diff --git a/DB/Himmel.sql b/DB/Himmel.sql
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4f02c232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DB/Himmel.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
+-- version 2.6.2
+-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
+-- Host: localhost
+-- Erstellungszeit: 10. September 2005 um 18:11
+-- Server Version: 4.0.24
+-- PHP-Version: 4.3.10-15
+-- Datenbank: `Himmel`
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `EngelType`
+-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+ `TID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `Name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
+ `Man` text,
+ UNIQUE KEY `Name` (`Name`)
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `FAQ`
+-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+ `FID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `Frage` text NOT NULL,
+ `Antwort` text NOT NULL,
+-- Daten für Tabelle `FAQ`
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (1, 'Komme ich als Engel billiger/kostenlos auf den Congress?
\r\nDo I get in cheaper / for free to the congress as an angel ?', 'Nein, jeder Engel muss normal Eintritt bezahlen.
\r\nNo, every angel has to pay full price.');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (2, 'Was bekomme ich für meine Mitarbeit?
\r\nWhat do I get for helping ? \r\n', 'Jeder Engel der arbeitet bekommt ein kostenloses (Camp-)T-Shirt nach der Veranstalltung
\r\nEvery working angel gets a free (Camp-) shirt after the event. ');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (3, 'Wie lange muss ich als Engel arbeiten?
\r\nHow long do I have to work as an angel ?', 'Diese Frage ist schwer zu beantworten. Es hängt z.B. davon ab, was man macht (z.B. Workshop-Engel) und wieviele Engel wir zusammenbekommen.
\r\nThis is difficult to answer. It depends on what you''ll have to do (e.g. workshop angel) and how many angels will be there. ');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (6, 'Ich bin erst XX Jahre alt. Kann ich überhaupt helfen?
\r\nI''m only XX years old. Can I help anyway?', 'Du bist alt genug, zum Camp zu kommen? Dann bist Du alt genug zu helfen.
\r\nYou''re old enough to come to the Camp? So you''re old enough to help, too.');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (8, 'Wer ist eigentlich alles Erzengel?
\r\nWho are the Arch-Angels?\r\n', 'Erzengel sind dieses Jahr: Daizy, Flip, Hasi, Enno, Nachtkind und SaniFox.
\r\nThe ArchAngels for this year are: Daizy, Flip, Hasi, Enno, Nachtkind und SaniFox. \r\n');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (9, 'Gibt es dieses Jahr wieder einen IRC-Channel für Engel?
\r\nWill there be an IRC-channel for angels again?', 'Ja, im IRC-Net existiert #congress-engel. Einfach mal reinschaun!
\r\nYes, in the IRC-net there''s #congress-engel. Just have a look!');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (10, 'Wie gehe ich mit den Besuchern um?
\r\nHow do I treat visitors?', 'Man soll gegenüber den Besuchern immer höflich und freundlich sein, auch wenn diese gestresst sind. Wenn man das Gefühl hat, dass man mit der Situation nicht mehr klarkommt, sollte man sich jemanden zur Unterstützung holen, bevor man selbst auch gestresst wird :-)
\r\nYou should always be polite and friendly, especially if they are stressed. When you feel you can''t handle it on your own, get someone to help you out before you get so stressed yourself that you get impolite.');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (11, 'Wann sind die Engelbesprechungen?
\r\nWhen are the angels briefings?', 'Das wird vor Ort noch festgelegt und steht im Himmelnewssystem.
\r\nThe information on the Angel Briefings will be in the news section of this system.');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (12, 'Was muss ich noch bedenken?
\r\nAnything else I should know?', 'Man sollte nicht total übermüdet oder ausgehungert, wenn man einen Einsatz hat. Eine gewisse Fitness ist hilfreich.
\r\nYou should not be exhausted or starving when you arrive for a shift. A reasonable amount of fitness for work would be very helpful.');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (13, 'Ich habe eine Frage, auf die ich in der FAQ keine Antwort gefunden habe. Wohin soll ich mich wenden?
\r\nI have a guestion not answered here. Who can I ask?', 'Bei weitere Fragen kannst du die Anfragen an die Erzengel Formular benutzen.
\r\nIf you have further questions, you can use the Questions for the ArchAngels form.');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (20, 'Wer muss alles Eintritt zahlen?<br>\r\nWho has to pay the full entrance price?', 'Jeder. Zumindest, solange er/sie älter als 12 Jahre ist...<br>\r\n<b>Everyone</b> who is at older than 12 years old.');
+INSERT INTO `FAQ` (`FID`, `Frage`, `Antwort`) VALUES (21, 'Wurde dieses System schonmal gehackt?\\\\n\r\nHas this System ever been hacked?', 'J4, N4TUERL1CH!\\\\n\r\nY35, 0FC0UR53!');
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `News`
+-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+ `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `Datum` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+ `Betreff` varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
+ `Text` text NOT NULL,
+ `UID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `Treffen` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `Questions`
+-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+-- Aktualisiert am: 17. Mai 2005 um 20:09
+ `QID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `UID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `Question` text NOT NULL,
+ `AID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `Answer` text NOT NULL,
+) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Fragen und Antworten' AUTO_INCREMENT=18 ;
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `Room`
+-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+-- Aktualisiert am: 17. Mai 2005 um 19:58
+ `RID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `Name` varchar(35) NOT NULL default '',
+ `Man` text,
+ `FromPentabarf` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
+ `show` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
+ `Number` int(11) default NULL,
+ `DEFAULT_EID_1` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_4` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_5` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_6` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_8` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_15` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_17` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_18` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_19` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_20` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `DEFAULT_EID_21` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `ShiftEntry`
+-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+-- Aktualisiert am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+ `SID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `TID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `UID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `Comment` text
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `Shifts`
+-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+-- Aktualisiert am: 17. Mai 2005 um 19:55
+ `SID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `DateS` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+ `DateE` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+ `Len` float NOT NULL default '0',
+ `RID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `Man` text,
+ `FromPentabarf` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `Sprache`
+-- Erzeugt am: 25. März 2005 um 12:16
+-- Aktualisiert am: 31. März 2005 um 22:23
+ `TextID` varchar(35) NOT NULL default 'pub_sprache_',
+ `Sprache` char(2) NOT NULL default 'DE',
+ `Text` text NOT NULL,
+ KEY `TextID` (`TextID`,`Sprache`)
+-- Daten für Tabelle `Sprache`
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('1', 'DE', 'Hallo ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('1', 'EN', 'Hello ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('2', 'DE', ',\r\n\r\ndu bist jetzt in unserem Engelsystem angemeldet.\r\nWähle zum Abmelden bitte immer den Abmelden-Button auf der rechten Seite.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('3', 'DE', 'Neuen Eintrag erfassen...');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('3', 'EN', 'Create new entry...');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('4', 'EN', 'Entry saved.\r\n\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('4', 'DE', 'Eintrag wurde gesichert.\n\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('2', 'EN', ',\r\n\r\nyou are now logged in on the angelsystem.\r\nTo log out please choose the logout-button on the right side.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('5', 'DE', 'Seite: ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('5', 'EN', 'Page: ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('6', 'DE', 'Neue News erstellen:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('6', 'EN', 'Create new News:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('7', 'DE', 'Betreff:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('7', 'EN', 'Subject:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('8', 'EN', 'Text:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('8', 'DE', 'Text:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('9', 'DE', 'Treffen:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('9', 'EN', 'Meeting:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('10', 'DE', 'Sichern');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('10', 'EN', 'save');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('11', 'DE', 'zurück ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('11', 'EN', 'back ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('12', 'DE', 'top');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('12', 'EN', 'top ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('13', 'DE', 'auf dieser Seite kannst Du deine persönlichen Einstellungen ändern, wie zum Beispiel dein Kennwort, Farbeinstellungen usw.\r\n\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('13', 'EN', 'here you can change your personal settings i.e. password, colour settings etc.\r\n\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('14', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du dein Kennwort für unsere Himmelsverwaltung ändern. ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('14', 'EN', 'Here you can change your password.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('15', 'DE', 'Altes Passwort:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('15', 'EN', 'Old password:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('16', 'DE', 'Neues Passwort:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('16', 'EN', 'New password:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('17', 'DE', 'Passwortbestätigung:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('17', 'EN', 'password confirmation:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('18', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du dir dein Farblayout aussuchen:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('18', 'EN', 'Here you can choose your colour settings:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('19', 'DE', 'Farblayout:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('19', 'EN', 'colour settings:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('20', 'DE', 'Hier kannst Du dir deine Sprache aussuchen:\r\nHere you can choose your language:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('20', 'EN', 'Here you can choose your language:\r\nHier kannst Du dir deine Sprache aussuchen:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('21', 'DE', 'Sprache:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('21', 'EN', 'Language:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('22', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du dir einen Avatar aussuchen. Dies lässt neben deinem Nick z. B. in den News das Bildchen erscheinen.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('22', 'EN', 'Here you can choose your avatar. It will be displayed next to your Nick. ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('23', 'DE', 'Avatar:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('23', 'EN', 'Avatar:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('24', 'DE', 'Keiner');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('24', 'EN', 'nobody');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('25', 'DE', 'Eingegebene Kennwörter sind nicht gleich -> OK.\r\nCheck ob altes Passwort ok ist:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('25', 'EN', 'Check if the incoming passwords are identic. -> OK.\r\nCheck if the old password is correct:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('26', 'DE', '-> OK.\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('26', 'EN', '-> OK.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('27', 'DE', 'Setzen des neuen Kennwortes...:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('27', 'EN', 'Set new password...:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('28', 'DE', 'Neues Kennwort wurde gesetzt.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('28', 'EN', 'New password saved.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('29', 'DE', 'Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.\r\nProbiere es nocheinmal.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('29', 'EN', 'An error has occured.\r\nPlease try again.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('30', 'DE', '-> nicht OK.\r\nBitte nocheinmal probieren.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('30', 'EN', '-> not OK.\r\nPlease try again.\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('31', 'DE', 'Kennwörter sind nicht gleich. Bitte wiederholen.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('31', 'EN', 'The passwords are not identic. Please try again.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('32', 'DE', 'Neues Farblayout wurde gesetzt. Mit der nächsten Seite wird es aktiv.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('32', 'EN', 'New colour settings are saved. On the next page it will be active.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('33', 'DE', 'Sprache wurde gesetzt. Mit der nächsten Seite wies es aktiv.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('33', 'EN', 'Language is saved. On the next page it will be active.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('34', 'DE', 'Avatar wurde gesetzt.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('34', 'EN', 'Avatar is saved.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('34', 'EN', 'Avatar is saved.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('35', 'DE', 'Neue Anfrage:\r\nIn diesem Formular hast du die Möglichkeit, den Erzengeln eine Frage zu stellen. Wenn diese beantwortet ist, wirst du hier darüber informiert. Sollte die Frage von allgemeinen Interesse sein, wird diese in die Engel-FAQ übernommen.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('35', 'EN', 'New Question:\r\nWith the form you have the choice to ask your (local) Archangels. If you question is answered you will be informed (Section: answered questions).\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('36', 'DE', 'Stelle hier deine Frage');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('36', 'EN', 'Tell us your question');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('37', 'DE', 'Deine Anfrage war:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('37', 'EN', 'Your question was:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('38', 'DE', 'Diese liegt nun bei den Erzengeln zur Beantwortung.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('38', 'EN', 'This lies now with the archangels for answer.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('39', 'DE', 'Deine bisherigen Anfragen:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('39', 'EN', 'Your past inquiries:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('40', 'DE', 'Offene Anfragen:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('40', 'EN', 'Open inquiries:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('41', 'DE', 'keine vorhanden...');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('41', 'EN', 'nothing exists...');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('42', 'DE', 'Beantwortete Anfragen:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('42', 'EN', 'Answered inquiries:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_pass_no_ok', 'DE', 'Dein Passwort ist nicht korrekt. Bitte probiere es nocheinmal:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_User_unset', 'DE', 'Es wurde kein User mit deinem Nick gefunden. bitte probiere es nochmal oder wende dich an die Erzengel.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_User_more_as_one', 'DE', 'Fuer deinen Nick gab es mehrere User... bitte wende dich an die Erzengel');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('Hello', 'DE', 'Hallo ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('Hello', 'EN', 'Hello ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_beschreibung', 'DE', 'hier kannst du dich für Schichten eintragen. Dazu wähle such dir eine freie Schicht und klicke auf den Link! Du kannst dir eine Schicht über den Raum bzw. Datum aussuchen. Wähle hierfür einen Tag / ein Datum aus.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_auswahl_raeume', 'DE', 'Zur Auswahl stehende Räume:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_1', 'DE', 'Und natürlich kannst du dir auch ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_2', 'DE', 'alles ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_3', 'DE', 'auf einmal anzeigen lassen.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_1', 'DE', 'Anzeige des Schichtplans am ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_2', 'DE', ' im Raum: ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_3', 'DE', 'Anzeige des Schichtplans für den ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_engel', 'DE', 'engel');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_engel', 'EN', 'engel');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_ist', 'DE', 'ist');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_sind', 'DE', 'sind');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_weitere', 'DE', ' weitere');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_weiterer', 'DE', ' weiterer');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_werden', 'DE', ' werden ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_wird', 'DE', ' wird ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_noch_gesucht', 'DE', ' noch gesucht');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_und', 'DE', ' und ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_beschreibung', 'DE', 'hier kannst du dich zum Wecken eintragen. Dazu sage einfach wann und wo und der Engel vom Dienst wird dich wecken.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_beschreibung2', 'DE', 'Deine bisherigen eingetragenen Zeiten:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Datum', 'DE', 'Datum');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Ort', 'DE', 'Ort');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Bemerkung', 'DE', 'Bermerkung');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_change', 'EN', 'delete');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Text2', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du einen neuen Eintrag erfassen:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_bouton', 'DE', 'Weck mich!');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_bouton', 'EN', 'wake me up!');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_del', 'EN', 'delete');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung1', 'DE', 'hier siehst du die Schichten, für die du dich eingetragen hast.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung2', 'DE', 'Bitte versuche, pünktlich zu den Schichten zu erscheinen.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung3', 'DE', 'Hier hast du auch die Möglichkeit, dich bis ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung4', 'DE', ' Stunden vor Schichtbeginn auszutragen.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_anzahl1', 'DE', 'Du hast dich für ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_anzahl2', 'DE', ' Schichten eingetragen');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Datum', 'DE', 'Datum');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Uhrzeit', 'DE', 'Uhrzeit');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Ort', 'DE', 'Ort');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Bemerkung', 'DE', 'Bemerkung');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_austragen', 'DE', 'austragen');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_austragen_n_c', 'EN', 'no longer possible');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_delate1', 'DE', 'Schicht wird ausgetragen...');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_add_ok', 'DE', 'Schicht wurde ausgetragen.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_add_ko', 'DE', 'Sorry, ein kleiner Fehler ist aufgetreten... probiere es doch bitte nocheinmal :)');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_after', 'DE', 'zu spät');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_pass_no_ok', 'EN', 'Your password is not correct. Please try it again:\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_User_unset', 'EN', 'No user was found with that Nickname. Please try again. If you are still having problems, see an ArchAngel\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_index_User_more_as_one', 'EN', 'This nickname is registered for more than one user, please contact an ArchAngel.\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_beschreibung', 'EN', 'Here, you can register for shifts. To do this, please choose an empty shift, and click the link. You can choose the place, time and date of the shift. You can choose the date at the right.\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_auswahl_raeume', 'EN', 'Here, please choose the area you want to work in.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_1', 'EN', 'And naturally you can also choose to show\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_2', 'EN', 'everything');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_alles_3', 'EN', ' at once.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_auswahl_raeume', 'EN', 'To the selection of available areas.\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_1', 'EN', 'Show the shift schedule\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_2', 'EN', ' in Area: ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schicht_Anzeige_3', 'EN', 'Show the shift schedule for\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_ist', 'EN', 'is');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_sind', 'EN', 'are ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_beschreibung', 'EN', 'Here you can register for a wake-up "call". Simply say when and where the angel should come to wake you.\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_weitere', 'EN', ' more');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_weiterer', 'EN', ' more');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_werden', 'EN', ' are ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_wird', 'EN', ' is ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_noch_gesucht', 'EN', ' still needed ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('inc_schicht_und', 'EN', ' and ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_beschreibung2', 'EN', 'The wake-up calls you have ordered:\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Datum', 'EN', 'Date');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Ort', 'EN', 'Place');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_change', 'EN', 'delete');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Bemerkung', 'EN', 'Notes');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_change', 'DE', 'löschen');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_del', 'DE', 'löschen');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_wake_Text2', 'EN', 'Schedule a new wake-up here::');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung1', 'EN', 'Here are the shifts that you have signed up for.\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung2', 'EN', 'Please try to arrive for your shift on time. Be punctual!\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung3', 'EN', 'Here you can remove yourself from a shift up to\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_beschreibung4', 'EN', ' hours before your shift is scheduled to begin.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_anzahl1', 'EN', 'You have signed up for ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_anzahl2', 'EN', ' shift(s) so far');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Datum', 'EN', 'Date');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Uhrzeit', 'EN', 'Time');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Ort', 'EN', 'Place');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Bemerkung', 'EN', 'Notes');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Error', 'EN', 'One error war occurred');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_austragen', 'EN', 'remove');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_austragen_n_c', 'EN', 'is no longer possible');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_austragen_n_c', 'DE', 'nicht mehr möglich');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_delate1', 'EN', 'Shift is being removed...');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_add_ok', 'EN', 'Shift has been removed.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_add_ko', 'EN', 'Sorry, something went wrong somewhere. Please try it again. :)\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_after', 'EN', 'sorry, too late!');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text1', 'DE', 'Hallo liebe Chaoten willkommen an der Himmelspforte! ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text2', 'DE', 'Ich bin Gabriel und muss jetzt entscheiden, ob Du Engel oder Daemon\r\nbist.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text1', 'EN', 'Hello, Chaos-guys, welcome to the Gate of Heaven!\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text3', 'DE', 'Dazu beantworte mir bitte folgende Fragen:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text2', 'EN', 'I''m Gabriel and must decide now, if you are an angel or a daemon.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text4', 'EN', 'Please note: You have to activate cookies!');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text4', 'DE', 'Achtung: Cookies müssen aktiviert sein');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text3', 'EN', 'Please answer the following questions:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_nick', 'DE', 'Wie ist Dein Nick:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_pass', 'DE', 'Wie ist Dein Passwort:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_send', 'DE', 'mach mal Gabriel!');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_nick', 'EN', 'What is your Loginname:\r\n');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_pass', 'EN', 'What is your password:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_logout', 'DE', 'Du wurdest erfolgreich abgemeldet.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_logout', 'EN', 'You have been successfully logged out.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_index', 'DE', 'Index');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_FAQ', 'DE', 'FAQ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_plan', 'DE', 'Lageplan');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_index', 'EN', 'Index');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_FAQ', 'EN', 'FAQ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_menuname', 'DE', 'Menü');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_plan', 'EN', 'Map');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_news', 'EN', 'News');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_news', 'DE', 'News');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Engelbesprechung', 'DE', 'Engelbesprechung');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_menuname', 'EN', 'Menu');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Schichtplan', 'DE', 'Schichtplan');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Wecken', 'DE', 'Wecken');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_mySchichtplan', 'DE', 'Mein Schichtplan');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_questionEngel', 'DE', 'Anfragen an die Erzengel');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Einstellungen', 'DE', 'Einstellungen');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Engelbesprechung', 'EN', 'Angel meeting');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Abmelden', 'DE', 'Abmelden');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Schichtplan', 'EN', 'Available Shifts');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Wecken', 'EN', 'Wake-up Service');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_lang_send', 'EN', 'do it Gabriel!');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_mySchichtplan', 'EN', 'My Shifts');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_questionEngel', 'EN', 'Questions for the ArchAngels');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Abmelden', 'EN', 'Logout');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Einstellungen', 'EN', 'Options');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_Name', 'DE', 'Himmel');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_Name', 'EN', 'Heaven');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_MakeUser', 'DE', 'Benutzer Anlegen');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('menu_MakeUser', 'EN', 'Create a new accont');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Waeckerlist', 'DE', 'Weckerlist');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_menu_Waeckerlist', 'EN', 'Wake-up list');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Text1', 'DE', 'dies ist die Weckliste. Schaue hier bitte, wann die Leute geweckt werden wollen und erledige dies... schliesslich willst du bestimmt nicht deren Schichten uebernehmen :-)\r\n
\r\nDie bisherigen eingetragenen Zeiten:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Nick', 'DE', 'Nick');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Nick', 'EN', 'Nick');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Datum', 'DE', 'Datum');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Datum', 'EN', 'Date');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Ort', 'DE', 'Ort');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Ort', 'EN', 'Place');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Comment', 'DE', 'Bemerkung');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Comment', 'EN', 'Comment');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_waeckliste_Text1', 'EN', 'this is the wack-up list. Peace show hire, how wont to wack-up and wack up this person... schliesslich willst du bestimmt nicht deren Schichten uebernehmen :-)\r\n
\r\nShow all entreys:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('nonpublic/waeckliste.php', 'DE', 'Weckdienst - Liste der zu weckenden Engel');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('nonpublic/waeckliste.php', 'EN', 'Wackup list - list of the to wackup engels');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_ToManyYousers', 'DE', 'FEHLER: Es wurden keine weiteren Engel benötigt !!');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_ToManyYousers', 'EN', 'ERROR: There are enogh Engels for this chip');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Len', 'DE', 'Länge');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_mywake_Len', 'EN', 'lenght');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_AllreadyinShift', 'DE', 'du bist bereits in einer Schicht eingetragen!');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_AllreadyinShift', 'EN', 'you are at this time entrit in another shift');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Error', 'DE', 'Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_WriteOK', 'DE', 'Du bist jetzt der Schicht zugeteilt. Vielen Dank für deine Mitarbeit.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Text1', 'DE', 'Hier kannst du dich in eine Schicht eintragen. Als Kommentar kannst du etwas x-belibiges eintragen, wie z. B.\r\nwelcher Vortrag dies ist oder ähnliches. Den Kommentar kannst nur du sehen. ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Date', 'DE', 'Datum');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Place', 'DE', 'Ort');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Job', 'DE', 'Aufgabe');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Len', 'DE', 'Dauer');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_TextFor', 'DE', 'Text zur Schicht');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Comment', 'DE', 'Dein Kommentar');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_submit', 'DE', 'Ja, ich will helfen..."');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text5', 'DE', 'Bitte überprüfen Sie den SSL Key');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('index_text5', 'EN', 'Please check your SSL-Key:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_Edit_Text1', 'DE', 'Hier könnt ihr euren Kommentar ändern:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_Text1', 'DE', 'Text wird gespeichert');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_OK', 'DE', 'erfolgreich gespeichert.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_KO', 'DE', 'Fehler beim speichern');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_text1', 'DE', 'hir kanst du die übersetzten text bearbeiten.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_text1', 'EN', 'hire can you edit the text of the engelsystem');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_TextID', 'EN', 'TextID');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_TextID', 'DE', 'TextID');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_Sprache', 'DE', 'Sprache ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_Sprache', 'EN', 'Language ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Place', 'EN', 'place');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_Edit', 'DE', 'Bearbeiten');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_sprache_Edit', 'EN', 'edit');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Date', 'EN', 'Date');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_KO', 'EN', 'save KO');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_OK', 'EN', 'save OK');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_EditSave_Text1', 'EN', 'Text was saved');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_myshift_Edit_Text1', 'EN', 'Here can you change your comment:');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Comment', 'EN', 'Your comment');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text1', 'DE', 'Diese Funktion ermöglicht es den Erzengeln, schnell die Engel mit einer vorgebbaren Anzahl an der Stunden als Aktiv zu markieren.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text1', 'EN', 'This Funktion enabled the erzengels, to set engels as Active, who has enough hours worked.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text2', 'DE', 'Über die Engelliste kann dies für einzelne Engel erledigt werden.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text2', 'EN', 'Over the engellist can you do this for singel engels.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text31', 'DE', 'Alle Engel mit mindestens');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text31', 'EN', 'All engels with at least');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text32', 'DE', 'Schichten als Aktiv markieren');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text32', 'EN', 'mark shifts as "Activ"');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Nick', 'DE', 'Nick');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Nick', 'EN', 'Nick');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Anzahl', 'DE', 'Anzahl Schichten');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Anzahl', 'EN', 'number of shifts');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Time', 'DE', 'Gesamtzeit');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Time', 'EN', 'summery time');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_submit', 'EN', 'Yes, I will help..."');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Len', 'EN', 'len');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Job', 'EN', 'job');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text5_1', 'DE', 'Alle Engel mit mindestens ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text5_1', 'EN', 'All engels with at least ');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text5_2', 'DE', ' Schichten werden jetzt als "Aktiv" markiert');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Text5_2', 'EN', ' shifs was market as "active"');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Active', 'DE', 'Aktiv');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_aktive_Active', 'EN', 'active');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_TextFor', 'EN', 'text for shift');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_WriteOK', 'EN', 'You was written for the shift as an engel. Thank you for your cooperation.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_add_Text1', 'EN', 'Hire can you entry you for a shift. As commend can you written wat you wont, it is only for you.');
+INSERT INTO `Sprache` (`TextID`, `Sprache`, `Text`) VALUES ('pub_schichtplan_colision', 'DE', '
arouund output - * libraries/sqlparser.lib.php3: - - Converted code to use $str* variables - - BUG() code cleaned up (PMA_SQP_BUG, PMA_SQP_throwError) - - More PHP3 compatibility - * lang/*: - - New variables for SQL Parser error messages - -2002-08-06 Marc Delisle- * tbl_properties_links.php3: bug 590867: avoid undefined variable - and add comments in the code for a future correction - -2002-08-06 Loïc Chapeaux - * libraries/display_tbl.lib.php3, line 1412: do not die if relation table - is broken in browse mode - * libraries/sqlvalidator.lib.php3, libraries/sqlvalidator.class.php3: - - Coding style fixes, documentation. - -2002-08-06 Alexander M. Turek - * lang/english-*.inc.php3: Typo. - * db_details.php3, read_dump.php3, tbl_query_box.php3, lang/*.inc.php3: - Fixed bug #590863 (Importing an SQL dump fails when using UTF-8) by - allowing the user to specify the charset of an uploaded SQL file. - * lang/swedish-*.inc.php3: Updates, thanks again to Björn T. Hallberg (bth). - -2002-08-05 Loïc Chapeaux - * tbl_indexes.php3, ldi_check.php3, libraries/sqlparser.lib.php3: - coding standard - -2002-08-05 Alexander M. Turek - * translators.html: - - Added a small note in order to avoid annoying emails. - - Corrected the name of the Chinese translator. - * lang/slovenian-*.inc.php3: Updates, thanks again to Kositer Uros (urosh). - * lang/chinese_.inc.php3: Updates, thanks again to Siu Sun (siusun). - * lang/italian-*.inc.php3: Updates, thanks again to Pietro Danesi (danone). - -2002-08-04 Marc Delisle - * tbl_indexes.php3: was corrupting the query displayed in query box - because it was using $sql_query for local needs. Replaced by $local_query - -2002-08-04 Alexander M. Turek - * libraries/common.lib.php3, line 88: default language should be - en-iso-8859-1. - * libraries/common.lib.php3, libraries/config_import.lib.php3: Backwards - compatibility for config file revisions before 1.131. - * config.inc.php3: Display syntax errors when the user calls the config file - directly even if "display_errors" has been switched off in php.ini. - * lang/german-*.inc.php3: Updates. - * lang/afrikaans-*.inc.php3: Tidied up a bit. - * Documentation.html, ANNOUNCE.txt: We now have 41 languages, don't we? - * Documentation.html: - - Beautified XHTML code; - - Edited my credit; - - Fixed a typo. - * tbl_properties.inc.php3: Tried to work around bug #590481 (By default - radio button for primary key). - -2002-08-03 Marc Delisle - * Documentation.html: remove unneeded GRANT - * lang/turkish: update, thanks to Bora Alioglu - * lang/french: update - -2002-08-03 Robin Johnson - * lang/*: - - Strings for SQL Validator - * config.inc.php3: - - Config options for SQL Validator - * libraries/common.lib.php3, sql.php3: - - SQL Validator usage code - * libraries/sqlvalidator.class.php3: - - PHP Class to run SQL Validator - * libraries/sqlvalidator.php3: - - SQL Validator interface code - * ChangeLog: - - Neatened Changelog to general follow a format - - (* : ) - * db_details.php3, db_stats.php3, main.php3, sql.php3 - tbl_change.php3, tbl_query_box.php3, user_details.php3 - libraries/common.lib.php3: - - changed show_query to use 1/0 instead of 'y'/'n' - * sql.php3, libraries/common.lib.php3: - - Improved logic of edit, show_as_php, explain and validator - in the SQL query box - * libraries/sqlvalidator.php3, libraries/sqlvalidator.class.php3: - - Function documentation and cleanup - * config.inc.php3: - - Comments for SQL Validator options - -2002-08-02 Robin Johnson- * libraries/defines*: - - Add another set of defines to make the original - version datas available as strings - * libraries/common.lib.php3: - - Cleaned up SQL Query links - - Made customizable in $cfg - * config.inc.php3: - - Added $cfg['SQLQuery']* for customizing SQL Query links - - Set defaults of $cfg['SQLQuery']* to act like old behavior - * lang/*: - - Changed $strExplain to say 'Query' instead of code - - Added $strNoExplain for reverse of Explain state - -2002-08-02 Marc Delisle - * lang/portuguese: update, thanks to Lopo Pizarro - * lang/catalan: update, thanks to Xavier Navarro - * lang/ukrainian: update, thanks to Markijan Baran - * ldi_check.php3: undefined $sub_part - -2002-08-01 Robin Johnson - * scripts/decode_bug.php3: - - Improvements and PHP3 fixes thanks to Loic - * libraries/string.lib.php3: - - Detect U+00A0 as whitespace - -2002-08-01 Marc Delisle - * lang/afrikaans: new language - - thanks to Andreas Pauley (pauley at buitegroep.org.za) - * lang/spanish: remove control m - -2002-07-31 Robin Johnson - * tbl_properties_structure.php3 +40: Fix for a warning notice - * libraries/sqlparser.lib.php3: Fix for another minor formatting quirk - -2002-07-31 Marc Delisle - * lang/thai: update, thanks to Arthit Suriyawongkul - -2002-07-30 Robin Johnson - * scripts/decode_bug.php3: Parser BUG decoder merged - * lang/russian: Update thanks to http://psyonline.ru/ - * lang/spanish: Update thanks to Daniel ? - * lang/*: ran sync_lang.sh - -2002-07-30 Marc Delisle - * config.inc.php3: how to test auto-detect - * lang/turkish: update, thanks to Bora Alioglu - * lang/galician: update, thanks to Xosé Calvo - * lang/albanian: update, thanks to Laurent Dhima. - * lang/czech: update, thanks to Michal Cihar - * lang/slovak-iso: update, thanks to Lubos Klokner - -2002-07-30 Loïc Chapeaux - * Documentation.html: coding standards (line size <= 80). - * db_details_structure.php3:, 456-460, beautified generated page. - -2002-07-29 Marc Delisle - * Documentation.html: auto-detect, dot in dbname, CGI and cookie auth - * lang/turkish: update, thanks to Bora Alioglu - -2002-07-29 Robin Johnson - * lang/galician*: Merged update from #588154 - * lang/estonian*: Merged update from Alvar Soome - * lang/indonesian*: Merged update from Rachim Tamsjadi - * lang/*: ran sync_lang.sh - -2002-07-29 Loïc Chapeaux - * tbl_change.php3, line 203: fixed an xhtml bug (#587974) thanks to - Christophe Jaillet - * libraries/sqlparser.lib.php3: fixed parse errors (bug #588010) - thanks to Nagi Peters and - coding standards. - * Documentation.html: coding standards. - * libraries/relation.lib.php3: beautified generated page. - -2002-07-28 Marc Delisle - * lang/romanian: update, thanks to Valics Lehel - * lang/polish: update, thanks to Jakub Wilk - * lang/swedish: update, thanks to Björn T. Hallberg - * lang/italian: update, thanks to Pietro Danesi - * lang/lithuanian: update, thanks to Vilius Zigmantas - * lang/dutch: update, thanks to Ivo Teel. - 2.3.0-rc4 released - -2002-07-27 Marc Delisle - * lang/italian: update, thanks to Pietro Danesi - * lang/*: fix a typo - -2002-07-26 Robin Johnson - * libraries/sqlparser.lib.php3: - - Fixed ANSI type string escaping - - Fixed formatting wrt. whitespace in FormatHTML - - PHP3 fix for gzcompress() bug code - - Fix for ob_flush() bug code - -2002-07-26 Marc Delisle - * Documentation.html: numbers for faq entries - * russian: updates, from an anonymous contributor - -2002-07-25 Loïc Chapeaux - * libraries/sqlparser.lib.php3: - - PHP3 parse errors fixed; - - coding standards. - * pdf_schema.php3; lang/*: translated a string. - * header.inc.php3, lines 155-156: better "fix" against bug - #585094 (Runtime Error on Line 62). - -2002-07-25 Robin Johnson - * config.inc.php3: - - Fix code to work around CSS bug in Mozilla/Konqueror with 'inherit' - value. - * libraries/sqlparser.lib.php3: - - Fix code to work around CSS bug in Mozilla/Konqueror with 'inherit' - value. - - Fix strpos on line 168/169 to work with PHP3 - - Fixed analyze code to remove print_r() - * lang/estonian-iso-8859-1.inc.php: - - Updated translation (thanks to Alvar Soome) - -2002-07-25 Marc Delisle - * Documentation.html, clarify about mysql extensions - * tbl_properties_options.php3, tbl_properties_table_info.php3: - bug 586230, thanks to Loïc - * common.lib.php3: fix bad variable name - * tbl_indexes.php3, tbl_change.php3: fixes for PHP3 compatibility - -2002-07-25 Loïc Chapeaux - * coding standard: common.lib.php3, config.inc.php3, Documentation.html, - header.inc.php3, sqlparser.data.php3, sqlparser.lib.php3, - string.lib.php3, translators.html - -2002-07-24 Marc Delisle - * new lang: slovenian, thanks to Kositer Uros (urosh) - -2002-07-24 Robin Johnson - * libraries/string.lib.php3: - - optimizations/PHP3 fixes (thanks Loïc) - * libraries/sqlparser.lib.php3: - - Merged - - Spacing around if statements - - Added require statements for parser - - Moved to global constants for size of keyword arrays - - Added CSS creation rules - - Cleaned up CSS creation functions - - Formatting fixes - * libraries/sqlparser.data.php3: - - Merged - - Added 'ANALYSE' reserved word (note spelling) - * config.inc.php3: - - Added SQL Parser variables - - Remove old SQL Parser variables - * header.inc.php3: - - Added CSS for SQL Parser - * libraries/common.lib.php3: - - Change of PMA_format_sql to use new SQL Parser - -2002-07-24 Loïc Chapeaux - * libraries/string.lib.php3: Function documentation - -2002-07-23 Robin Johnson - * libraries/string.lib.php3: String functions for the new - SQL Parser system - -2002-07-22 Marc Delisle - * lang/dutch update, thanks to Ivo Teel. - -2002-07-22 Loïc Chapeaux - * libraries/common.lib.php3, lines 198-200: open the documentation - link in the "documentation" window. - * libraries/charset_conversion.lib.php3; libraries/select_lang.lib.php3: - PHP3 fixes (don't use "require" inside a conditional statement). - * Documentation.html: XHTML fixes. - * db_details_structure.php3; tbl_properties.php3; - tbl_change.php3, line 336; tbl_properties_structure.php3; - tbl_select.php3, lines 122 & 127; tbl_query_box.php3: XHTML fixes. - * db_details.php3; db_details_links.php3; - tbl_properties_export.php3, lines 156-158: beautified generated - XHTML code. - -2002-07-21 Marc Delisle - * Documentation.html, libraries/common.lib.php3: added a faq about - mysql extension, and a link to it when the error occurs - -2002-07-20 Marc Delisle - * tbl_properties*: missing $sub_part for back links (bug 584069) - -2002-07-19 Alexander M. Turek - * tbl_properties_links.php3: Fixed bug #583969. - * lang/german-*.inc.php3: Updates. - -2002-07-19 Marc Delisle - * pdf_schema.php3, bug 583833: should not complain if some tables - are missing - * lang/hungarian update, thanks to Peter Bakondy - * lang/thai updates: thanks to Arthit Suriyawongkul. - * lang/norwegian updates: thanks to Sven-Erik Andersen - -2002-07-19 Loïc Chapeaux - * pdf_schema.php3; pdf_page.php3; libraries/common.lib.php3: PHP3 fixes. - * tbl_properties_structure.php3: coding standards. - -2002-07-18 Alexander M. Turek - * libraries/common.lib.php3, libraries/select_lang.lib.php3: Don't include - the "real" config file if a developer edition exists. - * libraries/charset_conversion.lib.php3: Exit the script if iconv cannot be - used. - -2002-07-18 Marc Delisle - * libraries/display_tbl.lib.php3: bug 579785, Edit links URLs too long - for some browsers - * lang/italian: update, thanks to Pietro Danesi - * lang/chinese: update, thanks to Siu Sun - * lang/albanian: update, thanks to Laurent Dhima. - * lang/czech: update, thanks to Michal Cihar - * lang/sync_lang.sh: can exclude some languages from conversion, - thanks to Michal Cihar - * lang/turkish: update, thanks to Bora Alioglu - * lang/polish: update, thanks to Jakub Wilk - * lang/galician: update, thanks to Xosé Calvo - * lang/romanian: update, thanks to Valics Lehel - * sql.php3: bug 582356, Propose table structure was not working when - $cfg['ShowAll'] was FALSE - -2002-07-18 Steve Alberty - It is now possible to print stats for more than 2 GB (up to exa byte) - * db_details_structure.php3: correct wrong link from table size to stats - * tbl_printview.php3: fixed warnings if relation is not defined - * db_printview.php3: fixed warnings and faults - -2002-07-17 Marc Delisle - * lang/sync_lang.sh: support for multiple convertors (recode added), - thanks to Michal Cihar - * lang/spanish update: - - thanks to Daniel Hinostroza - - (Daniel.Hinostroza at grunenthal.com.ec) - * lang/swedish: updates: thanks to Björn T. Hallberg - * lang/indonesian: updates, thanks to Rachim Tamsjadi. - * lang/japanese*: updates, thanks to Yukihiro Kawada - * lang/french: updates - * lang/lithuanian: updates, thanks to Vilius Zigmantas - * chk_rel.php3, db_details_structure.php3, Documentation.html, - pdf_pages.php3, pdf_shema.php3, libraries/select_lang.lib.php3: - commits for Loic - * tbl_properties.php3, tbl_properties_structure.php3, - new tbl_query_box.php3: query box at the bottom of the structure page - -2002-07-17 Alexander M. Turek - * libraries/common.lib.php3, libraries/config_import.lib.php3: Added - $cfg['PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning'] to the backwards compatibility code. - * config.inc.php3, Documentation.html: Remerged the changes that were - removed in the previous revision, thanks to Björn T. Hallberg (bth). - * libraries/select_lang.lib.php3: Disable UTF-8 if - $cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] has been set to FALSE. - -2002-07-17 Mike Beck - * pdf_pages.php3: if a page is edit it can also be shown - * pdf_schema.php3: now it is possible to have all tables - displayed with the same (maximum) width (feature request 576537) - -2002-07-16 Mike Beck - * libraries/relation.lib.php3: verbose mode - * db_details_structure.php3: show message if relation doesn't work - * chk_rel.php3: new file to show what is wrong with relation - -2002-07-16 Alexander M. Turek - * header.inc.php3: Use include() instead of require(). - -2002-07-16 Marc Delisle - * libraries: charset_conversion.lib.php3, common.lib.php3: bug 581577: - a better if, because sometimes the test for PHP3 succeeds even - for PHP4, thanks to Neil Darlow - * libraries/relation.lib.php3: undefined variable - -2002-07-15 Alexander M. Turek - * libraries/config_import.lib.php3: - - Removed a comment and - - Changed the default value for $cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] into FALSE. - * header.inc.php3: Better fix against bug #571409, thanks to Loïc. - * libraries/common.lib.php3: Coding standards. - -2002-07-15 Marc Delisle - * db_details_export.php3, db_details_links.php3, Documentation.html, - sql.php3, tbl_properties_export.php3, libraries/common.lib.php3, - libraries/select_lang.lib.php3: fixes from Loic - * config.inc.php3: default value for $cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] = FALSE; - to avoid problems on multithreaded servers, thanks to Neil Darlow - (ndarlow) - * libraries/charset_conversion.lib.php3: remove the "@" before dl() - because multithreaded servers don't support dl(), and we want - to see the error message, thanks to /Leblanc - * header.inc.php3: js error with OmniWeb, thanks to Loïc - -2002-07-14 Marc Delisle - * Documentation.html, db_details_exports.php3, tbl_properties_export.php3: - add a link to a new faq entry explaining some dump options - * libraries/relation.lib.php3: bug 575868 Unitialized string offset - 2.3.0-rc3 released - -2002-07-14 Alexander M. Turek - * config.inc.php3, libraries/common.lib.php3: Fixed bug #576018. - * lang/german-*.inc.php3: Clarification. - -2002-07-13 Marc Delisle - * libraries/common.lib.php3: bug 580929: do not EXPLAIN if this is - not a SELECT - * sql.php3: better way to show php code - * sql.php3: bug 580920: do not display the confirm dialog - * db_details_links.php3: undefined variable if coming from a Show MySQL - link on the home page - -2002-07-13 Alexander M. Turek - * Documentation.html: News about bug #540671. - -2002-07-12 Alexander M. Turek - * main.php3: Fixed a bug of the SHOW GRANTS patch (bug #568174: Wildcards - escaped in db name), thanks to Björn T. Hallberg (bth). - -2002-07-12 Mike Beck