2005-11-30 00:51:32 +01:00
$title = "Himmel";
$header = "";
2011-05-26 00:52:57 +02:00
include ("../../../camp2011/includes/header.php");
2005-11-30 00:51:32 +01:00
If( !isset($_GET["action"]) )
$_GET["action"] = "start";
switch( $_GET["action"])
case "start":
echo Get_Text("Hello"). $_SESSION['Nick']. ", <br>\n";
echo Get_Text("pub_messages_text1"). "<br><br>\n";
//show exist Messages
2006-12-03 23:18:25 +01:00
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `Messages` WHERE `SUID`='". $_SESSION["UID"]. "' OR `RUID`='". $_SESSION["UID"]. "'";
2005-11-30 00:51:32 +01:00
$erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
echo "<table border=\"0\" class=\"border\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "\t<td class=\"contenttopic\"><b>". Get_Text("pub_messages_Datum"). "</b></td>\n";
echo "\t<td class=\"contenttopic\"><b>". Get_Text("pub_messages_Von"). "</b></td>\n";
echo "\t<td class=\"contenttopic\"><b>". Get_Text("pub_messages_An"). "</b></td>\n";
echo "\t<td class=\"contenttopic\"><b>". Get_Text("pub_messages_Text"). "</b></td>\n";
echo "\t<td class=\"contenttopic\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
for( $i=0; $i<mysql_num_rows( $erg ); $i++ )
echo "<tr class=\"content\">\n";
echo "\t<td>". mysql_result( $erg, $i, "Datum" ). "</td>\n";
echo "\t<td>". UID2Nick( mysql_result( $erg, $i, "SUID" )). "</td>\n";
echo "\t<td>". UID2Nick( mysql_result( $erg, $i, "RUID" )). "</td>\n";
echo "\t<td>". mysql_result( $erg, $i, "Text" ). "</td>\n";
echo "\t<td>";
if( mysql_result( $erg, $i, "RUID")==$_SESSION["UID"])
echo "<a href=\"?action=DelMsg&Datum=". mysql_result( $erg, $i, "Datum" ).
"\">". Get_Text("pub_messages_DelMsg"). "</a>";
if( mysql_result( $erg, $i, "isRead")=="N")
echo "<br><br><a href=\"?action=MarkRead&Datum=". mysql_result( $erg, $i, "Datum" ).
"\">". Get_Text("pub_messages_MarkRead"). "</a>";
2005-11-30 23:42:51 +01:00
if( mysql_result( $erg, $i, "isRead")=="N")
echo Get_Text("pub_messages_NotRead");
2005-11-30 00:51:32 +01:00
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
//send Messeges
echo "<form action=\"". $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']. "?action=SendMsg\" method=\"POST\" >";
echo "<tr class=\"content\">\n";
echo "\t<td></td>\n";
echo "\t<td></td>\n";
// Listet alle Nicks auf
echo "\t<td><select name=\"RUID\">\n";
2005-11-30 23:42:51 +01:00
$usql="SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE (`UID`!='". $_SESSION["UID"] ."') ORDER BY `Nick`";
2005-11-30 00:51:32 +01:00
$uErg = mysql_query($usql, $con);
$urowcount = mysql_num_rows($uErg);
for ($k=0; $k<$urowcount; $k++)
echo "\t\t\t<option value=\"".mysql_result($uErg, $k, "UID")."\">".
mysql_result($uErg, $k, "Nick"). "</option>\n";
echo "</select></td>\n";
echo "\t<td><textarea name=\"Text\" cols=\"30\" rows=\"10\"></textarea></td>\n";
echo "\t<td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"". Get_Text("save"). "\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</form>";
echo "</table>\n";
case "SendMsg":
echo Get_Text("pub_messages_Send1"). "...<br>\n";
$SQL = "INSERT INTO `Messages` ( `Datum` , `SUID` , `RUID` , `Text` ) VALUES (".
"'". gmdate("Y-m-j H:i:s", time()). "', ".
"'". $_SESSION["UID"]. "', ".
"'". $_POST["RUID"]."', ".
"'". $_POST["Text"]. "');";
$Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
if ($Erg == 1)
echo Get_Text("pub_messages_Send_OK"). "\n";
echo Get_Text("pub_messages_Send_Error"). "...\n(". mysql_error($con). ")";
case "MarkRead":
$SQL = "UPDATE `Messages` SET `isRead` = 'Y' ".
2006-12-03 23:18:25 +01:00
"WHERE `Datum` = '". $_GET["Datum"]. "' AND `RUID`='". $_SESSION["UID"]. "' ".
2005-11-30 00:51:32 +01:00
"LIMIT 1 ;";
$Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
if ($Erg == 1)
echo Get_Text("pub_messages_MarkRead_OK"). "\n";
echo Get_Text("pub_messages_MarkRead_KO"). "...\n(". mysql_error($con). ")";
case "DelMsg":
$SQL = "DELETE FROM `Messages` ".
2006-12-03 23:18:25 +01:00
"WHERE `Datum` = '". $_GET["Datum"]. "' AND `RUID` ='". $_SESSION["UID"]. "' ".
2005-11-30 00:51:32 +01:00
"LIMIT 1;";
$Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
if ($Erg == 1)
echo Get_Text("pub_messages_DelMsg_OK"). "\n";
echo Get_Text("pub_messages_DelMsg_KO"). "...\n(". mysql_error($con). ")";
echo Get_Text("pub_messages_NoCommand");
2011-05-26 00:52:57 +02:00
include ("../../../camp2011/includes/footer.php");
2005-11-30 00:51:32 +01:00