<?php /** * @return string */ function admin_rooms_title() { return _('Rooms'); } /** * @return string */ function admin_rooms() { $rooms_source = Rooms(); $rooms = []; $request = request(); foreach ($rooms_source as $room) { $rooms[] = [ 'name' => Room_name_render($room), 'from_frab' => glyph_bool($room['from_frab']), 'map_url' => glyph_bool(!empty($room['map_url'])), 'actions' => table_buttons([ button(page_link_to('admin_rooms', ['show' => 'edit', 'id' => $room['RID']]), _('edit'), 'btn-xs'), button(page_link_to('admin_rooms', ['show' => 'delete', 'id' => $room['RID']]), _('delete'), 'btn-xs') ]) ]; } $room = null; if ($request->has('show')) { $msg = ''; $name = ''; $from_frab = false; $map_url = null; $description = null; $room_id = 0; $angeltypes_source = AngelTypes(); $angeltypes = []; $angeltypes_count = []; foreach ($angeltypes_source as $angeltype) { $angeltypes[$angeltype['id']] = $angeltype['name']; $angeltypes_count[$angeltype['id']] = 0; } if (test_request_int('id')) { $room = Room($request->input('id')); if ($room == null) { redirect(page_link_to('admin_rooms')); } $room_id = $request->input('id'); $name = $room['Name']; $from_frab = $room['from_frab']; $map_url = $room['map_url']; $description = $room['description']; $needed_angeltypes = NeededAngelTypes_by_room($room_id); foreach ($needed_angeltypes as $needed_angeltype) { $angeltypes_count[$needed_angeltype['angel_type_id']] = $needed_angeltype['count']; } } if ($request->input('show') == 'edit') { if ($request->has('submit')) { $valid = true; if ($request->has('name') && strlen(strip_request_item('name')) > 0) { $result = Room_validate_name(strip_request_item('name'), $room_id); if(!$result->isValid()) { $valid = false; $msg .= error(_('This name is already in use.'), true); } else { $name = $result->getValue(); } } else { $valid = false; $msg .= error(_('Please enter a name.'), true); } $from_frab = $request->has('from_frab'); if ($request->has('map_url')) { $map_url = strip_request_item('map_url'); } if ($request->has('description')) { $description= strip_request_item_nl('description'); } foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype_id => $angeltype) { $angeltypes_count[$angeltype_id] = 0; $queryKey = 'angeltype_count_' . $angeltype_id; if (!$request->has($queryKey)) { continue; } if (preg_match('/^\d{1,4}$/', $request->input($queryKey))) { $angeltypes_count[$angeltype_id] = $request->input($queryKey); } else { $valid = false; $msg .= error(sprintf(_('Please enter needed angels for type %s.'), $angeltype), true); } } if ($valid) { if (empty($room_id)) { $room_id = Room_create($name, $from_frab, $map_url, $description); } else { Room_update($room_id, $name, $from_frab, $map_url, $description); } NeededAngelTypes_delete_by_room($room_id); $needed_angeltype_info = []; foreach ($angeltypes_count as $angeltype_id => $angeltype_count) { $angeltype = AngelType($angeltype_id); if ($angeltype != null) { NeededAngelType_add(null, $angeltype_id, $room_id, $angeltype_count); if($angeltype_count > 0) { $needed_angeltype_info[] = $angeltype['name'] . ': ' . $angeltype_count; } } } engelsystem_log( 'Set needed angeltypes of room ' . $name . ' to: ' . join(', ', $needed_angeltype_info) ); success(_('Room saved.')); redirect(page_link_to('admin_rooms')); } } $angeltypes_count_form = []; foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype_id => $angeltype) { $angeltypes_count_form[] = div('col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-6', [ form_spinner('angeltype_count_' . $angeltype_id, $angeltype, $angeltypes_count[$angeltype_id]) ]); } return page_with_title(admin_rooms_title(), [ buttons([ button(page_link_to('admin_rooms'), _('back'), 'back') ]), $msg, form([ div('row', [ div('col-md-6', [ form_text('name', _('Name'), $name), form_checkbox('from_frab', _('Frab import'), $from_frab), form_text('map_url', _('Map URL'), $map_url), form_info('', _('The map url is used to display an iframe on the room page.')), form_textarea('description', _('Description'), $description), form_info('', _('Please use markdown for the description.')), ]), div('col-md-6', [ div('row', [ div('col-md-12', [ form_info(_('Needed angels:')) ]), join($angeltypes_count_form) ]) ]) ]), form_submit('submit', _('Save')) ]) ]); } elseif ($request->input('show') == 'delete') { if ($request->has('ack')) { Room_delete($room_id); engelsystem_log('Room deleted: ' . $name); success(sprintf(_('Room %s deleted.'), $name)); redirect(page_link_to('admin_rooms')); } return page_with_title(admin_rooms_title(), [ buttons([ button(page_link_to('admin_rooms'), _('back'), 'back') ]), sprintf(_('Do you want to delete room %s?'), $name), buttons([ button( page_link_to('admin_rooms', ['show' => 'delete', 'id' => $room_id, 'ack' => 1]), _('Delete'), 'delete btn-danger' ) ]) ]); } } return page_with_title(admin_rooms_title(), [ buttons([ button(page_link_to('admin_rooms', ['show' => 'edit']), _('add')) ]), msg(), table([ 'name' => _('Name'), 'from_frab' => _('Frab import'), 'map_url' => _('Map'), 'actions' => '' ], $rooms) ]); }