config = $config; $this->engine = $engine; $this->request = $request; $this->response = $response; $this->stats = $stats; $this->version = $version; } /** * @return Response */ public function metrics() { $now = microtime(true); $this->checkAuth(); $userTshirtSizes = $this->formatStats($this->stats->tshirtSizes(), 'tshirt_sizes', 'shirt_size', 'size'); $userLocales = $this->formatStats($this->stats->languages(), 'locales', 'language', 'locale'); $userThemes = $this->formatStats($this->stats->themes(), 'available_themes', 'theme'); $data = [ $this->config->get('app_name') . ' stats', 'info' => [ 'type' => 'gauge', 'help' => 'About the environment', [ 'labels' => [ 'os' => PHP_OS_FAMILY, 'php' => implode('.', [PHP_MAJOR_VERSION, PHP_MINOR_VERSION]), 'version' => $this->version->getVersion(), ], 'value' => 1, ], ], 'users' => [ 'type' => 'gauge', ['labels' => ['state' => 'incoming'], 'value' => $this->stats->newUsers()], ['labels' => ['state' => 'arrived', 'working' => 'no'], 'value' => $this->stats->arrivedUsers(false)], ['labels' => ['state' => 'arrived', 'working' => 'yes'], 'value' => $this->stats->arrivedUsers(true)], ], 'users_force_active' => ['type' => 'gauge', $this->stats->forceActiveUsers()], 'licenses' => [ 'type' => 'gauge', 'help' => 'The total number of licenses', ['labels' => ['type' => 'forklift'], 'value' => $this->stats->licenses('forklift')], ['labels' => ['type' => 'car'], 'value' => $this->stats->licenses('car')], ['labels' => ['type' => '3.5t'], 'value' => $this->stats->licenses('3.5t')], ['labels' => ['type' => '7.5t'], 'value' => $this->stats->licenses('7.5t')], ['labels' => ['type' => '12.5t'], 'value' => $this->stats->licenses('12.5t')], ], 'users_working' => [ 'type' => 'gauge', ['labels' => ['freeloader' => false], $this->stats->currentlyWorkingUsers(false)], ['labels' => ['freeloader' => true], $this->stats->currentlyWorkingUsers(true)], ], 'work_seconds' => [ 'type' => 'gauge', ['labels' => ['state' => 'done'], 'value' => $this->stats->workSeconds(true, false)], ['labels' => ['state' => 'planned'], 'value' => $this->stats->workSeconds(false, false)], ['labels' => ['state' => 'freeloaded'], 'value' => $this->stats->workSeconds(null, true)], ], 'worklog_seconds' => ['type' => 'gauge', $this->stats->worklogSeconds()], 'vouchers' => ['type' => 'counter', $this->stats->vouchers()], 'tshirts_issued' => ['type' => 'counter', 'help' => 'Issued T-Shirts', $this->stats->tshirts()], 'tshirt_sizes' => [ 'type' => 'gauge', 'help' => 'The sizes users have configured' ] + $userTshirtSizes, 'locales' => ['type' => 'gauge', 'help' => 'The locales users have configured'] + $userLocales, 'themes' => ['type' => 'gauge', 'help' => 'The themes users have configured'] + $userThemes, 'shifts' => ['type' => 'gauge', $this->stats->shifts()], 'announcements' => [ 'type' => 'gauge', ['labels' => ['type' => 'news'], 'value' => $this->stats->announcements(false)], ['labels' => ['type' => 'meeting'], 'value' => $this->stats->announcements(true)], ], 'questions' => [ 'type' => 'gauge', ['labels' => ['state' => 'answered'], 'value' => $this->stats->questions(true)], ['labels' => ['state' => 'pending'], 'value' => $this->stats->questions(false)], ], 'messages' => ['type' => 'gauge', $this->stats->messages()], 'password_resets' => ['type' => 'gauge', $this->stats->passwordResets()], 'registration_enabled' => ['type' => 'gauge', $this->config->get('registration_enabled')], 'database' => [ 'type' => 'gauge', ['labels' => ['type' => 'read'], 'value' => $this->stats->databaseRead()], ['labels' => ['type' => 'write'], 'value' => $this->stats->databaseWrite()], ], 'sessions' => ['type' => 'gauge', $this->stats->sessions()], 'log_entries' => [ 'type' => 'counter', [ 'labels' => ['level' => LogLevel::EMERGENCY], 'value' => $this->stats->logEntries(LogLevel::EMERGENCY), ], ['labels' => ['level' => LogLevel::ALERT], 'value' => $this->stats->logEntries(LogLevel::ALERT)], ['labels' => ['level' => LogLevel::CRITICAL], 'value' => $this->stats->logEntries(LogLevel::CRITICAL)], ['labels' => ['level' => LogLevel::ERROR], 'value' => $this->stats->logEntries(LogLevel::ERROR)], ['labels' => ['level' => LogLevel::WARNING], 'value' => $this->stats->logEntries(LogLevel::WARNING)], ['labels' => ['level' => LogLevel::NOTICE], 'value' => $this->stats->logEntries(LogLevel::NOTICE)], ['labels' => ['level' => LogLevel::INFO], 'value' => $this->stats->logEntries(LogLevel::INFO)], ['labels' => ['level' => LogLevel::DEBUG], 'value' => $this->stats->logEntries(LogLevel::DEBUG)], ], ]; $data['scrape_duration_seconds'] = [ 'type' => 'gauge', 'help' => 'Duration of the current request', microtime(true) - $this->request->server->get('REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT', $now), ]; $data['scrape_memory_bytes'] = [ 'type' => 'gauge', 'help' => 'Memory usage of the current request', memory_get_usage(false), ]; return $this->response ->withHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain; version=0.0.4') ->withContent($this->engine->get('/metrics', $data)); } /** * @return Response */ public function stats() { $this->checkAuth(true); $data = [ 'user_count' => $this->stats->newUsers() + $this->stats->arrivedUsers(), 'arrived_user_count' => $this->stats->arrivedUsers(), 'done_work_hours' => round($this->stats->workSeconds(true) / 60 / 60, 0), 'users_in_action' => $this->stats->currentlyWorkingUsers(), ]; return $this->response ->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') ->withContent(json_encode($data)); } /** * Ensure that the if the request is authorized * * @param bool $isJson */ protected function checkAuth($isJson = false) { $apiKey = $this->config->get('api_key'); if (empty($apiKey) || $this->request->get('api_key') == $apiKey) { return; } $message = 'The api_key is invalid'; $headers = []; if ($isJson) { $message = json_encode(['error' => $message]); $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; } throw new HttpForbidden($message, $headers); } /** * Formats the stats collection as stats data * * @param Collection $data * @param string $config * @param string $dataField * @param string|null $label * @return array */ protected function formatStats(Collection $data, string $config, string $dataField, ?string $label = null): array { $return = []; foreach ($this->config->get($config) as $name => $description) { $count = $data->where($dataField, '=', $name)->sum('count'); $return[] = [ 'labels' => [($label ?: $dataField) => $name], $count, ]; } return $return; } }