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2022-07-25 02:32:08 +02:00
// Copyright (c) 2020 Nikos Filippakis
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
package event
import (
type VerificationMethod string
const VerificationMethodSAS VerificationMethod = ""
// VerificationRequestEventContent represents the content of a m.key.verification.request to_device event.
type VerificationRequestEventContent struct {
// The device ID which is initiating the request.
FromDevice id.DeviceID `json:"from_device"`
// An opaque identifier for the verification request. Must be unique with respect to the devices involved.
TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id,omitempty"`
// The verification methods supported by the sender.
Methods []VerificationMethod `json:"methods"`
// The POSIX timestamp in milliseconds for when the request was made.
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
// The user that the event is sent to for in-room verification.
To id.UserID `json:"to,omitempty"`
// Original event ID for in-room verification.
RelatesTo *RelatesTo `json:"m.relates_to,omitempty"`
func (vrec *VerificationRequestEventContent) SupportsVerificationMethod(meth VerificationMethod) bool {
for _, supportedMeth := range vrec.Methods {
if supportedMeth == meth {
return true
return false
type KeyAgreementProtocol string
const (
KeyAgreementCurve25519 KeyAgreementProtocol = "curve25519"
KeyAgreementCurve25519HKDFSHA256 KeyAgreementProtocol = "curve25519-hkdf-sha256"
type VerificationHashMethod string
const VerificationHashSHA256 VerificationHashMethod = "sha256"
type MACMethod string
const HKDFHMACSHA256 MACMethod = "hkdf-hmac-sha256"
type SASMethod string
const (
SASDecimal SASMethod = "decimal"
SASEmoji SASMethod = "emoji"
// VerificationStartEventContent represents the content of a m.key.verification.start to_device event.
type VerificationStartEventContent struct {
// The device ID which is initiating the process.
FromDevice id.DeviceID `json:"from_device"`
// An opaque identifier for the verification process. Must be unique with respect to the devices involved.
TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id,omitempty"`
// The verification method to use.
Method VerificationMethod `json:"method"`
// The key agreement protocols the sending device understands.
KeyAgreementProtocols []KeyAgreementProtocol `json:"key_agreement_protocols"`
// The hash methods the sending device understands.
Hashes []VerificationHashMethod `json:"hashes"`
// The message authentication codes that the sending device understands.
MessageAuthenticationCodes []MACMethod `json:"message_authentication_codes"`
// The SAS methods the sending device (and the sending device's user) understands.
ShortAuthenticationString []SASMethod `json:"short_authentication_string"`
// The user that the event is sent to for in-room verification.
To id.UserID `json:"to,omitempty"`
// Original event ID for in-room verification.
RelatesTo *RelatesTo `json:"m.relates_to,omitempty"`
func (vsec *VerificationStartEventContent) SupportsKeyAgreementProtocol(proto KeyAgreementProtocol) bool {
for _, supportedProto := range vsec.KeyAgreementProtocols {
if supportedProto == proto {
return true
return false
func (vsec *VerificationStartEventContent) SupportsHashMethod(alg VerificationHashMethod) bool {
for _, supportedAlg := range vsec.Hashes {
if supportedAlg == alg {
return true
return false
func (vsec *VerificationStartEventContent) SupportsMACMethod(meth MACMethod) bool {
for _, supportedMeth := range vsec.MessageAuthenticationCodes {
if supportedMeth == meth {
return true
return false
func (vsec *VerificationStartEventContent) SupportsSASMethod(meth SASMethod) bool {
for _, supportedMeth := range vsec.ShortAuthenticationString {
if supportedMeth == meth {
return true
return false
func (vsec *VerificationStartEventContent) GetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
if vsec.RelatesTo == nil {
vsec.RelatesTo = &RelatesTo{}
return vsec.RelatesTo
func (vsec *VerificationStartEventContent) OptionalGetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
return vsec.RelatesTo
func (vsec *VerificationStartEventContent) SetRelatesTo(rel *RelatesTo) {
vsec.RelatesTo = rel
// VerificationReadyEventContent represents the content of a m.key.verification.ready event.
type VerificationReadyEventContent struct {
// The device ID which accepted the process.
FromDevice id.DeviceID `json:"from_device"`
// The verification methods supported by the sender.
Methods []VerificationMethod `json:"methods"`
// Original event ID for in-room verification.
RelatesTo *RelatesTo `json:"m.relates_to,omitempty"`
var _ Relatable = (*VerificationReadyEventContent)(nil)
func (vrec *VerificationReadyEventContent) GetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
if vrec.RelatesTo == nil {
vrec.RelatesTo = &RelatesTo{}
return vrec.RelatesTo
func (vrec *VerificationReadyEventContent) OptionalGetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
return vrec.RelatesTo
func (vrec *VerificationReadyEventContent) SetRelatesTo(rel *RelatesTo) {
vrec.RelatesTo = rel
// VerificationAcceptEventContent represents the content of a m.key.verification.accept to_device event.
type VerificationAcceptEventContent struct {
// An opaque identifier for the verification process. Must be the same as the one used for the m.key.verification.start message.
TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id,omitempty"`
// The verification method to use.
Method VerificationMethod `json:"method"`
// The key agreement protocol the device is choosing to use, out of the options in the m.key.verification.start message.
KeyAgreementProtocol KeyAgreementProtocol `json:"key_agreement_protocol"`
// The hash method the device is choosing to use, out of the options in the m.key.verification.start message.
Hash VerificationHashMethod `json:"hash"`
// The message authentication code the device is choosing to use, out of the options in the m.key.verification.start message.
MessageAuthenticationCode MACMethod `json:"message_authentication_code"`
// The SAS methods both devices involved in the verification process understand. Must be a subset of the options in the m.key.verification.start message.
ShortAuthenticationString []SASMethod `json:"short_authentication_string"`
// The hash (encoded as unpadded base64) of the concatenation of the device's ephemeral public key (encoded as unpadded base64) and the canonical JSON representation of the m.key.verification.start message.
Commitment string `json:"commitment"`
// The user that the event is sent to for in-room verification.
To id.UserID `json:"to,omitempty"`
// Original event ID for in-room verification.
RelatesTo *RelatesTo `json:"m.relates_to,omitempty"`
func (vaec *VerificationAcceptEventContent) GetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
if vaec.RelatesTo == nil {
vaec.RelatesTo = &RelatesTo{}
return vaec.RelatesTo
func (vaec *VerificationAcceptEventContent) OptionalGetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
return vaec.RelatesTo
func (vaec *VerificationAcceptEventContent) SetRelatesTo(rel *RelatesTo) {
vaec.RelatesTo = rel
// VerificationKeyEventContent represents the content of a m.key.verification.key to_device event.
type VerificationKeyEventContent struct {
// An opaque identifier for the verification process. Must be the same as the one used for the m.key.verification.start message.
TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id,omitempty"`
// The device's ephemeral public key, encoded as unpadded base64.
Key string `json:"key"`
// The user that the event is sent to for in-room verification.
To id.UserID `json:"to,omitempty"`
// Original event ID for in-room verification.
RelatesTo *RelatesTo `json:"m.relates_to,omitempty"`
func (vkec *VerificationKeyEventContent) GetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
if vkec.RelatesTo == nil {
vkec.RelatesTo = &RelatesTo{}
return vkec.RelatesTo
func (vkec *VerificationKeyEventContent) OptionalGetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
return vkec.RelatesTo
func (vkec *VerificationKeyEventContent) SetRelatesTo(rel *RelatesTo) {
vkec.RelatesTo = rel
// VerificationMacEventContent represents the content of a m.key.verification.mac to_device event.
type VerificationMacEventContent struct {
// An opaque identifier for the verification process. Must be the same as the one used for the m.key.verification.start message.
TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id,omitempty"`
// A map of the key ID to the MAC of the key, using the algorithm in the verification process. The MAC is encoded as unpadded base64.
Mac map[id.KeyID]string `json:"mac"`
// The MAC of the comma-separated, sorted, list of key IDs given in the mac property, encoded as unpadded base64.
Keys string `json:"keys"`
// The user that the event is sent to for in-room verification.
To id.UserID `json:"to,omitempty"`
// Original event ID for in-room verification.
RelatesTo *RelatesTo `json:"m.relates_to,omitempty"`
func (vmec *VerificationMacEventContent) GetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
if vmec.RelatesTo == nil {
vmec.RelatesTo = &RelatesTo{}
return vmec.RelatesTo
func (vmec *VerificationMacEventContent) OptionalGetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
return vmec.RelatesTo
func (vmec *VerificationMacEventContent) SetRelatesTo(rel *RelatesTo) {
vmec.RelatesTo = rel
type VerificationCancelCode string
const (
VerificationCancelByUser VerificationCancelCode = "m.user"
VerificationCancelByTimeout VerificationCancelCode = "m.timeout"
VerificationCancelUnknownTransaction VerificationCancelCode = "m.unknown_transaction"
VerificationCancelUnknownMethod VerificationCancelCode = "m.unknown_method"
VerificationCancelUnexpectedMessage VerificationCancelCode = "m.unexpected_message"
VerificationCancelKeyMismatch VerificationCancelCode = "m.key_mismatch"
VerificationCancelUserMismatch VerificationCancelCode = "m.user_mismatch"
VerificationCancelInvalidMessage VerificationCancelCode = "m.invalid_message"
VerificationCancelAccepted VerificationCancelCode = "m.accepted"
VerificationCancelSASMismatch VerificationCancelCode = "m.mismatched_sas"
VerificationCancelCommitmentMismatch VerificationCancelCode = "m.mismatched_commitment"
// VerificationCancelEventContent represents the content of a m.key.verification.cancel to_device event.
type VerificationCancelEventContent struct {
// The opaque identifier for the verification process/request.
TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id,omitempty"`
// A human readable description of the code. The client should only rely on this string if it does not understand the code.
Reason string `json:"reason"`
// The error code for why the process/request was cancelled by the user.
Code VerificationCancelCode `json:"code"`
// The user that the event is sent to for in-room verification.
To id.UserID `json:"to,omitempty"`
// Original event ID for in-room verification.
RelatesTo *RelatesTo `json:"m.relates_to,omitempty"`
func (vcec *VerificationCancelEventContent) GetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
if vcec.RelatesTo == nil {
vcec.RelatesTo = &RelatesTo{}
return vcec.RelatesTo
func (vcec *VerificationCancelEventContent) OptionalGetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
return vcec.RelatesTo
func (vcec *VerificationCancelEventContent) SetRelatesTo(rel *RelatesTo) {
vcec.RelatesTo = rel