
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Engelsystem\Models\Shifts\ShiftEntry;
use Engelsystem\Models\User\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;

 * Create a new shift entry.
function ShiftEntry_onCreate(ShiftEntry $shiftEntry): void
    $shift = $shiftEntry->shift;
        'User ' . User_Nick_render($shiftEntry->user, true)
        . ' signed up for shift ' . $shiftEntry->shift->title
        . ' (' . $shift->shiftType->name . ')'
        . ' at ' . $shift->room->name
        . ' from ' . $shift->start->format('Y-m-d H:i')
        . ' to ' . $shift->end->format('Y-m-d H:i')
        . ' as ' . $shiftEntry->angelType->name
    mail_shift_assign($shiftEntry->user, $shift);

 * Delete a shift entry.
 * @param ShiftEntry $shiftEntry
function ShiftEntry_onDelete(ShiftEntry $shiftEntry)
    $signout_user = $shiftEntry->user;
    $shift = Shift($shiftEntry->shift);
    $shifttype = $shift->shiftType;
    $room = $shift->room;
    $angeltype = $shiftEntry->angelType;

        'Shift signout: ' . User_Nick_render($signout_user, true)
        . ' from shift ' . $shift->title
        . ' (' . $shifttype->name . ')'
        . ' at ' . $room->name
        . ' from ' . $shift->start->format('Y-m-d H:i')
        . ' to ' . $shift->end->format('Y-m-d H:i')
        . ' as ' . $angeltype->name

    mail_shift_removed($signout_user, $shift);

 * Returns next (or current) shifts of given user.
 * @param User $user
 * @return ShiftEntry[]|Collection
function ShiftEntries_upcoming_for_user(User $user)
    return $user->shiftEntries()
        ->with(['shift', 'shift.shiftType'])
        ->join('shifts', 'shift_entries.shift_id', 'shifts.id')
        ->where('shifts.end', '>', Carbon::now())

 * Returns shifts completed by the given user.
 * @param User        $user
 * @param Carbon|null $sinceTime
 * @return ShiftEntry[]|Collection
function ShiftEntries_finished_by_user(User $user, Carbon $sinceTime = null)
    $query = $user->shiftEntries()
        ->with(['shift', 'shift.shiftType'])
        ->join('shifts', 'shift_entries.shift_id', 'shifts.id')
        ->where('shifts.end', '<', Carbon::now())
        ->where('freeloaded', false)

    if ($sinceTime) {
        $query = $query->where('shifts.start', '>=', $sinceTime);

    return $query->get();