Symfony Var Dump server is configured to allow for easier debugging. It is not meant as a replacement for xdebug but can actually be used together with xdebug.
This Var Dump Server is especially useful for when you want to debug a request without messing up the output e.g API calls ot HTML layout.
To use simply call the method `dump` and pass the arguments in exactly the same way you would when using `var_dump`.
This will send the output to the Var Dump server which can be viewed in the terminal.
This does however require that you start the var-dump-server otherwise the output will be printed in your browser
You can also `dump` and `die` if you wish to not let your code continue any further by calling the `dd` method
To view the output of `dump` call the following commands:
We use gettext. You may use POEdit to extract new texts from the sourcecode.
Please config POEdit to extract also the twig template files using the following settings:
## Code style
Please ensure that your pull requests follow the [PSR-12]( coding style guide.
You can check that by running
composer run phpcs
You may auto fix reported issues by running
composer run phpcbf
## CI & Build Pipeline
The Engelsystem can be tested and automatically deployed to a testing/staging/production environment.
This functionality requires a [GitLab]( server with a working docker runner.
To use the deployment features the following secret variables need to be defined (if undefined the step will be skipped):
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY # The ssh private key
STAGING_REMOTE # The staging server, e.g.
STAGING_REMOTE_PATH # The path on the remote server, e.g. /var/www/engelsystem
PRODUCTION_REMOTE # Same as STAGING_REMOTE but for the production environment
PRODUCTION_REMOTE_PATH # Same as STAGING_REMOTE_PATH but for the production environment
## Docker
This repo [ships a docker setup](docker/dev) for a quick development start.
If you use another uid/gid than 1000 on your machine you have to adjust it in [docker/dev/.env](docker/dev/.env).
Run this once
cd docker/dev
docker-compose up
Run these commands once initially and then as required after changes