shift view performance improvements
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,10 +44,12 @@ function room_controller() {
$shifts = Shifts_by_ShiftsFilter($shiftsFilter, $user);
$needed_angeltypes = NeededAngeltypes_by_ShiftsFilter($shiftsFilter, $user);
$shift_entries = ShiftEntries_by_ShiftsFilter($shiftsFilter, $user);
return [
Room_view($room, $shiftsFilterRenderer, new ShiftCalendarRenderer($shifts, $shiftsFilter))
Room_view($room, $shiftsFilterRenderer, new ShiftCalendarRenderer($shifts, $needed_angeltypes, $shift_entries, $shiftsFilter))
@ -48,7 +48,10 @@ function shift_entry_add_controller() {
$user_id = $user['UID'];
$shift_signup_allowed = Shift_signup_allowed(User($user_id), $shift, $type);
$needed_angeltype = NeededAngeltype_by_Shift_and_Angeltype($shift, $type);
$shift_entries = ShiftEntries_by_shift_and_angeltype($shift['SID'], $type['id']);
$shift_signup_allowed = Shift_signup_allowed(User($user_id), $shift, $type, null, null, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries);
if (! $shift_signup_allowed->isSignupAllowed()) {
error(_("You are not allowed to sign up for this shift. Maybe shift is full or already running."));
@ -202,13 +202,17 @@ function shift_controller() {
$user_shifts = Shifts_by_user($user);
$shift_signup_state = new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupState::OCCUPIED, 0);
foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype) {
$angeltype_signup_state = Shift_signup_allowed($user, $shift, $angeltype, null, $user_shifts);
foreach ($angeltypes as &$angeltype) {
$needed_angeltype = NeededAngeltype_by_Shift_and_Angeltype($shift, $angeltype);
$shift_entries = ShiftEntries_by_shift_and_angeltype($shift['SID'], $angeltype['id']);
$angeltype_signup_state = Shift_signup_allowed($user, $shift, $angeltype, null, $user_shifts, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries);
if ($shift_signup_state == null) {
$shift_signup_state = $angeltype_signup_state;
} else {
$angeltype['shift_signup_state'] = $angeltype_signup_state;
return [
@ -19,48 +19,48 @@ function Shifts_by_ShiftsFilter(ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter, $user) {
AND `start` BETWEEN " . $shiftsFilter->getStartTime() . " AND " . $shiftsFilter->getEndTime() . "
ORDER BY `Shifts`.`start`";
$SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT `Shifts`.*, `ShiftTypes`.`name`, `Room`.`Name` as `room_name`
FROM `Shifts`
INNER JOIN `ShiftTypes` ON (`ShiftTypes`.`id` = `Shifts`.`shifttype_id`)
SELECT COUNT(*) AS special_needs , nat3.`shift_id`
FROM `NeededAngelTypes` AS nat3
WHERE `shift_id` IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY nat3.`shift_id`
) AS nat2 ON nat2.`shift_id` = `Shifts`.`SID`
INNER JOIN `NeededAngelTypes` AS nat
ON nat.`count` != 0
AND nat.`angel_type_id` IN (" . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getTypes()) . ")
(nat2.`special_needs` > 0 AND nat.`shift_id` = `Shifts`.`SID`)
(nat2.`special_needs` = 0 OR nat2.`special_needs` IS NULL)
AND nat.`room_id` = `RID`)
SELECT se.`SID`, se.`TID`, COUNT(*) as count
FROM `ShiftEntry` AS se GROUP BY se.`SID`, se.`TID`
) AS entries ON entries.`SID` = `Shifts`.`SID` AND entries.`TID` = nat.`angel_type_id`
WHERE `Shifts`.`RID` IN (" . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getRooms()) . ")
AND `start` BETWEEN " . $shiftsFilter->getStartTime() . " AND " . $shiftsFilter->getEndTime();
if (count($shiftsFilter->getFilled()) == 1) {
if ($shiftsFilter->getFilled()[0] == ShiftsFilter::FILLED_FREE) {
$SQL .= "
nat.`count` > entries.`count` OR entries.`count` IS NULL
} elseif ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled'][0] == ShiftsFilter::FILLED_FILLED) {
$SQL .= "
nat.`count` <= entries.`count`
$SQL .= "
ORDER BY `start`";
* $SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT `Shifts`.*, `ShiftTypes`.`name`, `Room`.`Name` as `room_name`
* FROM `Shifts`
* INNER JOIN `ShiftTypes` ON (`ShiftTypes`.`id` = `Shifts`.`shifttype_id`)
* SELECT COUNT(*) AS special_needs , nat3.`shift_id`
* FROM `NeededAngelTypes` AS nat3
* WHERE `shift_id` IS NOT NULL
* GROUP BY nat3.`shift_id`
* ) AS nat2 ON nat2.`shift_id` = `Shifts`.`SID`
* INNER JOIN `NeededAngelTypes` AS nat
* ON nat.`count` != 0
* AND nat.`angel_type_id` IN (" . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getTypes()) . ")
* AND (
* (nat2.`special_needs` > 0 AND nat.`shift_id` = `Shifts`.`SID`)
* OR
* (
* (nat2.`special_needs` = 0 OR nat2.`special_needs` IS NULL)
* AND nat.`room_id` = `RID`)
* )
* SELECT se.`SID`, se.`TID`, COUNT(*) as count
* FROM `ShiftEntry` AS se GROUP BY se.`SID`, se.`TID`
* ) AS entries ON entries.`SID` = `Shifts`.`SID` AND entries.`TID` = nat.`angel_type_id`
* WHERE `Shifts`.`RID` IN (" . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getRooms()) . ")
* AND `start` BETWEEN " . $shiftsFilter->getStartTime() . " AND " . $shiftsFilter->getEndTime();
* if (count($shiftsFilter->getFilled()) == 1) {
* if ($shiftsFilter->getFilled()[0] == ShiftsFilter::FILLED_FREE) {
* $SQL .= "
* AND (
* nat.`count` > entries.`count` OR entries.`count` IS NULL
* )";
* } elseif ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled'][0] == ShiftsFilter::FILLED_FILLED) {
* $SQL .= "
* AND (
* nat.`count` <= entries.`count`
* )";
* }
* }
* $SQL .= "
* ORDER BY `start`";
$result = sql_select($SQL);
if ($result === false) {
@ -69,6 +69,56 @@ function Shifts_by_ShiftsFilter(ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter, $user) {
return $result;
function NeededAngeltypes_by_ShiftsFilter(ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter, $user) {
$SQL = "SELECT `NeededAngelTypes`.*, `AngelTypes`.`id`, `AngelTypes`.`name`, `AngelTypes`.`restricted`, `AngelTypes`.`no_self_signup`
FROM `Shifts`
JOIN `NeededAngelTypes` ON `NeededAngelTypes`.`shift_id`=`Shifts`.`SID`
JOIN `AngelTypes` ON `AngelTypes`.`id`= `NeededAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id`
WHERE `Shifts`.`RID` IN (" . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getRooms()) . ")
AND `start` BETWEEN " . $shiftsFilter->getStartTime() . " AND " . $shiftsFilter->getEndTime() . "
ORDER BY `Shifts`.`start`";
// FIXME: Use needed angeltypes on rooms!
$result = sql_select($SQL);
if ($result === false) {
engelsystem_error("Unable to load needed angeltypes by filter.");
return $result;
function NeededAngeltype_by_Shift_and_Angeltype($shift, $angeltype) {
$SQL = "SELECT `NeededAngelTypes`.*, `AngelTypes`.`id`, `AngelTypes`.`name`, `AngelTypes`.`restricted`, `AngelTypes`.`no_self_signup`
FROM `Shifts`
JOIN `NeededAngelTypes` ON `NeededAngelTypes`.`shift_id`=`Shifts`.`SID`
JOIN `AngelTypes` ON `AngelTypes`.`id`= `NeededAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id`
WHERE `Shifts`.`SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . "
AND `AngelTypes`.`id`=" . sql_escape($angeltype['id']) . "
ORDER BY `Shifts`.`start`";
// FIXME: Use needed angeltypes on rooms!
$result = sql_select($SQL);
if ($result === false) {
engelsystem_error("Unable to load needed angeltypes by filter.");
if (count($result) == 0) {
return null;
return $result[0];
function ShiftEntries_by_ShiftsFilter(ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter, $user) {
$SQL = "SELECT `User`.`Nick`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`email_shiftinfo`, `User`.`Sprache`, `User`.`Gekommen`, `ShiftEntry`.`UID`, `ShiftEntry`.`TID`, `ShiftEntry`.`SID`, `ShiftEntry`.`Comment`, `ShiftEntry`.`freeloaded`
FROM `Shifts`
JOIN `ShiftEntry` ON `ShiftEntry`.`SID`=`Shifts`.`SID`
JOIN `User` ON `ShiftEntry`.`UID`=`User`.`UID`
WHERE `Shifts`.`RID` IN (" . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getRooms()) . ")
AND `start` BETWEEN " . $shiftsFilter->getStartTime() . " AND " . $shiftsFilter->getEndTime() . "
ORDER BY `Shifts`.`start`";
$result = sql_select($SQL);
if ($result === false) {
engelsystem_error("Unable to load shift entries by filter.");
return $result;
* Check if a shift collides with other shifts (in time).
@ -88,22 +138,15 @@ function Shift_collides($shift, $shifts) {
* Returns the number of needed angels/free shift entries for an angeltype.
* @param int $shift_id
* ID of the shift to check
* @param int $angeltype_id
* ID of the angeltype that should be checked
function Shift_free_entries($shift_id, $angeltype_id) {
$needed_angeltypes = NeededAngelTypes_by_shift($shift_id);
foreach ($needed_angeltypes as $needed_angeltype) {
if ($needed_angeltype['angel_type_id'] == $angeltype_id) {
return max(0, $needed_angeltype['count'] - $needed_angeltype['taken']);
function Shift_free_entries($needed_angeltype, $shift_entries) {
$taken = 0;
foreach ($shift_entries as $shift_entry) {
if ($shift_entry['freeloaded'] == 0) {
$taken ++;
return 0;
return max(0, $needed_angeltype['count'] - $taken);
@ -118,8 +161,8 @@ function Shift_free_entries($shift_id, $angeltype_id) {
* @param boolean $angeltype_supporter
* True, if the user has angeltype supporter rights for the angeltype, which enables him to sign somebody up for the shift.
function Shift_signup_allowed_angel($user, $shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype, $user_shifts, $angeltype_supporter = false) {
$free_entries = Shift_free_entries($shift['SID'], $angeltype['id']);
function Shift_signup_allowed_angel($user, $shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype, $user_shifts, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries) {
$free_entries = Shift_free_entries($needed_angeltype, $shift_entries);
if ($user['Gekommen'] == 0) {
return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupState::SHIFT_ENDED, $free_entries);
@ -155,7 +198,7 @@ function Shift_signup_allowed_angel($user, $shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype,
$user_angeltype = UserAngelType_by_User_and_AngelType($user, $angeltype);
if ($user_angeltype == null || ($angeltype['no_self_signup'] == 1 && $user_angeltype != null && $angeltype_supporter === false) || ($angeltype['restricted'] == 1 && $user_angeltype != null && ! isset($user_angeltype['confirm_user_id']))) {
if ($user_angeltype == null || ($angeltype['no_self_signup'] == 1 && $user_angeltype != null) || ($angeltype['restricted'] == 1 && $user_angeltype != null && ! isset($user_angeltype['confirm_user_id']))) {
// you cannot join if user is not of this angel type
// you cannot join if you are not confirmed
// you cannot join if angeltype has no self signup
@ -175,8 +218,8 @@ function Shift_signup_allowed_angel($user, $shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype,
* Check if an angeltype supporter can sign up a user to a shift.
function Shift_signup_allowed_angeltype_supporter($shift, $angeltype) {
$free_entries = Shift_free_entries($shift['SID'], $angeltype['id']);
function Shift_signup_allowed_angeltype_supporter($shift, $angeltype, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries) {
$free_entries = Shift_free_entries($needed_angeltype, $shift_entries);
if ($free_entries == 0) {
return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupState::OCCUPIED, $free_entries);
@ -192,8 +235,8 @@ function Shift_signup_allowed_angeltype_supporter($shift, $angeltype) {
* @param AngelType $angeltype
* The angeltype to which the user wants to sign up
function Shift_signup_allowed_admin($shift, $angeltype) {
$free_entries = Shift_free_entries($shift['SID'], $angeltype['id']);
function Shift_signup_allowed_admin($shift, $angeltype, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries) {
$free_entries = Shift_free_entries($needed_angeltype, $shift_entries);
if ($free_entries == 0) {
// User shift admins may join anybody in every shift
return new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupState::ADMIN, $free_entries);
@ -212,18 +255,18 @@ function Shift_signup_allowed_admin($shift, $angeltype) {
* @param array<Shift> $user_shifts
* List of the users shifts
function Shift_signup_allowed($signup_user, $shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype = null, $user_shifts = null) {
function Shift_signup_allowed($signup_user, $shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype = null, $user_shifts = null, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries) {
global $user, $privileges;
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
return Shift_signup_allowed_admin($shift, $angeltype);
return Shift_signup_allowed_admin($shift, $angeltype, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries);
if (in_array('shiftentry_edit_angeltype_supporter', $privileges) && User_is_AngelType_supporter($user, $angeltype)) {
return Shift_signup_allowed_angeltype_supporter($shift, $angeltype);
return Shift_signup_allowed_angeltype_supporter($shift, $angeltype, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries);
return Shift_signup_allowed_angel($signup_user, $shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype, $user_shifts, false);
return Shift_signup_allowed_angel($signup_user, $shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype, $user_shifts, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries);
@ -73,14 +73,17 @@ function User_unconfirmed_AngelTypes($user) {
* @param User $user
* @param AngelType $angeltype
function User_is_AngelType_supporter($user, $angeltype) {
function User_is_AngelType_supporter(&$user, $angeltype) {
if(!isset($user['privileges'])) {
$user['privileges'] = privileges_for_user($user['UID']);
return (sql_num_query("
FROM `UserAngelTypes`
WHERE `user_id`='" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . "'
AND `angeltype_id`='" . sql_escape($angeltype['id']) . "'
AND `supporter`=TRUE
LIMIT 1") > 0) || in_array('admin_user_angeltypes', privileges_for_user($user['UID']));
LIMIT 1") > 0) || in_array('admin_user_angeltypes', $user['privileges']);
@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ function sql_select_db($db_name) {
function sql_select($query) {
global $sql_connection, $query_count;
// echo $query . ";\n";
// echo debug_string_backtrace() . "\n";
$result = $sql_connection->query($query);
if ($result) {
$data = [];
@ -130,19 +130,8 @@ function view_user_shifts() {
$shiftsFilter = $_SESSION['ShiftsFilter'];
$shifts = Shifts_by_ShiftsFilter($shiftsFilter, $user);
$ownshifts_source = sql_select("
SELECT `ShiftTypes`.`name`, `Shifts`.*
FROM `Shifts`
INNER JOIN `ShiftTypes` ON (`ShiftTypes`.`id` = `Shifts`.`shifttype_id`)
INNER JOIN `ShiftEntry` ON (`Shifts`.`SID` = `ShiftEntry`.`SID` AND `ShiftEntry`.`UID` = '" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . "')
WHERE `Shifts`.`RID` IN (" . implode(',', $shiftsFilter->getRooms()) . ")
AND `start` BETWEEN " . $shiftsFilter->getStartTime() . " AND " . $shiftsFilter->getEndTime());
$ownshifts = [];
foreach ($ownshifts_source as $ownshift) {
$ownshifts[$ownshift['SID']] = $ownshift;
$needed_angeltypes = NeededAngeltypes_by_ShiftsFilter($shiftsFilter, $user);
$shift_entries = ShiftEntries_by_ShiftsFilter($shiftsFilter, $user);
if ($user['api_key'] == "") {
User_reset_api_key($user, false);
@ -163,7 +152,7 @@ function view_user_shifts() {
$end_day = date("Y-m-d", $shiftsFilter->getEndTime());
$end_time = date("H:i", $shiftsFilter->getEndTime());
$shiftCalendarRenderer = new ShiftCalendarRenderer($shifts, $shiftsFilter);
$shiftCalendarRenderer = new ShiftCalendarRenderer($shifts, $needed_angeltypes, $shift_entries, $shiftsFilter);
return page([
div('col-md-12', [
@ -35,11 +35,17 @@ class ShiftCalendarRenderer {
private $blocksPerSlot = null;
public function __construct($shifts, ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter) {
private $needed_angeltypes = null;
private $shift_entries = null;
public function __construct($shifts, $needed_angeltypes, $shift_entries, ShiftsFilter $shiftsFilter) {
$this->shiftsFilter = $shiftsFilter;
$this->firstBlockStartTime = $this->calcFirstBlockStartTime($shifts);
$this->lastBlockEndTime = $this->calcLastBlockEndTime($shifts);
$this->lanes = $this->assignShiftsToLanes($shifts);
$this->needed_angeltypes = $needed_angeltypes;
$this->shift_entries = $shift_entries;
@ -127,6 +133,7 @@ class ShiftCalendarRenderer {
$html .= $this->renderLane($lane);
return $html;
@ -142,16 +149,31 @@ class ShiftCalendarRenderer {
$shift_renderer = new ShiftCalendarShiftRenderer();
$html = "";
$rendered_until = $this->getFirstBlockStartTime();
$needed_angeltypes = [];
$shift_entries = [];
foreach ($lane->getShifts() as $shift) {
$needed_angeltypes[$shift['SID']] = [];
$shift_entries[$shift['SID']] = [];
foreach ($this->needed_angeltypes as $needed_angeltype) {
$needed_angeltypes[$needed_angeltype['shift_id']][] = $needed_angeltype;
foreach ($this->shift_entries as $shift_entry) {
$shift_entries[$shift_entry['SID']][] = $shift_entry;
foreach ($lane->getShifts() as $shift) {
while ($rendered_until + ShiftCalendarRenderer::SECONDS_PER_ROW <= $shift['start']) {
$html .= $this->renderTick($rendered_until);
$rendered_until += ShiftCalendarRenderer::SECONDS_PER_ROW;
list($shift_height, $shift_html) = $shift_renderer->render($shift, $user);
list($shift_height, $shift_html) = $shift_renderer->render($shift, $needed_angeltypes[$shift['SID']], $shift_entries[$shift['SID']], $user);
$html .= $shift_html;
$rendered_until += $shift_height * ShiftCalendarRenderer::SECONDS_PER_ROW;
while ($rendered_until < $this->getLastBlockEndTime()) {
$html .= $this->renderTick($rendered_until);
$rendered_until += ShiftCalendarRenderer::SECONDS_PER_ROW;
@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ class ShiftCalendarShiftRenderer {
* @param User $user
* The user who is viewing the shift calendar
public function render($shift, $user) {
public function render($shift, $needed_angeltypes, $shift_entries, $user) {
$info_text = "";
if ($shift['title'] != '') {
$info_text = glyph('info-sign') . $shift['title'] . '<br>';
list($shift_signup_state, $shifts_row) = $this->renderShiftNeededAngeltypes($shift, $user);
list($shift_signup_state, $shifts_row) = $this->renderShiftNeededAngeltypes($shift, $needed_angeltypes, $shift_entries, $user);
$class = $this->classForSignupState($shift_signup_state);
$blocks = ceil(($shift["end"] - $shift["start"]) / ShiftCalendarRenderer::SECONDS_PER_ROW);
$blocks = max(1, $blocks);
return [
'<td class="shift" rowspan="' . $blocks . '">' . div('shift panel panel-' . $class . '" style="height: ' . ($blocks * ShiftCalendarRenderer::BLOCK_HEIGHT - ShiftCalendarRenderer::MARGIN) . 'px"', [
div('shift panel panel-' . $class . '" style="height: ' . ($blocks * ShiftCalendarRenderer::BLOCK_HEIGHT - ShiftCalendarRenderer::MARGIN) . 'px"', [
div('panel-body', [
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class ShiftCalendarShiftRenderer {
]) . '</td>'
@ -63,14 +63,22 @@ class ShiftCalendarShiftRenderer {
private function renderShiftNeededAngeltypes($shift, $user) {
private function renderShiftNeededAngeltypes($shift, $needed_angeltypes, $shift_entries, $user) {
global $privileges;
$shift_entries_filtered = [];
foreach ($needed_angeltypes as $needed_angeltype) {
$shift_entries_filtered[$needed_angeltype['id']] = [];
foreach ($shift_entries as $shift_entry) {
$shift_entries_filtered[$shift_entry['TID']][] = $shift_entry;
$html = "";
$shift_signup_state = null;
$angeltypes = NeededAngelTypes_by_shift($shift['SID']);
foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype) {
list($angeltype_signup_state, $angeltype_html) = $this->renderShiftNeededAngeltype($shift, $angeltype, $user);
foreach ($needed_angeltypes as $angeltype) {
if ($angeltype['count'] > 0 || count($shift_entries_filtered[$angeltype['id']]) > 0) {
list($angeltype_signup_state, $angeltype_html) = $this->renderShiftNeededAngeltype($shift, $shift_entries_filtered[$angeltype['id']], $angeltype, $user);
if ($shift_signup_state == null) {
$shift_signup_state = $angeltype_signup_state;
} else {
@ -78,12 +86,13 @@ class ShiftCalendarShiftRenderer {
$html .= $angeltype_html;
if ($shift_signup_state == null) {
$shift_signup_state = new ShiftSignupState(ShiftSignupState::SHIFT_ENDED, 0);
if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) {
$html .= '<li class="list-group-item">' . button(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _("Add more angels"), 'btn-xs') . '</li>';
$html .= '<li class="list-group-item">' . button(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'], _("Add more angels"), 'btn-xs') . '</li>';
if ($html != '') {
return [
@ -107,13 +116,13 @@ class ShiftCalendarShiftRenderer {
* @param User $user
* The user who is viewing the shift calendar
private function renderShiftNeededAngeltype($shift, $angeltype, $user) {
private function renderShiftNeededAngeltype($shift, $shift_entries, $angeltype, $user) {
$entry_list = [];
foreach ($angeltype['shift_entries'] as $entry) {
foreach ($shift_entries as $entry) {
$style = $entry['freeloaded'] ? " text-decoration: line-through;" : '';
$entry_list[] = "<span style=\"$style\">" . User_Nick_render($entry) . "</span>";
$shift_signup_state = Shift_signup_allowed($user, $shift, $angeltype);
$shift_signup_state = Shift_signup_allowed($user, $shift, $angeltype, null, null, $angeltype, $shift_entries);
$inner_text = sprintf(ngettext("%d helper needed", "%d helpers needed", $shift_signup_state->getFreeEntries()), $shift_signup_state->getFreeEntries());
switch ($shift_signup_state->getState()) {
case ShiftSignupState::ADMIN:
@ -174,7 +183,7 @@ class ShiftCalendarShiftRenderer {
button(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&delete_shift=' . $shift['SID'], glyph('trash'), 'btn-xs')
]) . '</div>';
$shift_heading = date('H:i', $shift['start']) . ' ‐ ' . date('H:i', $shift['end']) . ' — ' . ShiftType($shift['shifttype_id'])['name'];
$shift_heading = date('H:i', $shift['start']) . ' ‐ ' . date('H:i', $shift['end']) . ' — ' . $shift['name'];
return div('panel-heading', [
'<a href="' . shift_link($shift) . '">' . $shift_heading . '</a>',
@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ function Shift_signup_button_render($shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype = null,
$user_angeltype = UserAngelType_by_User_and_AngelType($user, $angeltype);
$shift_signup_state = Shift_signup_allowed($user, $shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype, $user_shifts);
if ($shift_signup_state->isSignupAllowed()) {
if ($angeltype['shift_signup_state']->isSignupAllowed()) {
return button(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _('Sign up'));
} elseif ($user_angeltype == null) {
return button(page_link_to('angeltypes') . '&action=view&angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'], sprintf(_('Become %s'), $angeltype['name']));
Reference in New Issue