed as an %1$s by a supporter." msgid "notification.angeltype.confirmed.text" msgstr "You can find a description at %2$s" msgid "notification.angeltype.added" msgstr "You have been added as an %s" msgid "notification.angeltype.added.introduction" msgstr "You have been added as an %1$s by a supporter." msgid "notification.angeltype.added.text" msgstr "You can find a description at %2$s" msgid "notification.shift.deleted" msgstr "Your Shift was deleted" msgid "notification.shift.deleted.introduction" msgstr "A Shift you are registered on was deleted:" msgid "notification.shift.deleted.worklog" msgstr "" "Since the deleted shift was already done, " "we added a worklog entry instead, to keep your work hours correct." msgid "notification.shift.updated" msgstr "Your shift was updated" msgid "notification.shift.no_next_found" msgstr "There is no available shift." msgid "user.edit.success" msgstr "User edited successfully." msgid "message.delete.success" msgstr "Message successfully deleted." msgid "worklog.add.success" msgstr "Work log successfully added." msgid "worklog.edit.success" msgstr "Work log successfully updated." msgid "worklog.delete.success" msgstr "Work log successfully deleted." msgid "location.edit.success" msgstr "Location edited successfully." msgid "location.delete.success" msgstr "Location successfully deleted." msgid "shifttype.edit.success" msgstr "Shift type edited successfully." msgid "shifttype.delete.success" msgstr "Shift type successfully deleted." msgid "" msgstr "The name is already used." msgid "registration.disabled" msgstr "The registration is disabled." msgid "registration.successful" msgstr "Registration successful. You can now log in!" msgid "shifts.history.delete.success" msgstr "Shifts deleted successfully."