<?php use Engelsystem\Database\Db; use Engelsystem\Helpers\Carbon; use Engelsystem\Models\AngelType; use Engelsystem\Models\Shifts\Shift; use Engelsystem\Models\Shifts\ShiftEntry; use Engelsystem\Models\Shifts\ShiftSignupStatus; use Engelsystem\Models\User\User; use Engelsystem\Models\UserAngelType; use Engelsystem\ShiftsFilter; use Engelsystem\ShiftSignupState; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\Collection as SupportCollection; /** * @param AngelType $angeltype * @return array */ function Shifts_by_angeltype(AngelType $angeltype) { return Db::select(' SELECT DISTINCT `shifts`.* FROM `shifts` JOIN `needed_angel_types` ON `needed_angel_types`.`shift_id` = `shifts`.`id` LEFT JOIN schedule_shift AS s on shifts.id = s.shift_id WHERE `needed_angel_types`.`angel_type_id` = ? AND s.shift_id IS NULL UNION SELECT DISTINCT `shifts`.* FROM `shifts` JOIN `needed_angel_types` ON `needed_angel_types`.`location_id` = `shifts`.`location_id` LEFT JOIN schedule_shift AS s on shifts.id = s.shift_id WHERE `needed_angel_types`.`angel_type_id` = ? AND NOT s.shift_id IS NULL ', [$angeltype->id, $angeltype->id]); } /** * Returns every shift with needed angels in the given time range. * * @param int $start timestamp * @param int $end timestamp * @param ShiftsFilter|null $filter * * @return Collection|Shift[] */ function Shifts_free($start, $end, ShiftsFilter $filter = null) { $start = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($start); $end = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($end); $shifts = Db::select(' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT id, start FROM `shifts` LEFT JOIN schedule_shift AS s on shifts.id = s.shift_id WHERE (`end` > ? AND `start` < ?) AND (SELECT SUM(`count`) FROM `needed_angel_types` WHERE `needed_angel_types`.`shift_id`=`shifts`.`id`' . ($filter ? ' AND needed_angel_types.angel_type_id IN (' . implode(',', $filter->getTypes()) . ')' : '') . ') > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `shift_entries` WHERE `shift_entries`.`shift_id`=`shifts`.`id` AND shift_entries.`freeloaded`=0' . ($filter ? ' AND shift_entries.angel_type_id IN (' . implode(',', $filter->getTypes()) . ')' : '') . ') AND s.shift_id IS NULL ' . ($filter ? 'AND shifts.location_id IN (' . implode(',', $filter->getLocations()) . ')' : '') . ' UNION SELECT id, start FROM `shifts` LEFT JOIN schedule_shift AS s on shifts.id = s.shift_id WHERE (`end` > ? AND `start` < ?) AND (SELECT SUM(`count`) FROM `needed_angel_types` WHERE `needed_angel_types`.`location_id`=`shifts`.`location_id`' . ($filter ? ' AND needed_angel_types.angel_type_id IN (' . implode(',', $filter->getTypes()) . ')' : '') . ') > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `shift_entries` WHERE `shift_entries`.`shift_id`=`shifts`.`id` AND `freeloaded`=0' . ($filter ? ' AND shift_entries.angel_type_id IN (' . implode(',', $filter->getTypes()) . ')' : '') . ') AND NOT s.shift_id IS NULL ' . ($filter ? 'AND shifts.location_id IN (' . implode(',', $filter->getLocations()) . ')' : '') . ' ) AS `tmp` ORDER BY `tmp`.`start` ', [ $start, $end, $start, $end, ]); $shifts = collect($shifts); return Shift::query() ->whereIn('id', $shifts->pluck('id')->toArray()) ->orderBy('shifts.start') ->get(); } /** * @param ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter * @return Shift[]|Collection */ function Shifts_by_ShiftsFilter(ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter) { $sql = ' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT `shifts`.*, `shift_types`.`name`, `locations`.`name` AS `location_name` FROM `shifts` JOIN `locations` ON `shifts`.`location_id` = `locations`.`id` JOIN `shift_types` ON `shift_types`.`id` = `shifts`.`shift_type_id` JOIN `needed_angel_types` ON `needed_angel_types`.`shift_id` = `shifts`.`id` LEFT JOIN schedule_shift AS s on shifts.id = s.shift_id WHERE `shifts`.`location_id` IN (' . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getLocations()) . ') AND `start` BETWEEN ? AND ? AND `needed_angel_types`.`angel_type_id` IN (' . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getTypes()) . ') AND s.shift_id IS NULL UNION SELECT DISTINCT `shifts`.*, `shift_types`.`name`, `locations`.`name` AS `location_name` FROM `shifts` JOIN `locations` ON `shifts`.`location_id` = `locations`.`id` JOIN `shift_types` ON `shift_types`.`id` = `shifts`.`shift_type_id` JOIN `needed_angel_types` ON `needed_angel_types`.`location_id`=`shifts`.`location_id` LEFT JOIN schedule_shift AS s on shifts.id = s.shift_id WHERE `shifts`.`location_id` IN (' . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getLocations()) . ') AND `start` BETWEEN ? AND ? AND `needed_angel_types`.`angel_type_id` IN (' . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getTypes()) . ') AND NOT s.shift_id IS NULL ) AS tmp_shifts ORDER BY `location_name`, `start` '; $shiftsData = Db::select( $sql, [ $shiftsFilter->getStart(), $shiftsFilter->getEnd(), $shiftsFilter->getStart(), $shiftsFilter->getEnd(), ] ); $shifts = []; foreach ($shiftsData as $shift) { $shifts[] = (new Shift())->forceFill($shift); } return collect($shifts); } /** * @param ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter * @return array[] */ function NeededAngeltypes_by_ShiftsFilter(ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter) { $sql = ' SELECT `needed_angel_types`.*, `shifts`.`id` AS shift_id, `angel_types`.`id`, `angel_types`.`name`, `angel_types`.`restricted`, `angel_types`.`shift_self_signup` FROM `shifts` JOIN `needed_angel_types` ON `needed_angel_types`.`shift_id`=`shifts`.`id` JOIN `angel_types` ON `angel_types`.`id`= `needed_angel_types`.`angel_type_id` LEFT JOIN schedule_shift AS s on shifts.id = s.shift_id WHERE `shifts`.`location_id` IN (' . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getLocations()) . ') AND shifts.`start` BETWEEN ? AND ? AND s.shift_id IS NULL UNION SELECT `needed_angel_types`.*, `shifts`.`id` AS shift_id, `angel_types`.`id`, `angel_types`.`name`, `angel_types`.`restricted`, `angel_types`.`shift_self_signup` FROM `shifts` JOIN `needed_angel_types` ON `needed_angel_types`.`location_id`=`shifts`.`location_id` JOIN `angel_types` ON `angel_types`.`id`= `needed_angel_types`.`angel_type_id` LEFT JOIN schedule_shift AS s on shifts.id = s.shift_id WHERE `shifts`.`location_id` IN (' . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getLocations()) . ') AND shifts.`start` BETWEEN ? AND ? AND NOT s.shift_id IS NULL '; return Db::select( $sql, [ $shiftsFilter->getStart(), $shiftsFilter->getEnd(), $shiftsFilter->getStart(), $shiftsFilter->getEnd(), ] ); } /** * @param Shift $shift * @param AngelType $angeltype * @return array|null */ function NeededAngeltype_by_Shift_and_Angeltype(Shift $shift, AngelType $angeltype) { return Db::selectOne( ' SELECT `needed_angel_types`.*, `shifts`.`id` AS shift_id, `angel_types`.`id`, `angel_types`.`name`, `angel_types`.`restricted`, `angel_types`.`shift_self_signup` FROM `shifts` JOIN `needed_angel_types` ON `needed_angel_types`.`shift_id`=`shifts`.`id` JOIN `angel_types` ON `angel_types`.`id`= `needed_angel_types`.`angel_type_id` LEFT JOIN schedule_shift AS s on shifts.id = s.shift_id WHERE `shifts`.`id`=? AND `angel_types`.`id`=? AND s.shift_id IS NULL UNION SELECT `needed_angel_types`.*, `shifts`.`id` AS shift_id, `angel_types`.`id`, `angel_types`.`name`, `angel_types`.`restricted`, `angel_types`.`shift_self_signup` FROM `shifts` JOIN `needed_angel_types` ON `needed_angel_types`.`location_id`=`shifts`.`location_id` JOIN `angel_types` ON `angel_types`.`id`= `needed_angel_types`.`angel_type_id` LEFT JOIN schedule_shift AS s on shifts.id = s.shift_id WHERE `shifts`.`id`=? AND `angel_types`.`id`=? AND NOT s.shift_id IS NULL ', [ $shift->id, $angeltype->id, $shift->id, $angeltype->id, ] ); } /** * @param ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter * @return ShiftEntry[]|Collection */ function ShiftEntries_by_ShiftsFilter(ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter) { return ShiftEntry::with('user') ->join('shifts', 'shifts.id', 'shift_entries.shift_id') ->whereIn('shifts.location_id', $shiftsFilter->getLocations()) ->whereBetween('start', [$shiftsFilter->getStart(), $shiftsFilter->getEnd()]) ->get(); } /** * Check if a shift collides with other shifts (in time). * * @param Shift $shift * @param Shift[]|Collection $shifts * @return bool */ function Shift_collides(Shift $shift, $shifts) { foreach ($shifts as $other_shift) { if ($shift->id != $other_shift->id) { if ( !( $shift->start->timestamp >= $other_shift->end->timestamp || $shift->end->timestamp <= $other_shift->start->timestamp ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns the number of needed angels/free shift entries for an angeltype. * * @param AngelType $needed_angeltype * @param ShiftEntry[]|Collection $shift_entries * @return int */ function Shift_free_entries(AngelType $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries) { $taken = 0; foreach ($shift_entries as $shift_entry) { if (!$shift_entry->freeloaded) { $taken++; } } $neededAngels = $needed_angeltype->count ?: 0; return max(0, $neededAngels - $taken); } /** * Check if shift signup is allowed from the end users point of view (no admin like privileges) * * @param User $user * @param Shift $shift The shift * @param AngelType $angeltype The angeltype to which the user wants to sign up * @param array|null $user_angeltype * @param Shift[]|Collection|null $user_shifts List of the users shifts * @param AngelType $needed_angeltype * @param ShiftEntry[]|Collection $shift_entries * @return ShiftSignupState */ function Shift_signup_allowed_angel( $user, Shift $shift, AngelType $angeltype, $user_angeltype, $user_shifts, AngelType $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries ) { $free_entries = Shift_free_entries($needed_angeltype, $shift_entries); if (config('signup_requires_arrival') && !$user->state->arrived) { return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::NOT_ARRIVED, $free_entries); } if (config('signup_advance_hours') && $shift->start->timestamp > time() + config('signup_advance_hours') * 3600) { return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::NOT_YET, $free_entries); } if (is_null($user_shifts) || $user_shifts->isEmpty()) { $user_shifts = Shifts_by_user($user->id); } $signed_up = false; foreach ($user_shifts as $user_shift) { if ($user_shift->id == $shift->id) { $signed_up = true; break; } } if ($signed_up) { // you cannot join if you already signed up for this shift return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::SIGNED_UP, $free_entries); } $shift_post_signup_total_allowed_seconds = (config('signup_post_fraction') * ($shift->end->timestamp - $shift->start->timestamp)) + (config('signup_post_minutes') * 60); if (time() > $shift->start->timestamp + $shift_post_signup_total_allowed_seconds) { // you can only join if the shift is in future return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::SHIFT_ENDED, $free_entries); } if ($free_entries == 0) { // you cannot join if shift is full return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::OCCUPIED, $free_entries); } if (empty($user_angeltype)) { $user_angeltype = UserAngelType::whereUserId($user->id)->where('angel_type_id', $angeltype->id)->first(); } if ( empty($user_angeltype) || !$angeltype->shift_self_signup || ($angeltype->restricted && !isset($user_angeltype['confirm_user_id'])) ) { // you cannot join if user is not of this angel type // you cannot join if angeltype has shift self signup disabled // you cannot join if you are not confirmed return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::ANGELTYPE, $free_entries); } if (Shift_collides($shift, $user_shifts)) { // you cannot join if user already joined a parallel of this shift return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::COLLIDES, $free_entries); } // Hooray, shift is free for you! return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::FREE, $free_entries); } /** * Check if an angeltype supporter can sign up a user to a shift. * * @param AngelType $needed_angeltype * @param ShiftEntry[]|Collection $shift_entries * @return ShiftSignupState */ function Shift_signup_allowed_angeltype_supporter(AngelType $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries) { $free_entries = Shift_free_entries($needed_angeltype, $shift_entries); if ($free_entries == 0) { return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::OCCUPIED, $free_entries); } return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::FREE, $free_entries); } /** * Check if an admin can sign up a user to a shift. * * @param AngelType $needed_angeltype * @param ShiftEntry[]|Collection $shift_entries * @return ShiftSignupState */ function Shift_signup_allowed_admin(AngelType $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries) { $free_entries = Shift_free_entries($needed_angeltype, $shift_entries); if ($free_entries == 0) { // User shift admins may join anybody in every shift return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::ADMIN, $free_entries); } return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupStatus::FREE, $free_entries); } /** * Check if an angel can sign out from a shift. * * @param Shift $shift The shift * @param AngelType $angeltype The angeltype * @param int $signout_user_id The user that was signed up for the shift * @return bool */ function Shift_signout_allowed(Shift $shift, AngelType $angeltype, $signout_user_id) { $user = auth()->user(); // user shifts admin can sign out any user at any time if (auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) { return true; } // angeltype supporter can sign out any user at any time from their supported angeltype if ( auth()->can('shiftentry_edit_angeltype_supporter') && ($user->isAngelTypeSupporter($angeltype) || auth()->can('admin_user_angeltypes')) ) { return true; } if ($signout_user_id == $user->id && $shift->start->timestamp > time() + config('last_unsubscribe') * 3600) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if an angel can sign up for given shift. * * @param User $signup_user * @param Shift $shift The shift * @param AngelType $angeltype The angeltype to which the user wants to sign up * @param array|null $user_angeltype * @param Shift[]|Collection|null $user_shifts List of the users shifts * @param AngelType $needed_angeltype * @param ShiftEntry[]|Collection $shift_entries * @return ShiftSignupState */ function Shift_signup_allowed( $signup_user, Shift $shift, AngelType $angeltype, $user_angeltype, $user_shifts, AngelType $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries ) { if (auth()->can('user_shifts_admin')) { return Shift_signup_allowed_admin($needed_angeltype, $shift_entries); } if ( auth()->can('shiftentry_edit_angeltype_supporter') && (auth()->user()->isAngelTypeSupporter($angeltype) || auth()->can('admin_user_angeltypes')) ) { return Shift_signup_allowed_angeltype_supporter($needed_angeltype, $shift_entries); } return Shift_signup_allowed_angel( $signup_user, $shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype, $user_shifts, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries ); } /** * Return users shifts. * * @param int $userId * @param bool $include_freeloaded_comments * @return SupportCollection|Shift[] */ function Shifts_by_user($userId, $include_freeloaded_comments = false) { $shiftsData = Db::select( ' SELECT `locations`.*, `locations`.name AS Name, `shift_types`.`id` AS `shifttype_id`, `shift_types`.`name`, `shift_entries`.`id` as shift_entry_id, `shift_entries`.`shift_id`, `shift_entries`.`angel_type_id`, `shift_entries`.`user_id`, `shift_entries`.`freeloaded`, `shift_entries`.`user_comment`, ' . ($include_freeloaded_comments ? '`shift_entries`.`freeloaded_comment`, ' : '') . ' `shifts`.* FROM `shift_entries` JOIN `shifts` ON (`shift_entries`.`shift_id` = `shifts`.`id`) JOIN `shift_types` ON (`shift_types`.`id` = `shifts`.`shift_type_id`) JOIN `locations` ON (`shifts`.`location_id` = `locations`.`id`) WHERE shift_entries.`user_id` = ? ORDER BY `start` ', [ $userId, ] ); $shifts = []; foreach ($shiftsData as $data) { $shifts[] = (new Shift())->forceFill($data); } return collect($shifts); } /** * Returns Shift by id or extends existing Shift * * @param int|Shift $shift Shift ID or shift model * @return Shift|null */ function Shift($shift) { if (!$shift instanceof Shift) { $shift = Shift::find($shift); } if (!$shift) { return null; } $neededAngels = []; $angelTypes = NeededAngelTypes_by_shift($shift->id); foreach ($angelTypes as $type) { $neededAngels[] = [ 'angel_type_id' => $type['angel_type_id'], 'count' => $type['count'], 'restricted' => $type['restricted'], 'taken' => $type['taken'], ]; } $shift->neededAngels = $neededAngels; return $shift; }