2011-06-03 16:52:57 +02:00
< ? php
function admin_import () {
2011-06-12 17:07:55 +02:00
$html = " " ;
$step = " input " ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'step' ]))
$step = $_REQUEST [ 'step' ];
$html .= '<p>' ;
$html .= $step == " input " ? '<b>1. Input</b>' : '1. Input' ;
$html .= ' » ' ;
$html .= $step == " check " ? '<b>2. Validate</b>' : '2. Validate' ;
$html .= ' » ' ;
$html .= $step == " import " ? '<b>3. Import</b>' : '3. Import' ;
$html .= '</p>' ;
switch ( $step ) {
case " input " :
2011-06-13 17:54:05 +02:00
$ok = false ;
if ( ! $ok ) {
$html .= template_render ( '../templates/admin_import_input.html' , array (
'link' => page_link_to ( 'admin_import' )
break ;
2011-06-12 17:07:55 +02:00
case " check " :
2011-07-11 20:40:27 +02:00
list ( $rooms_new , $rooms_deleted ) = prepare_rooms ();
2011-07-11 21:58:06 +02:00
list ( $events_new , $events_updated , $events_deleted ) = prepare_events ();
2011-07-11 20:40:27 +02:00
$html .= template_render ( '../templates/admin_import_check.html' , array (
'link' => page_link_to ( 'admin_import' ),
2011-07-11 21:58:06 +02:00
'rooms_new' => count ( $rooms_new ) == 0 ? " <tr><td>None</td></tr> " : table_body ( $rooms_new ),
'rooms_deleted' => count ( $rooms_deleted ) == 0 ? " <tr><td>None</td></tr> " : table_body ( $rooms_deleted ),
'events_new' => count ( $events_new ) == 0 ? " <tr><td>None</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr> " : table_body ( shifts_printable ( $events_new )),
'events_updated' => count ( $events_updated ) == 0 ? " <tr><td>None</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr> " : table_body ( $events_updated ),
'events_deleted' => count ( $events_deleted ) == 0 ? " <tr><td>None</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr> " : table_body ( $events_deleted )
2011-07-11 20:40:27 +02:00
2011-06-12 17:07:55 +02:00
break ;
case " import " :
2011-07-11 20:40:27 +02:00
list ( $rooms_new , $rooms_deleted ) = prepare_rooms ();
foreach ( $rooms_new as $room )
sql_query ( " INSERT INTO `Room` SET `Name`=' " . sql_escape ( $room ) . " ', `FromPentabarf`='Y', `Show`='Y' " );
foreach ( $rooms_deleted as $room )
sql_query ( " DELETE FROM `Room` WHERE `Name`=' " . sql_escape ( $room ) . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
2011-07-11 21:58:06 +02:00
list ( $events_new , $events_updated , $events_deleted ) = prepare_events ();
foreach ( $events_new as $event )
sql_query ( " INSERT INTO `Shifts` SET `start`= " . sql_escape ( $event [ 'start' ]) . " , `end`= " . sql_escape ( $event [ 'end' ]) . " , `RID`= " . sql_escape ( $event [ 'RID' ]) . " , `PSID`= " . sql_escape ( $event [ 'PSID' ]) . " , `URL`=' " . sql_escape ( $event [ 'URL' ]) . " ' " );
2011-07-11 20:40:27 +02:00
$html .= template_render ( '../templates/admin_import_import.html' , array ());
2011-06-12 17:07:55 +02:00
break ;
return $html ;
2011-06-03 16:52:57 +02:00
global $Room , $RoomID , $RoomName ;
global $PentabarfGetWith , $PentabarfXMLpath , $PentabarfXMLhost ;
2011-06-12 17:07:55 +02:00
2011-06-03 16:52:57 +02:00
require_once ( " includes/funktion_xml.php " );
// DEBUG //
$ShowDataStrukture = 0 ;
$EnableRoomFunctions = 1 ;
$EnableRooms = 1 ;
$EnableSchudleFunctions = 1 ;
$EnableSchudle = 1 ;
$EnableSchudleDB = 1 ;
$html = " " ;
/* ##############################################################################################
$html .= " \n \n <br /> \n <h1>XML File:</h1> \n " ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ " PentabarfUser " ]) && isset ( $_POST [ " password " ]) && isset ( $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ])) {
$html .= " Update XCAL-File from Pentabarf.. " ;
if ( $PentabarfGetWith == " fsockopen " ) {
//backup error messeges and delate
$Backuperror_messages = $error_messages ;
$fp = fsockopen ( " ssl:// $PentabarfXMLhost " , 443 , $errno , $errstr , 30 );
// $error_messages = $Backuperror_messages;
if ( ! $fp ) {
$html .= " <h2>fail: File 'https:// $PentabarfXMLhost / $PentabarfXMLpath " . $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ] . " ' not readable! " .
" [ $errstr ( $errno )]</h2> " ;
} else {
if (( $fileOut = fopen ( " $Tempdir /engelXML " , " w " )) != FALSE ) {
$head = 'GET /' . $PentabarfXMLpath . $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ] . ' HTTP/1.1' . " \r \n " .
'Host: ' . $PentabarfXMLhost . " \r \n " .
'User-Agent: Engelsystem' . " \r \n " .
'Authorization: Basic ' .
base64_encode ( $_POST [ " PentabarfUser " ] . ':' . $_POST [ " password " ]) . " \r \n " .
" \r \n " ;
fputs ( $fp , $head );
$Zeilen = - 1 ;
while ( ! feof ( $fp )) {
$Temp = fgets ( $fp , 1024 );
// ende des headers
if ( $Temp == " f20 \r \n " ) {
$Zeilen = 0 ;
$Temp = " " ;
//file ende?
if ( $Temp == " 0 \r \n " )
break ;
if (( $Zeilen > - 1 ) && ( $Temp != " ffb \r \n " )) {
//steuerzeichen ausfiltern
if ( strpos ( " # $Temp " , " \r \n " ) > 0 )
$Temp = substr ( $Temp , 0 , strlen ( $Temp ) - 2 );
if ( strpos ( " # $Temp " , " 1005 " ) > 0 )
$Temp = " " ;
if ( strpos ( " # $Temp " , " 783 " ) > 0 )
$Temp = " " ;
//schreiben in file
fputs ( $fileOut , $Temp );
$Zeilen ++ ;
fclose ( $fileOut );
$html .= " <br />Es wurden $Zeilen Zeilen eingelesen<br /> " ;
} else
$html .= " <h2>fail: File ' $Tempdir /engelXML' not writeable!</h2> " ;
fclose ( $fp );
elseif ( $PentabarfGetWith == " fopen " ) {
//user uns password in url einbauen
$FileNameIn = " https:// " . $_POST [ " PentabarfUser " ] . ':' . $_POST [ " password " ] . " @ " .
$PentabarfXMLhost . " / " . $PentabarfXMLpath . $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ];
if (( $fileIn = fopen ( $FileNameIn , " r " )) != FALSE ) {
if (( $fileOut = fopen ( " $Tempdir /engelXML " , " w " )) != FALSE ) {
$Zeilen = 0 ;
while ( ! feof ( $fileIn )) {
$Zeilen ++ ;
fputs ( $fileOut , fgets ( $fileIn ));
fclose ( $fileOut );
$html .= " <br />Es wurden $Zeilen Zeilen eingelesen<br /> " ;
} else
$html .= " <h2>fail: File ' $Tempdir /engelXML' not writeable!</h2> " ;
fclose ( $fileIn );
} else
$html .= " <h2>fail: File 'https:// $PentabarfXMLhost / $PentabarfXMLpath " . $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ] . " ' not readable!</h2> " ;
elseif ( $PentabarfGetWith == " wget " ) {
$Command = " wget --http-user= " . $_POST [ " PentabarfUser " ] . " --http-passwd= " . $_POST [ " password " ] . " " .
" https:// $PentabarfXMLhost / $PentabarfXMLpath " . $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ] .
" --output-file= $Tempdir /engelXMLwgetLog --output-document= $Tempdir /engelXML " .
" --no-check-certificate " ;
$html .= system ( $Command , $Status );
if ( $Status == 0 )
$html .= " OK.<br /> " ;
$html .= " fail ( $Status )( $Command ).<br /> " ;
elseif ( $PentabarfGetWith == " lynx " ) {
$Command = " lynx -auth= " . $_POST [ " PentabarfUser " ] . " : " . $_POST [ " password " ] . " -dump " .
" https:// $PentabarfXMLhost / $PentabarfXMLpath " . $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ] . " > $Tempdir /engelXML " ;
$html .= system ( $Command , $Status );
if ( $Status == 0 )
$html .= " OK.<br /> " ;
$html .= " fail ( $Status )( $Command ).<br /> " ;
elseif ( $PentabarfGetWith == " fopen " ) {
//user uns password in url einbauen
$FileNameIn = " https:// " . $_POST [ " PentabarfUser " ] . ':' . $_POST [ " password " ] . " @ " .
$PentabarfXMLhost . " / " . $PentabarfXMLpath . $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ];
if (( $fileIn = fopen ( $FileNameIn , " r " )) != FALSE ) {
if (( $fileOut = fopen ( " $Tempdir /engelXML " , " w " )) != FALSE ) {
$Zeilen = 0 ;
while ( ! feof ( $fileIn )) {
$Zeilen ++ ;
fputs ( $fileOut , fgets ( $fileIn ));
fclose ( $fileOut );
$html .= " <br />Es wurden $Zeilen Zeilen eingelesen<br /> " ;
} else
$html .= " <h2>fail: File ' $Tempdir /engelXML' not writeable!</h2> " ;
fclose ( $fileIn );
} else
$html .= " <h2>fail: File 'https:// $PentabarfXMLhost / $PentabarfXMLpath " . $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ] . " ' not readable!</h2> " ;
elseif ( $PentabarfGetWith == " wget " ) {
$Command = " wget --http-user= " . $_POST [ " PentabarfUser " ] . " --http-passwd= " . $_POST [ " password " ] . " " .
" https:// $PentabarfXMLhost / $PentabarfXMLpath " . $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ] .
" --output-file= $Tempdir /engelXMLwgetLog --output-document= $Tempdir /engelXML " .
" --no-check-certificate " ;
$html .= system ( $Command , $Status );
if ( $Status == 0 )
$html .= " OK.<br /> " ;
$html .= " fail ( $Status )( $Command ).<br /> " ;
elseif ( $PentabarfGetWith == " lynx " ) {
$Command = " lynx -auth= " . $_POST [ " PentabarfUser " ] . " : " . $_POST [ " password " ] . " -dump " .
" https:// $PentabarfXMLhost / $PentabarfXMLpath " . $_POST [ " PentabarfURL " ] . " > $Tempdir /engelXML " ;
$html .= system ( $Command , $Status );
if ( $Status == 0 )
$html .= " OK.<br /> " ;
$html .= " fail ( $Status )( $Command ).<br /> " ;
} else
$html .= " <h1>The PentabarfGetWith=' $PentabarfGetWith ' not supported</h1> " ;
} else {
$html .= " <form action= \" dbUpdateFromXLS.php \" method= \" post \" > \n " ;
$html .= " <table border= \" 0 \" > \n " ;
$html .= " \t <tr><td>XCAL-File: https:// $PentabarfXMLhost / $PentabarfXMLpath </td> " .
" <td><input name= \" PentabarfURL \" type= \" text \" size= \" 4 \" maxlength= \" 5 \" " .
" value= \" $PentabarfXMLEventID\ " ></ td ></ tr > \n " ;
$html .= " \t <tr><td>Username:</td> " .
" <td><input name= \" PentabarfUser \" type= \" text \" size= \" 30 \" maxlength= \" 30 \" ></td></tr> \n " ;
$html .= " \t <tr><td>Password:</td> " .
" <td><input name= \" password \" type= \" password \" size= \" 30 \" maxlength= \" 30 \" ></td></tr> \n " ;
$html .= " \t <tr><td></td><td><input type= \" submit \" name= \" FileUpload \" value= \" upload \" ></td></tr> \n " ;
$html .= " </table> \n " ;
$html .= " </form> \n " ;
return $html ;
2011-07-11 20:40:27 +02:00
function prepare_rooms () {
2011-07-11 21:58:06 +02:00
global $rooms_import ;
$data = read_xml ();
2011-07-11 20:40:27 +02:00
// Load rooms from db for compare with input
$rooms = sql_select ( " SELECT * FROM `Room` WHERE `FromPentabarf`='Y' " );
$rooms_db = array ();
2011-07-11 21:58:06 +02:00
$rooms_import = array ();
foreach ( $rooms as $room ) {
2011-07-11 20:40:27 +02:00
$rooms_db [] = $room [ 'Name' ];
2011-07-11 21:58:06 +02:00
$rooms_import [ $room [ 'Name' ]] = $room [ 'RID' ];
2011-07-11 20:40:27 +02:00
$events = $data -> vcalendar -> vevent ;
$rooms_pb = array ();
foreach ( $events as $event )
$rooms_pb [] = $event -> location ;
$rooms_pb = array_unique ( $rooms_pb );
$rooms_new = array_diff ( $rooms_pb , $rooms_db );
$rooms_deleted = array_diff ( $rooms_db , $rooms_pb );
return array (
$rooms_new ,
2011-07-11 21:58:06 +02:00
function prepare_events () {
global $rooms_import ;
$data = read_xml ();
$rooms = sql_select ( " SELECT * FROM `Room` " );
$rooms_db = array ();
foreach ( $rooms as $room )
$rooms_db [ $room [ 'Name' ]] = $room [ 'RID' ];
$events = $data -> vcalendar -> vevent ;
$shifts_pb = array ();
foreach ( $events as $event ) {
$event_pb = $event -> children ( " http://pentabarf.org " );
$shifts_pb [] = array (
'start' => DateTime :: createFromFormat ( " Ymd \T His " , $event -> dtstart ) -> getTimestamp (),
'end' => DateTime :: createFromFormat ( " Ymd \T His " , $event -> dtend ) -> getTimestamp (),
'RID' => $rooms_import [ trim ( $event -> location )],
'URL' => trim ( $event -> url ),
'PSID' => trim ( $event_pb -> {
'event-id' })
return array (
$shifts_pb ,
array (),
array ()
function read_xml () {
global $xml_import ;
if ( ! isset ( $xml_import ))
$xml_import = new SimpleXMLElement ( file_get_contents ( '../import/27C3_sample.xcs' ));
return $xml_import ;
function shifts_printable ( $shifts ) {
global $rooms_import ;
$rooms = array_flip ( $rooms_import );
usort ( $shifts , 'shift_sort' );
$shifts_printable = array ();
foreach ( $shifts as $shift )
$shifts_printable [] = array (
'day' => date ( " l, Y-m-d " , $shift [ 'start' ]),
'start' => date ( " H:i " , $shift [ 'start' ]),
'end' => date ( " H:i " , $shift [ 'end' ]),
'room' => $rooms [ $shift [ 'RID' ]]
return $shifts_printable ;
function shift_sort ( $a , $b ) {
return ( $a [ 'start' ] < $b [ 'start' ]) ? - 1 : 1 ;
2011-06-03 16:52:57 +02:00