API: Add API settings page
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ $route->addGroup(
$route->get('/certificates', 'SettingsController@certificate');
$route->post('/certificates/ifsg', 'SettingsController@saveIfsgCertificate');
$route->post('/certificates/driving', 'SettingsController@saveDrivingLicense');
$route->get('/api', 'SettingsController@api');
$route->post('/api', 'SettingsController@apiKeyReset');
$route->get('/oauth', 'SettingsController@oauth');
$route->get('/sessions', 'SettingsController@sessions');
$route->post('/sessions', 'SettingsController@sessionsDelete');
@ -192,6 +192,9 @@ msgstr "Einstellungen gespeichert."
msgid "settings.sessions.delete_success"
msgstr "Sitzung erfolgreich gelöscht."
msgid "settings.api.key_reset_success"
msgstr "API Key erfolgreich zurückgesetzt."
msgid "faq.delete.success"
msgstr "FAQ Eintrag erfolgreich gelöscht."
@ -1743,6 +1743,35 @@ msgstr "Hier kannst Du Deine Sprache ändern."
msgid "settings.language.success"
msgstr "Sprache wurde erfolgreich geändert."
msgid "settings.api"
msgstr "API"
msgid "settings.api.about"
msgstr ""
"Die API erlaubt es dir, über externe Programme, mit dem Engelsystem zu interagieren. "
"Sie ist noch nicht vollständig, wir arbeiten aber daran sie zu erweitern.\n"
"Der API Einstiegspunkt befindet sich unter `%s` und ist in der [OpenAPI Spezifikation](%s) beschrieben.\n"
"Teile deinen persönlichen API Key mit niemandem, er erlaubt es deine persönlichen Daten einzusehen "
"und Änderungen in deinem Namen durch zu führen!"
msgid "settings.api.shifts_json_show"
msgstr "JSON Schichten Export anzeigen"
msgid "settings.api.ical_show"
msgstr "iCal export anzeigen"
msgid "settings.api.news_show"
msgstr "News feeds anzeigen"
msgid "settings.api.key_show"
msgstr "API Key anzeigen"
msgid "settings.api.key_reset"
msgstr "API Key zurücksetzen"
msgid "settings.api.key_reset_confirm"
msgstr "Wenn du den API Key zurücksetzt, musst ihn in allen deinen Anwendungen aktualisieren."
msgid "settings.oauth"
msgstr "Single Sign-On"
@ -191,6 +191,9 @@ msgstr "Settings saved."
msgid "settings.sessions.delete_success"
msgstr "Session deleted successfully."
msgid "settings.api.key_reset_success"
msgstr "API key successfully reset."
msgid "faq.delete.success"
msgstr "FAQ entry successfully deleted."
@ -456,6 +456,35 @@ msgstr "Here you can change your language."
msgid "settings.language.success"
msgstr "Language was changed successfully."
msgid "settings.api"
msgstr "API"
msgid "settings.api.about"
msgstr ""
"The API allows you to interact with the Engelsystem by using external programs. "
"It's not complete but we are working on extending it.\n"
"The API endpoint is located at `%s` and described in the [OpenAPI specification](%s).\n"
"Don't share your personal API key with anyone as it can be used to view your personal data "
"and do changes your behalf!"
msgid "settings.api.shifts_json_show"
msgstr "Show JSON shifts export"
msgid "settings.api.ical_show"
msgstr "Show iCal export"
msgid "settings.api.news_show"
msgstr "Show news feeds"
msgid "settings.api.key_show"
msgstr "Show API key"
msgid "settings.api.key_reset"
msgstr "Reset API key"
msgid "settings.api.key_reset_confirm"
msgstr "If you reset the API key you have to update it in all your applications."
msgid "settings.oauth"
msgstr "Single Sign-On"
@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ Renders a button.
Must be a Bootstrap icon class without prefix, such as "info" or "check".
@param {string} [opt.confirm_title] - Optional value for the confirmation title.
@param {string} [opt.confirm_text] - Optional value for the confirmation text.
@param {dictionary} [opt.attr] - Optional value for additional attributes like data fields.
{% macro button(label, opt) %}
{%- set icon_left = opt.icon_left is defined ? '<span class="bi bi-' ~ opt.icon_left ~ '"></span>' : '' %}
@ -269,6 +270,7 @@ Renders a button.
{%- if opt.confirm_button_text is defined %}
data-confirm_button_text="{{ icon_left ~ ' ' ~ opt.confirm_button_text ~ ' ' ~ icon_right }}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- for key, value in opt.attr|default({}) %} {{ key }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor -%}
{{ icon_left|raw }}
{{ label }}
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
{% extends 'pages/settings/settings.twig' %}
{% import 'macros/form.twig' as f %}
{% block title %}{{ __('settings.api') }}{% endblock %}
{% block row_content %}
<div content="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
{{ f.button(
{'size': 'sm', 'icon_left': 'key', 'attr': {
'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse', 'data-bs-target': '#key_hide',
'aria-expanded': 'true', 'aria-controls': 'key_hide'
) }}
{% if has_permission_to('shifts_json_export') %}
{{ f.button(
{'size': 'sm', 'icon_left': 'braces', 'attr': {
'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse', 'data-bs-target': '#shifts_json_hide',
'aria-expanded': 'true', 'aria-controls': 'shifts_json_hide'
) }}
{% endif %}
{% if has_permission_to('ical') %}
{{ f.button(
{'size': 'sm', 'icon_left': 'calendar-week', 'attr': {
'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse', 'data-bs-target': '#ical_hide',
'aria-expanded': 'true', 'aria-controls': 'ical_hide'
) }}
{% endif %}
{% if has_permission_to('atom') %}
{{ f.button(
{'size': 'sm', 'icon_left': 'calendar-week', 'attr': {
'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse', 'data-bs-target': '#news_hide',
'aria-expanded': 'true', 'aria-controls': 'news_hide'
) }}
{% endif %}
<form method="post" class="d-inline">
{{ csrf() }}
{{ f.submit(
{ 'size': 'sm', 'icon_left': 'arrow-repeat', 'confirm_text': __('settings.api.key_reset_confirm') }
) }}
<div class="col-md-12 pt-2" id="exports_hide">
<p id="key_hide" class="collapse" data-bs-parent="#exports_hide">
<code>{{ user.api_key }}</code>
{% if has_permission_to('shifts_json_export') %}
<p id="shifts_json_hide" class="collapse" data-bs-parent="#exports_hide">
<code>{{ url('/shifts-json-export', {'key': user.api_key}) }}</code>
{% endif %}
{% if has_permission_to('ical') %}
<p id="ical_hide" class="collapse" data-bs-parent="#exports_hide">
<code>{{ url('/ical', {'key': user.api_key}) }}</code>
{% endif %}
{% if has_permission_to('atom') %}
<p id="news_hide" class="collapse" data-bs-parent="#exports_hide">
<code>{{ url('/atom', {'key': user.api_key}) }}</code>
<code>{{ url('/atom', {'meetings': 1, 'key': user.api_key}) }}</code>
<code>{{ url('/rss', {'key': user.api_key}) }}</code>
<code>{{ url('/rss', {'meetings': 1, 'key': user.api_key}) }}</code>
{% endif %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
{{ __('settings.api.about', [url('/api/v0-beta'), url('/api/v0-beta/openapi')])|markdown|nl2br }}
{% endblock %}
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ class SettingsController extends BaseController
/** @var string[] */
protected array $permissions = [
'api' => 'api',
'apiKeyReset' => 'api',
public function __construct(
@ -305,6 +307,24 @@ class SettingsController extends BaseController
return $this->redirect->to('/settings/certificates');
public function api(): Response
return $this->response->withView(
'settings_menu' => $this->settingsMenu(),
public function apiKeyReset(): Response
return $this->redirect->back();
public function oauth(): Response
$providers = $this->config->get('oauth');
@ -382,6 +402,10 @@ class SettingsController extends BaseController
$menu[url('/settings/oauth')] = ['title' => 'settings.oauth', 'hidden' => $this->checkOauthHidden()];
if ($this->auth->can('api')) {
$menu[url('/settings/api')] = ['title' => 'settings.api', 'icon' => 'braces'];
return $menu;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ use Engelsystem\Config\GoodieType;
use Engelsystem\Controllers\NotificationType;
use Engelsystem\Controllers\SettingsController;
use Engelsystem\Http\Exceptions\HttpNotFound;
use Engelsystem\Http\Redirector;
use Engelsystem\Http\Response;
use Engelsystem\Models\AngelType;
use Engelsystem\Models\Session as SessionModel;
@ -886,6 +887,41 @@ class SettingsControllerTest extends ControllerTest
* @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\SettingsController::api
* @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\SettingsController::settingsMenu
public function testApi(): void
$this->setExpects($this->auth, 'user', null, $this->user, $this->atLeastOnce());
/** @var Response|MockObject $response */
->willReturnCallback(function ($view, $data) {
$this->assertEquals('pages/settings/api', $view);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('settings_menu', $data);
return $this->response;
$this->controller = $this->app->make(SettingsController::class);
* @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\SettingsController::apiKeyReset
public function testApiKeyReset(): void
$redirector = $this->createMock(Redirector::class);
$this->app->instance(Redirector::class, $redirector);
$this->setExpects($this->auth, 'user', null, $this->user, $this->atLeastOnce());
$this->setExpects($this->auth, 'resetApiKey', [$this->user], null, $this->atLeastOnce());
$this->setExpects($redirector, 'back', null, $this->response);
$this->controller = $this->app->make(SettingsController::class);
* @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\SettingsController::settingsMenu
@ -982,6 +1018,26 @@ class SettingsControllerTest extends ControllerTest
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('http://localhost/settings/certificates', $menu);
* @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\SettingsController::settingsMenu
public function testSettingsMenuApi(): void
$this->setExpects($this->auth, 'can', ['api'], true, $this->atLeastOnce());
$menu = $this->controller->settingsMenu();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('http://localhost/settings/profile', $menu);
* @covers \Engelsystem\Controllers\SettingsController::settingsMenu
public function testSettingsMenuApiNotAvailable(): void
$menu = $this->controller->settingsMenu();
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('http://localhost/settings/api', $menu);
* Setup environment
Reference in New Issue